People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 265: The Beginning Of A Sad Day For Kasuga Yeqiong (Please Subscribe~)

Hearing this energetic voice, you don't need to guess that it's Ami Soruin. When Clara heard the voice, she was stunned for a moment. When she turned her head and saw it was Ami Soruin, she said in surprise : "Hey~ Isn't this Zhu Mei? Why are you here?"

Kasuga Nokome, who was still standing on the stairs when Claki called the black-haired girl Zhumei, also began to look at her, and said in a low voice, "Is this the one that Bai Yu big brother found for me? It looks pretty good." ..."

Zhu Mei walked in and said politely: "Brother Bai Yu, sister Craki, sister Cerberus, good morning!"

After the three of them replied, Bai Yu said helplessly, "Zhu Mei, you came 20 minutes earlier than I expected. Did you have a good rest when you came so early?"

Zhu Mei heard this and said with a headache: "Don't talk about rest, Brother Bai Yu~ You should take care of my sister, I slept soundly last night, she came to wake me up, scared me, and then Never fell asleep again...”

Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "It seems that Ziyin is also looking forward to it, and I will talk to you when I see Ziyin later. At this time, even Xiao Qiongri, don't peek."

Crouch tilted her head and said doubtfully, "Xiao Qiong? Who is it?"

Kasuga Nokome struggled for a while and walked down with her own rabbit doll in her arms. Craki and Soruin Ameme's eyes lit up when they saw Kasuga Nokome. This is an exquisite doll!

Crouch said excitedly: "Wow! What a delicate child! Who is Mr. Baiyi? Why is she also on the second floor?~Why don't I know?"

Seeing a somewhat excited Craki, Bai Yu said in a warm voice: "Xiao Qiong, it happens that Craki is also here, so please introduce yourself, and Craki will often live here in the future - you should get along well~"

Kasugano Dome glanced at Crouch and said in a low voice, "Kasugano Dome...please take care of me..."

Crouch looked at Kasugano Dome, who was obviously shy, and said with a smile: "Yeah! Xiao Qiong is really cute, why haven't I seen you before? Are you in the room all the time?

"No... I just moved here after today..."

"Eh? Okay!"

Cerberus was obviously a little excited. The more people there were, the more lively it was. Cerberus regarded this place as her own home. Although Bai Yu was usually enough, she still hoped that it could be more lively.

Zuoliuyuan Zhu Mei is originally a lady of everyone, and she is also a young girl with vitality, so she directly stepped forward and said politely: "Xiao Qiong, I am Zhumei from Zuoliuyuan, just call me Zhu Mei

Leave your itinerary for today to me

Kasugano Dome nodded and whispered, "Please take care of me."

"Well! Then Brother Bai Yu! Let's go first! Today seems to be a lot of things!"

Bai Yu nodded, and then saw Kasuga Nokome being dragged away by Soruin Akimi reluctantly, and everyone only heard the sound of Soruin Amomi saying goodbye, and they could no longer see the two of them.


"Huh? What's the matter?"

"How do we get to school?"

"Let's go!"

"Oh... eh?! Don't!"

"Not far away~"

"I don't believe it! I've been to Huangying!"

"Maybe you remember wrong~ Let's go!"

In the store, Bai Yu smiled and shook his head when he heard Kasuga Nokome's shout. In a sense, the four of them, Soruin Azumi and the others, should be a very special group of girls of the same age.

First of all, because these girls have no bad hobbies, and secondly, each of them is a very mature existence, and they can still maintain a full of vitality. This is still very difficult.

Bai Yu said playfully: "It looks like Xiaoqiong will be very active today~"

"As long as it doesn't burn out..."

Crouch covered her mouth with a chuckle and said, "Bai Yu, how could Xiaoqiong be taken away by Jumeirah? Are the two of them from the same school?"

"It wasn't before, but it will be soon. Xiaoqiong is going to transfer to Zhu Mei's school. Before that, Xiaoqiong has been in poor health and has a somewhat introverted personality. Tsundere is still afraid of life and has a relatively mature heart, so he has no friends..."

"Oh! So, Bai Yu wants Zhu Mei and Xiang to be friends with Xiaoqiong? This decision is very good! Xiaoqiong's personality and theirs should complement each other very well, and they are quite mature~"

Cerberus didn't care about those things but said expectantly: "Bai Yu Bai Yu Bai Yu! When will Xiao Qiong come back?"


"What's the matter, Cerberus? Don't you really want to play with Xiaoqiong?"

"Yes yes yes yes!"

Bai Yu thought about the appearance of Kasuga Nokome and Cerberus together. I don’t know why it is very visual. Kasuga Nokome should be troubled by Cerberus, but he will definitely like Cerberus very much.

Cerberus belongs to the kind of existence that even if he is very enthusiastic, he will also feel very cute, otherwise, even a cold and detached existence like Ji Zhiguo Ningning would not like Cerberus so much.

Bai Yu suddenly thought of something and said to Crouch, "Crach, Cerberus and Lucifer will be handed over to you today."

Crouch was stunned and said in confusion: "Leave it to me? What do you mean?"

After Bai Yu explained the reasons, Clara nodded and said, "Oh~ that's it, if that's the case, then I'll take the two of them to the resort~"


Crouch nodded and said: "That's right~ Although I'm staying here temporarily, Master Mana still gave me a task to go to a few places to discuss before they come back.

"It's okay, it happens that the resort can also provide massages and so on, so don't worry about lunch."

"Hmm! But what about Lucifer? Why didn't I see her?"

Hearing this, the corners of Bai Yu's mouth twitched, and Lucifer in the room immediately threw himself on the bed after taking a shower and said, "Damn it! I must win once! I must! Let him know the majesty of the Queen of Hell! Say something!" It's been a long time since I visited the store to lie down and rest..."

"Bah...but can devils suffer from backaches..."

At this time, Lucifer was staring at the ceiling in a daze while silently using the healing technique, and from time to time said these ten or two sentences that were hard but unrealized.

"Huh? But... why there is still no sign... Sure enough, Bai Yu is not a normal human... But this restaurant is not so normal..."

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