People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 330 This Is The Charm Of Sports, Atobu's Blood Pressure Is Up (Please Subscribe~)

Originally, Yuko Ichihara still felt that she knew how to play tennis, but after looking at it now, she found that she seemed to use magic power to play tennis. Can these balls really be hit? The most important thing is, why did you hit it? You can still explain it!

Ichihara Yuko said that she has few books, so don’t lie to her. The two-handed style is okay, but can all kinds of balls that can piss off physicists really be hit? The most important thing is that you know the principles you said I've heard it but why is it so strange to use it together in tennis?!

Ichihara Yuko was stunned for a long time when Ibu Shinji hit the ball that temporarily paralyzed his arm. It turns out that playing like this has such an effect...

Sonoko sighed and said: "I don't know why it always feels like something is going to happen... After all, if the arm keeps numb and the ground will increase the loss of physical strength, this kid won't be able to hold it... "

Keigo Atobe grabbed the protective net with one hand, and said in a deep voice: "No...that brat is already a little bit unable to fight, hey! Tezuka! You have to get ready-go to the field!

Tezuka Kunimitsu glanced at it, closed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Echizen, I still won't lose, I still believe this, but it is indeed a troublesome situation...

Before Tezuka finished speaking, he suddenly saw a scene, let alone the team members, even Yuko Ichihara and others exclaimed.

Echizen Ryoma insisted on catching the ball, his body rotated for a week, but because of his arm, he threw the racket out of his hand, and it just hit the net post hanging on the net. The next J...


The racket was broken, and the handle of the broken ball was directly thrown towards Echizen Ryoma. This scene made everyone present shrink their pupils. Crouch and Sonoko turned their heads away and closed their eyes. Even Ichihara Yuko covered her eyes with one hand, it hurts to look at it.

Tezuka nodded to Lucifer and the others and then walked over, Cerberus' ears moved and he said in a daze, " hurts a lot, bleeding a lot, are you okay?

Lucifer shook his head and said, "It's okay, but I can't play anymore. I have to go to the hospital for proper treatment. Is that tennis racket so fragile?"

Suzuki Sonoko opened his eyes and said with a sigh of relief after hearing that it was all right: "It's really reluctant, but compared with the professional racket, the racket used by that kid seems to be a little weaker."

Atobe Keigo glanced at their expressions, then turned back to look at Echizen Ryoma and said in a deep voice, "That kid..."

Sonoko said angrily, "Bastard Atobe, what are you going to say? The Kunimitsu you've been looking forward to is going to play, shouldn't you be very happy?"

Keigo Atobe shook his head and smiled and said, "As expected of Tezuka's favorite brat...he won't leave the stage so easily~"

Lucifer frowned and said: "If you don't leave the stage like this, it's not a small matter if you delay the treatment, after all, that position is a bit dangerous.

Cerberus suddenly shouted: "Lucifer, Lucifer Lucifer! That one called Echizen is here!"


Atobe Keigo said with a smile: "Yes, this is the little ghost that Tezuka took a fancy to... Interesting... Hey~ Tezuka! How much time did you give him?"

"fifteen minutes."

Seeing Tezuka approaching, Lucifer frowned and said, "Kunimitsu, you should be very clear...if the eye is injured, it should be sent to the hospital in time."

Tezuka Kunimitsu nodded and said in a deep voice: "Miss Lucifer, I am very clear about this matter, but this is Echizen's will, and it is also the will that a pillar should have."

Lucifer froze for a moment, and was about to say something when he heard Keigo Atobe watching the game and said casually: "A game without regrets can be called a game~ Right, Tezuka!"

Tezuka didn't say anything, just stood there silently holding a timer, and Yuko Ichihara and others were a little surprised. Is this the spirit of sports? It's really a terrible will.

Sometimes when participating in a sport, the goal must be to win, but the goal is to complete it. Completing the game is to fulfill one's own will. This is responsible for oneself and the passion in one's heart.


When the sound of a tennis ball hitting the ground sounded, everything was over, exactly 15 minutes later, Echizen Ryoma killed Shinji Ibu at the last moment, which made Yuko Ichihara, Lucifer and others nodded.

0 looking for flowers...‥

Ichihara Yuko breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I really didn't expect that it was Echizen who won in the end..."

Bu Er Zhou Zhu said with a smile: "Don't give up until the last moment, go forward tenaciously, maybe you will make a comeback in a certain moment, this is probably the excitement and charm of sports competition~"

Tezuka said in a deep voice: "It seems that this metropolis meeting is very exciting, Atobe..."

"Tezuka, are you going to fight?"

"No....I want to say you have a leaf on your head..."

The corner of Keigo Atobe’s mouth twitched, good guy, can’t you finish? And why do you call him every time and then stop talking, it’s so embarrassing for yourself!

Sonoko smiled mercilessly and said, "Hahahaha! You bastard Atobe! Haha! There is really a leaf~ Would you like me to take it for you?"

"Yuanzi! Are you going to quarrel, you eighth wife?!"

"I've had enough quarrels today~ I'm not interested anymore, remember first, I'll argue with you when I think about it~"

Atobe King, I am so stupid, is this something that people can say? Is it because I am afraid that my blood pressure is too low? I think the young master of the Atobe family, who is young and suave, is going to be slapped by an eighth woman. Blood pressure has been rising for a long time, and I feel that my athlete career is worrying... (Yuanzi: vomit~)

Lucifer and others and Tezuka Kunimitsu and others left after talking about each other. To be precise, "the thing they want to do this afternoon is what they want to do at the beginning, and that is the instinct of women - shopping! Things!"

Although Lucifer and Cerberus don't know what to buy at all, just like what Clara said, sometimes shopping is just an idea, and I go shopping when I think of it. As for buying everything, you can only see it decided~

Of course, I came here to go shopping this time to buy some personal clothes and supplies for Yuko Ichihara, which are inconvenient for Bai Yu to buy, and the other is the cosmetics that Sonoko and Kraqi have in mind.

"Set off!"

"Oh!" x4

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