People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 349: Wang Ma's Battle Book, The Lively Assassins (Please Subscribe~)

At this time, all the people looked over without any trace, Zan Ruin Zi Yin and Tian Yu Zhan Zhan directly smiled, and Matsuda Tomoko also heaved a sigh of relief.

Mr. Yamashita swallowed his saliva looking at the smiling Bai Yu who was wearing a formal attire. He didn't see how he got here, and easily slapped the hand of the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma aside. This man is really a fighter!

The Ten Ghost Snake King Ma said in a deep voice: "You seem to be a little too lenient!"

Under the unbelievable eyes of Yamashita Fu and others, Bai Yu pinched Soruin Ziyin's face and said with a smile: "I think it's reasonable for someone to protect me~ But this little idiot seems to have some problems just now." Nasty joke~ forgive me~"

Zou Liuyuan Ziyin looked at Bai Yu with a reddish face, but she didn't break free and just stood there obediently. Tian Yu Zhan Zhan was about to speak when Bai Yu turned his head and said, "Zhan Zhan

You acquiesced just now, right? "Seven Sixty""


Ten Ghost Snake King Ma glanced at Bai Yu, then narrowed his eyes and said, ", are you a fighter?"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "In my case, I should be considered a fighter~ But in a sense, I'm not a fighter~"

"Roar? Is this a special existence?"

"I guess~"

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma nodded and said in a deep voice, "You, I look forward to meeting you!"

Bai Yu just smiled and didn't say anything. After seeing Ouma leave, Soruin Ziyin whispered: "Hey~ Bai Yu~ You really haven't come to see us all day~"

"I'm chatting~ Yo? Chairman Nogi, long time no see~"

"Mr. Bai Yu is still as gentle as ever, so I won't be a light bulb here~ you guys talk first~ I'll go talk business with others~"

After Nogi Hideki left, Bai Yu let go of Soryuin Ziyin, who rubbed her face and said with a smile: "You really came in time~ Why? Thinking of us two poor people who were forgotten woman?"

"Are the three of you eating here, or are you going to find Yuko and the others? They're drinking at the bar on the cruise ship"

"Let's go~"

Yamashita looked at Ziyin, who was naturally hugging Bai Yu's arm, and Bai Yu, who left with Tianyu Zhanzhan, swallowed his saliva and said, "This man is really a very powerful guy..."

"Hajime! What are you talking about! If possible, it's better not to confront him~"

"Eh?! Ah Jian! When did you show up... What did you mean by what you just said?"

"Hajime, you're new here, so I don't know. In a sense, that man is one of the most dangerous guys in boxing competitions. He is called Bai Yu, the deacon. He is a real monster."


"Well! Let's not talk about this now! Hajime! Find a place to have a drink!"

Ichihara Yuko can swear that she really wants to get in touch with this woman named Soruin Ziyin! She actually found a smoker! Of course she hasn't exposed it yet, and she thinks she hasn't.

However, Ziyin and Yuko Ichihara had a good chat. The two chatted directly while drinking, while Bai Yu sat and chatted with Sonoko and the others. It is given luxury here.


This voice immediately startled Mao Lilan, who had never experienced boxing competitions in the room, Yuanzi also said with some doubts: "This voice...Brother Bai Yu, no one is fighting~"

Mao Lilan said blankly: "I still practice karate, what kind of frame can make such a sound?"

Ichihara Yuko and others also nodded, and Tianyu Zhanzhan said casually: "This is the sound of head hitting the marble... If there is no accident, it should be lively outside

Mao Lilan said blankly: "Zhan... Sister Zhan Zhan! No matter how you think about hitting your head on a marble, there will be a big problem! Is there no one to care about this?"

Bai Yu said casually: "This is a normal incident. If these assassins don't get the rankings, those two old men will be a little bored. How did the two of them manage to make Jinx follow them to watch movies?" of?"

"I don't know~"

That’s right, the three of Kasuga Yeqiong who brought Jinx to find Wu Jialou, took it for granted that they started watching movies, and they were watching gangster movies, so Jinx also paid extra attention to watching them.

When Wu Huiliyang saw it, he said directly with a face of relief: "That's right~ That's right~ Girls just want to play with girls~ Those two girls are from that brat Bai Yu's side~ Really! I had a great time playing with Garuda~ Garuda also has such a friend~ It's really good..."

During this period of time, he has already mastered the information of Kasugano Dome and Jinx. Of course, the only thing Jinx can know is that her name is Jinx, but her speech and behavior can tell that she is a pure and energetic child, at most a little middle school and likes to play pranks ..

Just twenty-seven hours, a long twenty-seven hours, during which a few fighters were replaced by assassins, and everyone was relieved when the cruise ship docked

Mr. Yamashita originally thought so, but when he knew that he was going to draw lots, he became nervous again. The Ten Ghost Snake King Ma and others had already tidied up the rooms arranged in the hotel on Yuanliu Island.

But Mr. Yamashita looked at the lottery hall in front of him with a look of trepidation. All the entrepreneurs were discussing him secretly, and the managers around him even quarreled with the former boss. Taking advantage of this time, I quickly smoked a cigarette. A beautiful figure in the crowd looked at Soruin Ziyin, gritted her teeth, and was stunned when she was about to walk over.

Because Katahara Mietou appeared, the most important thing is that there are a row of guards standing beside Katahara Mietou, and more importantly, Hideki Nogi is also by his side, and the most important thing is Bai Yu and Kirarari Also here!

Bai Yu said warmly: "Two gentlemen over there, the next link is still very important to you~ about stopping?"

"it is good!"

The manager looked at the obedient and obedient former boss with a puzzled look on his face. The moment Ziyin heard the footsteps, he snuffed out the cigarette and threw it away at 5.5. Yin's woman looked at Bai Yu without blinking.

Without any problems, all the arrangements were finalized under Mr. Katahara's operation, and Bai Yu left directly with Qi Luoli and Katahara Mietou.

Zaoliuin Ziyin lit a cigarette again and said, "Huh~ It's really dangerous~ But who are the five unlucky guys this time... I'm really looking forward to it~Where is Deacon Bai~"

The entrepreneurs all left one after another, leaving only the beautiful woman at the very beginning standing there, biting her fingers, looking at the place where Ziyin was standing before Ziyin, and said in a deep voice: "Ziyin, Ziyin of Sanliuyuan... I will not give up Bai Yu to you!"

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