People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 300 The Great Detective Lucifer, The Woman Without A Smoking Gun (Please Subscribe~)

In the end, Crow Reed still told the woman about Takashi Natsume, and the woman nodded after listening. She is now very interested in the boy named Natsume.

There are too many unfair and strange things that people encounter in the world, but those who can still choose to face the world gently in these situations are powerful existences.

Clow Reed is also such a person, but the difference is that Clow Reed is too strong, and anyway, if he wants to face Natsume, Clow Reed gets more.

The woman looked at Clow Reed, who was looking at something in front of her, and said playfully, "If the boy named Natsume knew that you were dead when he came, what would he be like~?"

"It should be sad, eh~ I suddenly feel cruel when I say that~-"

The woman said angrily: "When did you feel that you are kind?"

Crow Reid thought for a while and said: "If there is no accident, I should always be a very kind person, but I am really looking forward to it~ Where do I start eating later?

"You look like a foodie now~"

"I don't think you are qualified to say this to me in every sense, because you are such an existence, and enjoying delicious food is a kind of pleasure. I don't think you can refute this point~"

The woman glanced at Clow Reed, waved her hand and said: "I always feel that you are very sincere today, and I have no way to refute every word you say, which makes me feel very uncomfortable~"

"Really? But I'll feel more comfortable this way~"

"So you really still have some nasty thoughts?"

"Don't think I'm so dark~ Although I caused some things to happen, I'm still a good person, and a tragic character~"

After the woman glanced at it, she just squinted her eyes and said nothing. In a sense, the nature of Crow Reed is really difficult to define.

It is because of his one thought that everything happened. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the root of all evil, but he still left a solution indifferently, which is also the continuation of his life, and he is also a hero who intends to save everything She, who knows Clow Reed very well behind her back, also knows that this guy has the ability to control the overall situation even after death, and he is like a villain BOOS.

I don’t know why, I always feel that Crow Reed is the root of all evil because of a mistake, but he still intends to save everything, and then secretly tries to control the rhythm of everything. This is completely a bad guy’s act. Big boss!

I don't know why the woman looked at Crow Reed's expression at this time, and she always felt that the guy in front of her was slowly becoming her own bad taste. He is really a black-bellied guy...

"That's why Gendan, Sonoko and Yumiko know those who play tennis, most of them know those who play basketball, basically they all know those who play boxing and want to compete, but those who live a peaceful life Many of them are unfamiliar, and I feel that something is not right~”

Cerberus scratched his head and thought for a while and said, "I don't know, but it seems to be true. They seem to like sports~"

Lucifer thought about it for a while, shook his head and said, "Definitely not, it should be said that Bai Yu got to know them during that time, that's why they got to know these guys~"

Cerberus didn't understand, and he couldn't be shocked. He looked at Lucifer with all kinds of puzzled expressions, and always felt that Lucifer had become a legendary detective, although his reasoning was useless.

However, Cerberus did not choose to backstab Lucifer and just continued to chat with the electronic queen. Maybe this is the tacit understanding between the vitality girl and the vitality girl. They can chat across the world, so Lucifer doesn't find it very interesting.

It is still very easy for Bai Yu to cook at this time, because the dishes chosen by Crow Reed are too simple anyway, especially the white-cut chicken, which is simpler than Longjing shrimp in a sense, after all Longjing shrimp depends on whether the shrimp and tea will be fried or not.

"Hmm~ I don't know how I thought about this thing when I invented it. It's really a dish with an idea. I always feel that the first person who made this dish was a bit lazy, but it has become a classic delicacy instead~ "

At this time, Crow Reed outside did not know where he pulled out a notebook and wrote something on it with a pen. After the woman glanced at it, she didn't say anything. She touched her side subconsciously and found that she was familiar with it. Without his bong by his side, he could only smack his lips.

Crow Reid said in an emotionless voice as he wrote: "Miss Lucifer~"

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Nothing, just want to know, does store manager Bai Yu like girls who can smoke?"

Hearing this, the woman raised her eyebrows and looked at Clow Reed. She always felt that there was something in the words of this black-bellied boy, but she didn't say anything and just listened quietly.

Lucifer thought for a while and said: "This question, if I remember correctly, one of my sisters and friends is called Soruin Ziyin, she seems to be a smoker..."

Hearing this, the woman glanced at Clow Reed playfully, but before she could say anything, she saw Lucifer playfully said: "But it seems that Bai Yu is very strict about smoking~ so I probably don't like it~ "

This time it was Crow Reid's turn to look at the woman playfully. The two of them were just like enemies. The corner of the woman's mouth twitched. If she moves here in the future, she can't smoke... Maybe it's not to force her to death. ...Do I have to go to a separate dimension to smoke in the future? I feel so useless~

After struggling for a while, the woman said softly: "So the Soryuin Ziyin you mentioned, she quit?"

"Zhu Mei...ah~ Her sister said she quit, but she can tell by that expression that she is hiding it~ This thing is not about quitting just by saying it, right~ I don't know much about it, but hell has This guy has never stopped smoking, it looks like he can't quit~"

The corner of the woman's mouth twitched and she said with some doubts: "Hell, someone smokes? They haven't stopped yet... Is it really a devil's physique...

"It's about the same~ It should mean that he has a good figure but actually looks like a smoker, um~ how does this describe it? Cerberus~"

"Huh? Hmm! And that smoke is weird!"

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