People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 396 The Challenging Wei, How Is She Not Like A Woman? (Please Subscribe~)

For Kaitlyn, the situation in front of her made her not know what to say anyway, because whether it was Bai Yu's familiar gentleness or the hell queen Lucifer's appearance like a girl in love, she was totally different from her. understand.

Wei is still looking at the restaurant at this time. After all, it looks expensive here, but Caitlyn said that if Jinx can afford food, it must not be expensive, and Caitlyn is the one who pays. It's so random.

You must know that Jinx doesn’t take a penny for bombing the treasury. She doesn’t take anything when she goes to the treasure room of the nobles, just graffiti everywhere, and she doesn’t have a job. The Zaun people were found after she countered them.

Bai Yu stood up and walked towards Caitlin. Caitlin took a step back for no reason. Bai Yu was taken aback and then smiled and said, "Miss Caitlin, you seem to be very nervous? Besides, that girl Jinx hasn't come over yet."

Caitlin raised the brim of her hat and said, "I know... I'm here for dinner..."

Bai Yu nodded and said, "The two of you can sit down at random, what do you want to eat? Huh?"

As soon as Bai Yu finished speaking, Caitlin lowered her head and whispered, "Do you still need to hand over the gun this time..."

Bai Yu thought for a while and said: "It's better to hand it in because maybe the next 02 guest is not a guest of Otherworld, maybe he will be scared. Of course, toy guns are fine.

Caitlin struggled for a while, then handed the gun to Bai Yu with a shocked expression on Wei's face, and Wei quickly said, "Caitlyn! Why..."

Caitlin shook her head and said softly: "As a law enforcement officer, I want to minimize the uneasiness of the people, no matter which world it is in, everyone comes to eat, it's not good if you are scared... and ...I don't think that such a large sniper rifle will be kept here without anyone watching...and it will not be safe to eat."

Wei sighed and said: "That's what I said, but... Hey~ Handsome little brother,, damn it, I believe this, the law and order of your world How about it?"

Bai Yu took the sniper rifle and said with a smile: "It's not a question of not closing the house at night, but the law and order is very good, at least much better than your world."

"Is there no such thing as the thugs on Zaun's side?"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said: "There are, but they are very few, and generally they don't appear. If they appear, they are directly shot to death or arrested. It depends on which country they are in."

Wei said with a sigh of relief: "Okay, okay, but I won't take off my gloves."

Bai Yu nodded and said: "Of course there is no problem with this, it is your freedom, and this glove looks quite individual.

Wei was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Hey, if you're in Picheng, I can protect you once with just this sentence."

"Ahem! Wei! You are a law enforcement officer! How can you say such a thing!"

Wei smiled and waved her hands and said, "Haha~ Caitlin, what bad things do you think this little brother can do?"

"He confiscated my gun earlier!" Caitlin snapped.

Wei hooked Caitlin's neck angrily and said with a smile: "Come on, my little policewoman, you took the initiative to hand in the gun just now. "Do you think I will become an old man with poor memory if I am scared?"

"This time is different from last time! Forget it... I'm too lazy to tell you..."

Bai Yu looked at the two police officers and said with a smile: "But this lady, although this glove looks very special, but with this glove, you can't hold the tableware."

Wei was taken aback, looked at her gloves and sighed, she would take them off or just hold them when she eats, but if it is a restaurant, it seems that it is really inconvenient to eat.

Thinking of Kaitlyn decisively handing over her gun, and this man also said that this is a very peaceful world, it really doesn't look like it is often robbed or in danger, and even if she doesn't Gloves, she felt that it was not a problem for her to subdue this man.

Thinking of this, Wei nodded and said: "Okay, I see, you are right, I will... wait..."

When hearing this and so on, Kaitlyn instinctively felt something bad, turned her head and glanced at Wei, and sure enough she saw Wei looking at Bai Yu playfully.

Lucifer was holding his big bowl of fruit salad and waiting to watch the show. Bai Yu asked suspiciously, "What's the matter? Is there any problem?"

Wei smiled and said, "I heard that you were able to unload Caitlyn who was holding a gun, so you are pretty good at it?"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "It should be quite powerful..."

Wei grinned and said, "Then I'll give it a try. It should be fine. Don't worry, I still have a good impression of you, little brother, and I won't hurt you!"

Bai Yu sighed. Sure enough, such a handsome looking girl actually has a heart that is irritable or likes to play. Bai Yu sighed and said: "Okay, but in order not to hurt you, let's play with you ...just one trick."

Wei Yi smiled and said: "Brother, I see, you are as considerate as Caitlin said, but this kindness is of no use to me! Don't hurt me... Hahaha! Good! Then I coming!"

As she said that, she saw wisps of steam coming out of Wei's glove, Caitlin quickly shouted: "Wei! Stop! It's dangerous!"

"Ha! Don't worry! I won't hurt your bad man!'s not fake..."

Wei rushed forward with a single punch, a normal person would not be able to react, Wei also controlled the distance, he would not hit Bai Yu, he would only stop in front of Bai Yu, and a normal person would subconsciously back away like this 413 Can't even touch it, but...

Bai Yu grabbed Wei's fist casually. Wei did not intend to hit Bai Yu, but this does not mean that her attack was stopped, and her punch was also stopped.

Bai Yu said with a playful smile: "A very powerful straight punch, is there a special device for this glove... Interesting little design..."

Seeing Bai Yu's expression, Wei swallowed and said, " caught this punch? Hey! You were the first to do it! Sure enough, you are very good! Let's fight! Fight!" Let's talk when it's over!"

Bai Yu let go of his hand and said with a smile: "First of all, you didn't do anything to challenge my bottom line, so I won't hit a woman; secondly, just do it once you say it; finally, if you want to make a real move, you may need to go back today I was hospitalized after that... so what do you want to eat?"

Wei said with a sigh of relief: "Okay, I understand, but you are still the first man who calls me a woman, interesting man.

"Huh? Doesn't it look like a woman?"

Wei squinted his eyes, took a step back and shouted: "Whispering! Strange man~ give you the gloves, and give them to me after dinner, even if I don't have gloves, my fists are still not easy to mess with!

Bai Yu watched some heat coming out of the cuff of the glove and said with a smile: "The switch is inside the glove, I will keep it, then please sit down, both of you.

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