People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 385 The Shocked Pandemonica (Please Subscribe~)

Lucifer could swear that at this moment, she felt that the time in her own world had been stopped, everything seemed to be frozen, and she didn't know what to say at all.

What she was most afraid of was that her employees would find her, but she did find them, and she was one of the first four employees she didn't want to find.

The last thing she wants to come up is the trial as the chief prosecutor or the chief judge, justice as her friend and former chief prosecutor, the smoker, and this Pendermonica.

The reason is also very simple, the trial is because she is afraid that the trial will make a move, not because she is worried about Bai Yu's business, but because she admires that junior, Bai Yu is still invincible in the store, and she is afraid that she will be taught to cast a shadow.

Justice is because justice is the only one in hell who can joke with her. I'm afraid that character can get along well with Bai Yu, and then she will take antihypertensive drugs.

Needless to say, the smoker, this Pandemonica is.

Bai Yu tilted his head and said "September 47" and said, "Huh? Lucifer, your employees really came here..."

Although Pandemonica was weak, she still whispered with a trace of inherent elegance and nobility: "Sir, who are you? Huh? Cerberus?"

"It's really Pendermonica!"

Pandemonica nodded and continued to look at Bai Yu. She could feel that Bai Yu was a human being, but it was strange that she felt the breath of Lucifer and the breath of Cerberus from Bai Yu.

Bai Yu smiled and said: "Hello, I am the owner of this shop, Ri Li.

" smells like Lucifer and Cerberus..."

Lucifer and Cerberus were taken aback when they heard this, and Cerberus was in a cold sweat. You must know that although Pendermonica looks like this, she is actually not a good-tempered guy. ...

Bai Yu said warmly: "Let's go to the store first, then Lucifer, Cerberus, your two colleagues, you two can talk slowly.

Pandemonica nodded politely and said, "Thank you very much..."

When she entered the store, Pandemonica was still a bit stunned, because it looked completely different from the outside, exquisite and beautiful, and it was also very spacious, with a faint fragrance, and the warmth and tranquility inside the store Pandemonica narrowed her eyes and said, "'s a great place

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Thank you for the compliment..."

"No... If I can have such a working environment, I may be very motivated to work..."

Lucifer said angrily: "Pandermonica, your file room is bigger than my store! What kind of working environment do you want!"

Nakiri Mana and the others all twitched their mouths. Good guy, how big is your company? Is an archive room as big as this?

Pendermonica didn't pay much attention, but frowned strangely and said, "Your shop?"

Lucifer's back was covered in cold sweat for a moment, and he shouted directly: "Cerberus! Come to my room! Pendermonica! Come here too! Don't ask questions!"

Everyone was taken aback, Pandemonica nodded while holding her blanket, bag and documents and said, "Oh...but this document report..."

"I see!"

Bai Yu, who had changed his clothes at this time, said warmly, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

After seeing Bai Yu, Lucifer resolutely withdrew his previous aura and thought about it seriously: "The teppanyaki I ate today looks delicious..."

Cerberus still shouted directly as before: "Meat!"

After Kraqi and the others also said what they wanted to eat, Bai Yu nodded and looked at Pandemonica, who froze for a moment and said, "So this is a restaurant.

"Yes, what do you want to eat?"

Pendermonica thought for a moment and said, "Whatever...but if you can...can I have a cup of coffee?"

Hearing this, both Lucifer and Cerberus were stunned, and quickly shook their heads. Bai Yu nodded and said, "Yes, yes, but do you need to add sugar or milk? What kind of coffee?"

Pandemonica thought about it seriously and said: "Mocha...with milk but no sugar..."

Bai Yu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "I didn't expect to meet someone with the same hobby~"

Pandemonica froze for a moment, then said weakly: "Eh? Mr. Bai Yu, you also like to drink like this...that's great..."

"Then go talk about work first, I'll call you at dinner~"

Pandemonica nodded politely and thanked Lucifer, and then she was taken away by Lucifer. Nakiri Mana and the others also went back to their room, packed their luggage, and then went to Crouch's room. Fortunately, the room is still the same, otherwise it would be really scary. 【

"Well, it's still comfortable to stay at home~"

Looking at Crouch who was lying on the bed like a salted fish as soon as she got back to the room, Dekla said with a smile: "You just treat it as your own home?"

"Otherwise? Of course~ I still have a little bit of decorating, how about it? It's not bad~"

Nakiri Mana and others nodded when they saw Craki's extraordinarily beautiful room. As expected, she is at the forefront of fashion, and the style is nothing to say~

"I'm fine~ When Xiaoqiong finishes her homework in the evening, you can go to see her room and you will know, Lantabi, you will definitely make peace... don't know each other, and you will definitely exclaim What a heavenly room!"

"Huh?!" x4

The room on the other side, that is, Lucifer's room was not so lively. Lucifer gritted his teeth and looked at Pendermonica in front of him and shouted: "How did you find it?!"

"Eh...I felt your magic power this morning...."

"Huh?! I remember I closed the door... Cerberus, what are you going to say?"

Looking at Cerberus' whole person... the whole dog froze, Lucifer felt something was wrong, Cerberus directly covered his head and curled up into a ball and whispered: "Lucifer! If I say Would you be offended if I accidentally opened the door this morning?

"Huh?! Did you open the door?!"

At this moment, Lucifer's blood pressure went up, but he thought it was his pet after all, so he endured it! Lucifer coughed lightly and said; "Don't worry, it's okay, you raise your head

Cerberus breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Sure enough, Lucifer is the best! Well... the second best!"

Lucifer said angrily: "The second is not the best~"

"But the master is the best!"

"I knew you were going to say that..."

Pendermonica didn't know whether it was because she was about to drink coffee or because she had slept for a long time before, or because the environment here made her wake up a lot, and said suspiciously: "Boss Cerberus What's the matter with the owner? And this store and what door you mentioned..."

Lucifer sighed and said, " must first promise not to tell anyone what you hear next..."


"The master of Cerberus is Bai Yu...and signed a contract of life"


"Bai Yu is also my master...."


"Still my lover..."


At this moment, Pandemonica finally let out a rare exclamation, although there was still no change in expression, as if she was joking... But this news can definitely be selected as the biggest news event in hell. ...

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