People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 313 Kazami Yuka: I'm The Only One Sober? ! (Please Subscribe~)

Bai Yu didn't cook any complicated dishes for Nami, just a simple cheese baked rice, because anyway, juice, especially citrus juice with seafood, is really the wrong way to eat, if it is a A little lemon or green orange is fine, but if you drink a cup~ be careful~

As a result, as someone who has never eaten this cheese baked rice, it can be said that Nami fell in love with this taste instantly, to be precise, she fell in love with such a rich texture.

What is more satisfying than taking a big mouthful of baked rice that contains all the ingredients and deliciousness when the mood swings are more violent.

If there is, it is drinking a big sip of ice-cold fruit juice. This kind of feeling is the top enjoyment for anyone. It is refreshing and fragrant, cold and hot. Satisfaction is almost like this state. .

Sauron on the other side is also like this. For Sauron, a wine tycoon, as long as the dishes can be served with wine, Sauron likes the dishes, and often the two things of wine and meat are connected together, so it is natural. There is no way to resist such deliciousness.

Watching the two wolf-hungry teenagers and girls, Bai Yu also found it interesting to watch. Watching other people eat is often a very interesting thing, especially for chefs.

Gobble up the food you cook, this is the best encouragement for a chef, but fortunately, Bai Yu has not been criticized in this regard.

Sauron is a man after all, and he exercises a lot, and his appetite is relatively bigger. After a while, he has already added three bowls of rice, but he still doesn't seem to have enough.

Crow Reed rolled his eyes and said warmly: "It's really an amazing amount of food, but it wouldn't be strange if it was the cuisine of the manager Bai Yu...."

"I agree with this, Mr. Bai Yu's cuisine is indeed very delicious...||."

"So why haven't you finished your sweet and sour pork ribs?"

The woman said angrily: "Food is to be enjoyed slowly, and the same goes for good wine. It's more fun to drink like this~"

Crow Reed smiled and said: "I don't know why, it always feels weird to be said that by you, it stands to reason that you are the one who has no life

"But for the time being, I still know how to enjoy it~"


"So what the hell are you writing about, you dark-eyed boy? Why haven't you finished writing it yet?"

After looking at his notebook, Crow Reid said playfully, "Secret~ You will know this in due time, wouldn't it be meaningless to say it now~"

The corner of the woman's mouth twitched, she opened her vermilion lips and ate a piece of pork ribs and said angrily: "So talking to you is really easy to get angry~"

"Well.......I think I am quite elegant and easy-going~ In this respect, I feel that I am very similar to Bai Yu, the store manager~"

Hearing this, the corners of the woman's eyes twitched, and Bai Yu said helplessly, "Why can such a topic be brought up on my head...but I'm quite easy-going~"

Hearing this, Nami said quickly: "Well! The boss is very nice!"

Sauron also nodded at this and said: "Well, the store manager is a man worthy of admiration for his strength and heart! He is indeed one of the people I want to hit!"

Hearing these people's evaluation of Bai Yu, Kazami Yuka's eyes were full of disbelief, haven't your eyes been updated?! This man who likes to persecute delicate seventeen-year-old girls is really what you said Is that so?!

At this time, she really wanted to have a deluxe magic cannon for each of them, to wake up these people, and let them know what kind of devil this man in front of her was.

Lucifer and Kazami Yuka had the same idea, at this time Lucifer just looked at Bai Yu with such a resentful face, because she could say that she knew best what it was like to make Bai Yu's bad taste look like, otherwise she wouldn't not Even if you dare to stay in your own home, you dare not show your tail.

Bai Yu smiled and said, "I'm really at a loss when you praise me so much, but it's not a bad feeling."

Crow Reid nodded and said with a smile, "Well~ it really doesn't feel bad~"

The woman said angrily, "What does it have to do with you!"

Crow Reid said with a look of naturalness on his face, without blushing and heartbeat: "Because my personality and Bai Yu's store manager are very similar~ so I have a sense of substitution~"

The corner of the woman's mouth twitched, good guy, this black-eyed guy doesn't know if it's because he ate too much food, or because he didn't eat any sweets, or because he's going home soon, so he let himself go now?!

In fact, the woman guessed right, it is indeed because of this, Clow Reed has eaten delicious food, and was a little bit aroused by Sauron's blood, which is why he is in his current state .

Sauron suddenly thought of something and said to Bai Yu: "`" Manager Bai Yu, do you drink?"

Bai Yu was stunned and said with some doubts: "Of course I will, but what are you going to do? Do you want to find someone to drink with you?"

"Drinking alone is too boring~"

After thinking for a while, Bai Yu nodded and said: "Alright, it just so happens that Crow Reed and this lady both drank, and you didn't drink less, Zoro. It feels awkward if you don't drink a little~"

After finishing speaking, he turned and went back to the kitchen. When he came out again, he was holding a black jug in his hand. Sauron asked with some doubts, "What kind of wine is this?"

Bai Yu said casually: "A kind of wine that you can't drink~"

"Huh? It doesn't exist!" (Dema's)

Bai Yu smiled and opened the stopper. What came out was not the smell of wine but a burst of fragrance. Sauron was taken aback for a moment, and then he saw Bai Yu pour him a bowl, beckoning him to have a taste. Can't drink the wine.

"Bah, bah, bah! What kind of wine is this! Why is it so spicy! It's so bitter!"

Bai Yu looked at Zoro who was sticking out his tongue after taking a sip, obviously being so hot, he smiled and said, "So you still have something to learn~"

As he said that, he took the wine jug and lightly bumped the wine bottle in Sauron's hand, and then, with Sauron's face full of ghosts seeing him, he pointed at the mouth of the bottle and drank the whole jug of spirits without changing his face. Go to the warehouse.

Sauron swallowed, then picked up the bowl with a lot of wine left in dissatisfaction and said with a smile: "Isn't it just a bowl of wine?! Simple!"

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