People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 273 Muscle Stretching Exercise, Xiaoqiong Discovered By Qi Luoli (Please Subscribe~)

Dojima Gin chose not to talk to Kraqi, her blood pressure would go up if she talked to this girl, but Kraqi has a more vicious tongue than Dekla, and it is the kind of critical attack.

"So, Miss Crouch, what do you need to do today?"

Crouch took out her mobile phone and looked at it and said, "Well... try the dishes, check the situation of the resort, and then establish a cooperative relationship with WGO... Eh? Wasn't it a cooperative relationship before?"

Dojima Gin was stunned for a moment and said: "It's a cooperative relationship. The star rating of Tōtsuki Resort is still selected by WGO. Although only the catering part is selected, but... ah! I know what Mana means!"

"Huh? What does Master Mana mean?"

"Mana's meaning should be that when the WGO is moved here, I want to do some other cooperation with the resort, such as some kind of co-working benefits~"

Crouch nodded and said: "Oh~ So that's the case~ It seems to be a lot easier to say that~ And the entertainment here is really more abundant than that over there..."

Dojima Gin said with a smile: "Of course! Although there are not many, but the quality is guaranteed to some extent, let's go, first to inspect the environment, right~"

Crouch nodded, but at this moment she suddenly realized that Cerberus seemed to have discovered something, her eyes had been looking in one direction, and the most important thing was that she was still pulling Lucifer, as if to do something Same.

But Crouch doesn't care, after all, they are such big people, and it is impossible to get lost, so they don't have so many thoughts.

At this time, Zhu Mei and the others finally rushed to the gym. I don’t know if it’s because of Zhu Mei’s enthusiasm or because I enjoyed eating snacks with Sakura Hibiki.

Kasuga Yeqiong didn't realize that he had walked so far, but just felt his legs were a little sore. For some reason, Kasuga Yeqiong suddenly felt that he could challenge some things, such as running for a walk.

But thinking about how he was running, Kasuga Nokome shook his head, sure enough, this was not suitable for him, Cai Yexiang asked suspiciously: "What's wrong with you, Xiaoqiong~~?"

"It's okay, I just feel like I want to see some outrageous scenes... some..."


"somewhat disgusting"

Cai Yexiang nodded silently and said, "I'm very glad that there is one more normal person now!"

"Eh? Eh?!"

Kasuga Yeqiong looked puzzled, how could she become a normal person! She hasn't been out for a long time, so it is so simple to judge whether she is a normal person now?!

At this time, Bai Yu is still teaching Qi Luoli to practice, to be precise, he is playing with Qi Luoli. Because Qi Luoli didn't tie up her hair just now, she is still in a state of loose hair, which looks completely different A person.

Bai Yu looked at Qi Luoli who was squatting there and struggled for a while, then said: "Qi Luoli, I think it's better for you to let your hair loose."

"Eh? Really? But that's more distinctive~"

"That's right~ How far away is it?"

"Eh? I just made three~ But Bai Yu~ I'm exhausted~ Please help me~"

Bai Yu looked at the empty rod in Qi Luoli's hand and sighed. Bai Yu really wanted to say that it is really easy for the gym to earn Qi Luoli's money.

"Okay~ But after practicing this, you can take a rest first."

"Okay, okay~ Mr. Coach, I think there is that kind of stretching that relaxes the muscles~ Do you know it~"

"Yes~ what are you going to do?"

"Of course I applied for a stretching exercise~"

Bai Yu knows that Qi Luoli is here to play. As an elite, she usually trains much more than this, but when she comes here, she becomes all empty shots and says she is tired. Bai Yu naturally knows what it is mean.

So Bai Yu didn't say that you don't need muscle stretching for this amount of training. Yu Yu nodded and said: "It's fine, but you have to complete the rest of the training yourself."

"Isn't it just ten squats~ Simple and simple~"

Qi Luoli is still very satisfied with Bai Yu's answer, because she is not stupid and naturally knows that Bai Yu is always playing with her, and the answer just now is the best answer Qi Luoli wants to hear.

After getting the result I wanted most today, Qi Luoli squats can be said to be done very quickly, and the last set was completed almost without a pause.

When Qi Luoli was about to say something, she heard a familiar voice, and Bai Yu and A Hua also turned their heads to look at the entrance of the gym.

At this moment, a man in sportswear was standing there talking to Zhu Mei and the others, and Zhu Mei and the others greeted each other friendly, but what Qi Luoli really cared about was Kasugano Dome among the girls.

Qi Luoli was stunned for a moment before she smiled and said, "Eh? That's Xiaoqiong~ Why are you with Zhu Mei and the others~ It seems that a lot of interesting things happened last night while I was sleeping~"

Bai Yu smiled and said, "It's more of a surprise than interesting, Xiao Qiong should also really want to see you, let's go there~"

"Hey~ But what about my stretched muscles? My arms are so sore~ my legs hurt~"

Bai Yu squeezed Qi Luoli's face angrily and said: "I'll stretch your muscles later~ Okay, let's go to Xiaoqiong first~ Also, Ah Hua, you don't have to be so serious, you and Qi Luoli If you come to the gym with a healthy body, you can just play around~”

"Yes! Master Bai Yu! Thank you, Master Bai Yu, for your compliment!"

Bai Yu sighed, I don't know why Ah Hua always likes to call herself Master Bai Yu, but it's been so long, she can't change it, so let's just do it.

"Mr. Jiexiong, what did you do yesterday?"

"Yesterday? Ah~ I went to Comic Con yesterday! Don't you know?"

"Eh? I don't know~ But Mr. Jiexiong, you (Li Dezhao) seem to be just here too?"

Jie Xiongming said with a smile: "That's right ~ because there are no scheduled classes today, and there are relatively few people, so I came here a little later than usual. After all, my protein powder just arrived Li!"

Cai Yexiang twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "You've finished eating again... Are you eating protein powder as a meal..."

"That's not the case, but there must be some passionate time, right~"

"Jiexiong, you still like to exercise your muscles as before~"

"Eh? This voice..."

"Brother Bai Yu! Miss Qi Luoli!" x4

"Sister Qiqi Luoli... Good morning..."

Kasuga Yeqiong saw that Qi Luoli, who was looking at her with a smile, was not well, could she be unlucky! Wait online! It's urgent!

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