People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 363 Bai Yu's Revised Notes, Pikachu Is Here! (Please Subscribe~)

It wasn't until later that Crouch came back with a bunch of documents. When she knew that Jinx and Yuko had also left for the time being, she was a little bit lost. They love each other even if they just lived together for such a short time. deep.

Looking at Claki who was a bit disappointed and went upstairs with the document, Lucifer smiled and said: "Bai Yu~ It seems that everyone's mood is not very good...."

"Because of this, parting is never an ordinary thing...otherwise Cerberus wouldn't have gone to bed so early..."

Lucifer breathed a sigh of relief, walked behind Bai Yu and entered the good wife mode again, pressed Bai Yu's shoulders, and said with some emotion: "I really think of the beginning...

"at the very beginning?"

"That's right~ the store was also very big at that time, but there were only the two of us. Later, you guy was able to lock me, the queen of hell, by your side, and then you became one of the proprietresses as a matter of course to watch the store with you." ....It's really unexpected~~

Bai Yu nodded and said softly: "'s really unexpected...but Lucifer, you can also enjoy it~"

Lucifer smiled and said: "So you are amazing~ I am not only enjoying it, I am also very glad to meet you~ Otherwise, I don't believe that someone can make the Queen of Hell 200 fall in love~ Hey~ You said you would come today What Otherworld guest?"

Bai Yu thought for a while and shook his head and said: "I don't know, it's impossible to predict, it's because of this, so this Otherworld night restaurant is interesting, isn't it?"

"Really~ You and Yuko are really a perfect match. One of you dares to flirt with the other and enjoys it. The two of you often say some very philosophical things. You are still the same black-bellied, although Yuko is not as good as you in terms of black-bellied. ..but she will rebel~"

Bai Yu smiled and said: "Hmm~ Yuko is quite interesting~ By the way, Lucifer, what you asked just now should mean that you want me to say who will come, right~

Lucifer said angrily: "Do you know how to satisfy your little girl's thoughts? At this time, you shouldn't expose it, you should follow along, but...why does my man understand me so much~ It's not about women Is it hard to guess your mind?"

Bai Yu flipped through the book and said softly, "Aren't you happy? I understand you~"

"Of course I'm happy~ There is no woman who doesn't want her man to understand herself~ By the way, what are you looking at? Crow Reed's notes? It's been so many days, you've been reading it, and you still change something from time to time~ "

Bai Yu smiled and gave Lucifer a look, Lucifer nodded and said, "Oh~ It's magic that creates creatures and godheads~ It's really an amazing guy, but this god is a little weaker... Eh? Wait. ...This is...Pfft~hahahaha!"

Lucifer finally saw the real content of this note. Lucifer looked at the introduction of Crow Reed's various preferences, advantages and disadvantages, some hobbies and minor problems to Ichihara Yuko above, and Bai Yu took the pen from time to time. Draw a circle for the important ones, and write the correct ones for each line that is wrong.

Bai Yu has changed a lot, for example: "Bai Yu changed the coldness mentioned above into a tendency to develop into a spoiled brat, and changed the previous love of going out into a love of shopping and playing by the way. The previous emphasis on etiquette has been replaced by a completely rebellious and informal follower in private...."

I also drew circles on some things to indicate the key points, for example: "Take a puff of cigarettes in the previous paragraph, and for example, the real age is unknown. Although he looks like a master, he is the real age of an existence that has never been in love. Unknown and single, for example, sometimes I am too lazy to sign, just use a seal to print a butterfly, draw a circle on the butterfly, etc.

Lucifer smiled and said: "Yuko might be mad when she sees it~ Especially Bai Yu, you even corrected some of her correct versions~ I feel like Yuko might be rebelling~

"It doesn't matter~ Anyway, I've already read this matter, Yuko got the notes and just hid them shyly~" (acdj)

"You really know Yuko~ But why do you always feel that this note is not just a magic note [this is like... like a dating document?"

"I think so too, so it's not unreasonable for Crow Reed to be called a dark-eyed boy by Yuko~"

Lucifer nodded and returned the note to Bai Yu and said lazily: "To be honest, I'm really looking forward to the arrival of Xiaozhi~ Then I can go to the Pokémon world to catch two Pokémon!"

Bai Yu smiled and said, "You really really want a Pokémon~ But are you really sure that it's okay for you to use magic in Otherworld?"

Lucifer thought for a while and said: "Just like Yuko's world has magic, and Youxiang's world has monsters, but you can't feel it. If there is no accident, you should be fine as long as you close the door~"

Bai Yu nodded. After all, he hasn't been to Otherworld yet, so he doesn't know what's going on. Lucifer's guess is not contradictory. If that's the case, there shouldn't be any difference.

As soon as the voice finished speaking, the door lit up. Lucifer and Bai Yu were both taken aback for a moment. The next moment they saw Pozzi walking in. Pozzi exclaimed when he saw the changes in the store: "Wow! Mr. Bai Yu Your store has become more beautiful! Tony told me that you will open a store today, I still don't believe it, I didn't expect it to be true!"

Bai Yu nodded and said: "Tony seems to be talking about my supper all this time ~ what does he want to eat?"

"Let me see..."

Poz said, took out his mobile phone and looked at the memo and said, "A paella, a pan-fried beef ball, a bottle of champagne, and...err...what is cactus salad dressing?"

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Tony really learned the hidden menu here~ Poz, you can go back and try it together~ Very good~"

"I'm looking forward to it~ By the way~ Where's Yuko?"

"She went back to her own world to do some business and came back after a while~"

"Oh~ what a pity, I wanted to chat with her about clothes~ It seems that I can only wait a few days~"

"She will be very interested, so please wait a moment~"


Bai Yu walked into the kitchen as he spoke, and Pozzi found a place to sit down. Before he could say a word to Lucifer, he saw the door light up, and then the door lighted up again.

Lucifer said blankly: "This...Is this a little too frequent...Who is this?"


Hearing this voice, Lucifer stood up straight away, Pikachu is here! That means Xiaozhi is also here! Pokémon is here!

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