People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 338 The Temperamental Wu Huili Yang, Bai Yu! Beat Him! (Please Subscribe~)

Bai Yu didn't call Wu Huiliyang right away, because Bai Yu was wondering whether he should contact this old man, because he really didn't want to chat with him very much.

At this time, an old man who was as old as Katahara Mietou but looked more terrifying sat on the sofa and looked at the phone in front of him, his eyebrows twitched, and Wu Lei'an behind him was desperately holding back his laughter.

"Huh? Why hasn't that brat called yet?"

When Wu Lei'an heard this sentence, he immediately laughed out loud, and said with a smile: "Hahaha! Old man, you are really in love with that bastard Bai Yu! Hahaha!"

"Lei An, are you sure Bai Yu wants to participate in the competition?"

Wu Lei'an rubbed his stomach and said: "What those two girls said, their information about Bai Yu is much more accurate than that at home!"

Wu Huiliyang scratched his head, that's not right, this brat pried away his two beloved offspring girls, why didn't he even make a phone call, could it be that brat wanted the old man to call him?!

"This brat!"

"Eh?! Grandpa, are you angry?"

Hearing this voice, Wu Huiliyang directly withdrew his momentum and said with a smile: "How could it be, Jialou Luo, what did you do?"

Garuda smiled and said, "Ah? I went to the library to borrow books~"

Seeing Jialouluo's innocent and innocent smile, which is completely different from those in the clan, Wu Huiliyang felt that the whole person was healed, and said with a smile: "Just buy whatever book you like, it's too troublesome to go to the library to borrow books A little bit!"

Garuda shook his head and said, "If I bought it, I wouldn't want to go to the library for a long time, and I still go with my friends, it's more interesting ~ Grandpa, I'll go to the library first!"

"Hmm, what a good boy..."

Seeing Garuda who left, Wu Huiliyang burst into tears, but when he was emotional, he became angry directly, because his excellent, simple, and lovely Garuda was actually taken by others. They're all gone! Buy one get one free and take one away!

"Ah!! This brat!"

"Hahahaha~ Old man, you should save yourself~ You can't shake that kid's position in the hearts of these two girls~hahaha!"

"Lei An, you'd better stop provoking him."

At this time, on the phone side, Bai Yu looked at the phone in his hand and had been struggling for a long time, Yuanzi sighed and said: "Brother Bai Yu, Mr. Wu probably won't say anything~11

Bai Yu sighed and said: "The Wu family has some humorous monsters, all of them are Tsunderes, that's why I have a headache, really...why the old man and Lei An both know Tsunderes..."

Sonoko said angrily: "Huh? Brother Bai Yu, are you serious? Those two monsters, you said, are Tsundere... Ao is there, I have never seen Jiao! A monster plus child control, A lunatic plus a monster, how can you tell Tsundere?!"

Ichihara Yuko was curious about what it was all the time, as if she and Kasugano Dome didn't know, it seemed to be something interesting.

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "I'll confirm it for you and you'll know..."

After talking, he answered the phone, the phone was answered almost instantly, and a voice that didn't sound old and full of air said: "Bai Yu, he is waiting for your call..."

"Mr. Wu Bianzao...that old man should be throwing a temper tantrum right now~"

"You and Lei An really have two different personalities, so he can't help it... He called in..."

"Call me!"

After hearing this voice, everyone heard a moment of silence on the phone, and then heard an elderly roar shouting: "Stinky boy! Are you waiting for the old man to call?!"

Bai Yu smiled and said, "That's right~"

Hearing this sentence, Wu Lei'an on the other side of the phone laughed outright, Wu Bianzao also coughed lightly, Wu Huiliyang almost didn't raise his blood pressure, don't you know the old man is angry?!

Bai Yu smiled and said: "Let's not talk about this now, I just told Mr. Katahara that this time I will go directly to the Kengan, so I will see you on the Kengan~

Wu Huili on the other side of the phone breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, but you're not trying to win the championship, you might as well take part in the melee on the Jueming."

"Probably because I was afraid of accidentally eliminating some guys who shouldn't be eliminated~"

"That's why it is the hardest thing among monsters that you, kid, can always retain your humanity. Okay, then see you on Fist Wish. As for Lei..."

Wu Huili Yang glanced at Wu Lei'an, who was still smiling there, and said, ""As for meeting Lei'an, it's not impossible to destroy it directly~"

Kasugano Dome and the others on the phone line were all taken aback, my good guy, is it so casual? Seriously?

Bai Yu sighed and said: "Anyway, there is a doctor here, even if the spine is twisted, you can live~ I am really convinced, that guy's medical skills seem to be a bit magical..."

"How to say?"

"If the head is turned to the back, it can be saved, but if an arm or leg is broken, it will be a serious injury~ I can't understand it~"

"Huh? It seems to be the case, it's really a bit outrageous! If you encounter Lei An, teach this old man a good lesson! Give him a few serious injuries!"

"Hey, hey, old man! That guy can't do it~"

"You were beaten and lay on the bed for a week, and you didn't even touch the hem of this brat's clothes. I think he can do it. You can't die anyway, just lie down."

"呵... sooner or later kill that bastard Bai (Qian Zhao) Yu! And old man, you are really stingy~ It's not that those two girls were taken away by that bastard Bai Yu and haven't called you yet Are you playing your temper? Why don't you take me with you!"

"The old man has always been generous!"

Hearing this, Bai Yu hangs up the phone resolutely, and you don’t have to guess what the picture is, just leave it to Wu Bian, it’s really easy~

Sonoko nodded and said, "Hmm~ I didn't expect those two people to have such a side...but Lei An seems to be a little swollen, Yu" beat him up!"

"I agree!" x3

Ichihara Yuko smiled and said, "Although I don't know what happened, I was really upset at the way I yelled at you just now, so... beat him up!"

"Yeah!" x4

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