People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 278 Kasugano Dome's New Neighbor (Please Subscribe~)

In the end, when the two of them added nearly 400 jin, they competed for another 20 minutes. Jiexiong still couldn't hold on, his whole arm was shaking, because the standard push-ups were not very fast, and the weight was close to 500 jin. , I can't hold it up no matter what, push-ups, the slower you do them, the more tired you become...

At this time, Sacang Xiang and everyone were stupefied. These are two monsters. Well, Bai Yu also sweated a little on his forehead and said with a smile: "Jiexiong, you really have improved a lot~"

Jiexiong looked at his slightly trembling hands and said with a smile: "Sir! Sure enough, I still need to continue to exercise!"

"Let's talk about it~ You can just keep the current amount of training~ But in a sense, Jiexiong, you guys are really terrible..."

"Hahaha~ Thank you sir for your compliment! Then sir! I'll go to lunch first! There are students coming to the gym in the afternoon, so I will find time to go to sir's store!"

"Okay ~ welcome anytime, but my place is a night restaurant"

"I will always remember this! Goodbye! Sir!"

Looking at Jie Xiongming who left, Qi Luoli was a little surprised and said: "This is the first time I know that push-ups are done in this way, and they can last for such a long time..."

Sha Cangxiang and the others also nodded in agreement, Bai Yu thought for a while and said: "This is not a difficult task, it just takes a little longer, but, have you forgotten something... . . . "

Qi Luoli also felt this way. After thinking about it for a while, she immediately reacted and walked towards the treadmill. Qi Luoli's imaginary scene was that Kasugano Dome should be in a state of being about to faint.

But when she saw the scene in front of her, Qi Luoli dared to swear that she was really shocked by enough things today. It's not the same as I imagined.

"Um... Xiao Qiong..."

"Ah? Miss Kirori, why are you here? How far have I come...It can't be far away...~々"

Qi Luoli shook her head and said: "No...Xiao Qiong, you have already walked seven kilometers..."

"Huh?! So far away?"

At this time, Kasugano Qiong noticed that the mileage on one side was showing more than seven o'clock, and the whole person was stunned for an instant. Qi Luoli walked over to the running mechanism and said in surprise: "I can't see it, no matter you It's pretty awesome

After Kasugano Dome came down, he felt his whole body fluttering, but still looked shocked, Bai Yu looked at the surprised Kasugano Dome and said with a smile: "It's not bad~ Sure enough, Xiao Qiong, you won't feel tired when you look at your phone going uphill Already~"

"Bai Yu big brother, you did it on purpose!"

"That's right~ it's alright~ I'm almost done practicing~ Qi Luoli, stretch your legs for Xiaoqiong, and it looks like you have to move to Xiaoqiong's place later, if nothing happens, Ziyin should choose to let Xiaoqiong help move The person in charge will bring you coffee~"

Qi Luoli nodded and said with a smile: "Bai Yu~ You really want to drink coffee~"

"It's okay~"

"What do you mean okay?"

"It's not bad, I think it's okay, abbreviation, it's okay~"

Qi Luoli smiled and rolled Bai Yu's eyes, and then she led the fluttering Kasuga Nokome towards the sofa beside her. Bai Yu also greeted Soruin Azumi who had finished practicing, and then went to the locker room to wash and change clothes.

As for the rewards, I already got them. I didn’t see Kasugano Dome pressing his legs until Bai Yu and the others came out. His expression showed that he hadn’t exercised for a long time, and after suddenly exercising, his legs were so sore that he felt bad. .

"Ahh! Sister Qi Luoli! Why are my legs so sore when I press my legs!"

"It's just that you haven't exercised for a long time~ It will be fine in the future! Hurry up~ You still have a leg~ After pressing, go wash and change clothes!"


"Then go for another hour!"

"I stretched my legs!"

Hibiki Sakura and the others looked at Kasugano Dome, who was so sympathetic when he could press his legs, and sighed [In a sense, it should be true that someone who can press his glands like this is really not a picture....

" go slowly"

Kasuga Yeqiong looked at Bai Yu and others who were walking in front, it could be said that it was miserable, the whole small face was full of pitiful looks, first she walked so far, and then her legs were pressed, she felt herself Her legs were sore and limp, and she felt like she was walking on cotton.

Cai Yexiang sighed and said: "Xiaoqiong, you still need to exercise more~ Xiaoxiang's physical fitness is better than yours..."

"Hey! Why can't I feel that you are praising me!"

"I didn't praise you~"

Kasuga Yeqiong didn't care about these two people either, but asked suspiciously: "So what are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to move you~"x6

"Oh...ah?! Going home..."

Bai Yu and Qi Luoli thought of something when they saw Kasugano Dome's expression, and Qi Luoli said angrily: "You girl, you are not what I imagined~

Kasugano Dome wanted to quibble, but thinking of going home later, he nodded silently and said in a low voice: "I don't have time to clean up, and I can eat those things now...

Bai Yu sighed and said: "There is a way, if there is no way, just wait to be told by Yumiko~"

"If there is no way, I won't move to Bai Yu big brother and you..."

"It's true~"

"But it seems that a strange neighbor came to my house recently, I don't know if he is at home today..."

Qi Luoli squinted her eyes for a moment and said, "For men and women?"

"Of course it's a woman! And she's still alone. When I first moved here, she asked me the addresses of some nearby supermarkets~"

Qi Luoli nodded. To be honest, Qi Luoli knew that she was the only one in the previous floor of Kasugano Dome, so she was always worried that a male resident who should be shot would move in to harass Kasugano. Qiong, it will be better after hearing (Li Hao) that she is a girl.

Zhu Mei said suspiciously: "I have never lived in such a building, but it should be normal for neighbors to ask about the surrounding buildings, right? Why do you think it is strange?"

Kasuga Nokome struggled for a while and said: "It's not that strange, but I often see her come in with a bunch of things, and she doesn't seem to know how to cook. They are all instant food products.

I didn’t rest very late and I was still full of energy the next day...”

"But I think the strangest thing is that she always said that even at home, you can't waste your studies too much. If you don't understand something, you can ask her or something... She should look like a teacher, but she should be a good teacher , but it seems that the students are not worried."

"What's wrong?"

"Because I always call to persuade some things, I feel a little hard..."

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