People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 240: If You Lose, Don’T Hold Grudges (Please Subscribe~)

The slave of the ingredients, this sentence made Eishi Tsukasa a little stunned. He wanted to say that his own thinking was in his cooking, but he knew very well what his cooking thinking was.

His cooking thinking is that he has no self, and he handles cooking completely according to the ingredients. So, as a chef, he has been controlled by his own ingredients?

When Eishi Tsukasa reacted, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Just now he thought about how to make the simple potato and egg soup, but he felt he hesitated for a few seconds.

Although his ability to make such a simple dish is very simple, but he still hesitates when he hears such a simple dish. This is a very scary thing to think about

Bai Yu also saw Eishi Tsukasa's cranky thinking, because Eishi Tsukasa's work pressure as the first seat and his introverted personality, so he was under a lot of pressure and felt insecure, so he also The easier it is to go into a corner, the easier it is to go to extremes and think wildly.

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Student Si, you don't have to think too much. No matter what you do, you are the one who made it. Your strength is still very strong. It's just that you rely too much on your own abilities. Next time, try a little bit." Enter your own thoughts."

"My own opinion?"

Bai Yu nodded and said: "You can talk to the ingredients instead of just hearing them. Next time, try to discuss with the ingredients. I think it's okay to cut the potato into strips~"

Eishi Tsukasa nodded, and Bai Yu said warmly: "In this case, you should know why no matter how you improve, you can't achieve the desired effect~"

Eishi Tsukasa said with a sigh of relief: "Manager Bai Yu, if possible, I would like to..."

"It's fine to be a teacher~ I don't accept apprentices~"

Eishi Tsukasa nodded seriously, with a rare smile that a child of his age should appear on his face, and said with a smile: "Shop Manager Bai Yu, if possible, I would like to invite you after I graduate. You try it once."

Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "It's okay at any time, it doesn't have to be just a taste, and what you just wanted to say is, let's compete with you~

Eishi Tsukasa scratched his head and nodded, Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "No problem."

"Eh? Is it really possible?!"

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Of course it's okay, but don't hold grudges if you lose."

"Hmm! Absolutely not! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

"1400 yen"

"Very cheap!"

"These things are not valuable to me, but, classmate Si, if you open a store by yourself in the future, you can set the price normally~"


After Eishi Tsukasa put down the money, he looked at Bai Yu and said in a deep voice: "Shop Manager Bai Yu, I will come here on time on the day of graduation, I think I will not let you down."

Bai Yu patted Eishi Tsukasa on the shoulder and said: "Don't let yourself down, you will look around after graduation, it's a good choice, when you pass by here in the future or meet me somewhere in the world, Your challenges and trials are always welcome. But..."

"If you lose, you won't / promise to hold grudges~"

Bai Yu nodded, Eishi Tsukasa didn't say anything, just said good-bye, teacher and wife, and then left. Bai Yu looked at the door of the store and smiled, always with a simple heart, moving forward with persistence, and the ups and downs under his feet were not a problem.

After Eishi Tsukasa left the shop, he gave a deep salute to the shop door, and said softly: "Thank you for teaching, Bai Yu picture

Eishi Tsukasa knew that Bai Yu would not admit that he was his student, and in fact he was not, but in Eishi Tsukasa's heart, Bai Yu was the best teacher, so he always called Lucifer and the others his teacher's wife.

Bai Yu also noticed this, but Bai Yu didn't say anything. Sometimes everything is silent, and there is no need to say it, as long as you know it in your heart.

Crouch looked at Bai Yu's back and said with some emotion: "Mr. Bai Yu, do you still regard Eishi Tsukasa and others as your students?"

Bai Yu didn't turn around but said with a sigh of relief: "I don't know how to teach students..."


"I'm just a restaurant owner who can give advice~"

Seeing the gentle smile on Bai Yu's face, Craki's heart jumped for no reason, and Craki said softly: "I think this student named Eishi Tsukasa will definitely become an excellent chef in the future."

0…ask for flowers……

"That depends on how far his footsteps want to go~"

Crouch said with a smile: "Mr. Bai Yu is really an exceptionally attractive man~"

"Huh? Maybe that's why it's called Huaxindaluobo~ Right~Little Queen~"

After Lucifer snorted, she continued to turn around and play with her mobile phone. She would not admit that she had some feelings just now. The most precious thing in human beings is emotion, and there is nothing more magical than emotion.

The warm-blooded comradeship and friendship between men, the love between lovers, the affection between family members, etc., etc., these are the emotions that will make people stop and watch and be touched by them

At this time, Eishi Tsukasa was walking silently on the road, against the flow of people, and against the moonlight. Eishi Tsukasa was in a very complicated mood at this time. For some reason, he felt that he had grown a lot suddenly. Boys sometimes It only takes a moment to grow up.

A phone rang, and Eishi Tsukasa chose to answer the strange phone after glancing at it. A relatively soft voice rang from the phone: "You are the current first seat, Mr. Eishi Tsukasa, right?"

"Yes, what do you want?"

"There is nothing but I hope Mr. Eishi Tsukasa, you can take a good look at the email I sent you tonight. I think that you, as an excellent existence, will definitely agree to my thoughts and look forward to your reply."

Eishi Tsukasa looked puzzled after looking at the hung up phone. He didn't know why he always felt that the man seemed very anxious just now, but he didn't have time to read the email. After all, he had learned a lot today and planned to come all night I'm studying cooking, anyway, he is the first seat, so I don't need to go to class.

"Then all the first seats to the ninth seats have been notified. Only Eishi Tsukasa needs to make a phone call. It's really troublesome, but I shouldn't be disappointed~"

On the plane, Nakamura Ji switched to flight mode after speaking, and the plane started to move slowly. Nakamura Ji looked at the direction of WGO and sneered, then took a report and read it.

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