People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 401 Wei's Curse, Shizuka Hiratsuka Is Coming! (Please Subscribe~)

When you eat some food in the world, you don’t need others to teach you. The subconscious in your body is telling you how to eat this food and how to make it taste better.

Kaitlyn doesn't even know what tofu is, but she still knows how cautious it is to eat the eight flavors of tofu. She blows, scoops up a spoonful of rice, puts it on the rice, and puts it in her mouth. Exhale, enduring the spicy taste , Numb, this hot, chewing, swallowing, this is the only instinct.

After that, take a sip of the bright red soup with a little bit of beauty, from tofu and soup, white and red, to white rice and red soup, white and red, the deliciousness of the mixture of the two colors is just right It is mapo tofu, which is delicious.

Caitlin knew that she must have lost her composure just by taking a sip, because she could clearly feel the fine sweat on her forehead, and she could clearly feel that her lips must have turned very red at this time, which was because she was being tortured. Spicy, she knew that she must be exhaling heat, it was scalded, but she felt that this thing, this thing called Mapo Tofu, should be eaten like this.

The same is true for Wei on the other side, she even didn't let go of chili peppers in pursuit of excitement, and then her whole face turned red, coughing while taking a cold beer, she is not a lady, directly Just take a big sip to the mouth of the cup, the cold beer enters the mouth, enters the throat, and the whole person calms down. It only takes a moment from midsummer to cool autumn.

Such coldness and heat, such fragrance and freshness, such numbness and spiciness, are all in this chewy, tender and delicious meat slices, all in this glass of cold beer, all in this bowl of the same red Baixiang The rice bundle in the room.

"Huh... Caitlin, this is the first time I've seen you eat like this!"

"Ha... Wei! You are not much better! Didn't you say that you can eat spicy food? Why are tears coming out? The dignified law enforcement officer's tears are coming out of spicy food?"

"Caitlin, I wish you a lifetime of not finding a boyfriend."

"Bah! Too much! Cough cough cough!"

Caitlin's pretty face immediately flushed red after being choked, she took a drink of the champagne on the side before she breathed a sigh of relief, Caitlin felt a little scared when she choked on the spicy food just now, but she still wanted to eat it, Only then did she notice the light dish she ordered, steamed sea bass.

As I said a long time ago, if there is something in the world, its rarity has a clear stratification, its variety is as numerous as stars, and its taste is all kinds of strange, then that thing is aquatic products.

Not to mention the sea, just the things in the fresh water, the dishes made can make countless dishes, not to mention, just the fresh water fish, I don’t know how many there are.

But there are some special ones, such as perch, this guy is divided into freshwater perch and sea perch, but this steamed perch did not choose sea perch, which is named as seafood, but freshwater perch.

Due to habitat problems, freshwater perch has a less earthy taste than carp, and its taste is extraordinarily delicious. Freshwater perch can be said to have the most DHA content in freshwater fish, so it is also regarded as a good product.

Steamed sea bass, this dish has even told you how to make it, but it also proves the deliciousness of the sea bass itself, but it is not really that simple.

Show the most extreme freshness that can be displayed in this steaming, water, gravy, everything is wrapped in this white and delicious fish.

The soup is even more complicated than this dish. Compared with some lazy guys like coconut chicken, the two brothers, onion and ginger, must be indispensable. They are directly marinated with cooking wine inside and out, even to make this guy more delicious. , adding some lemon juice is not a bad idea.

After all these are prepared, start steaming like this, and pour oil, steamed fish and soy sauce into juice and pour it on the sea bass that has been modified, scaled, and gutted

Then just wait quietly for the burst of fresh fragrance to waft out, it will prove what is delicious, sprinkle a dense row of green onion, ginger, and steam together.

After alternately steaming on low and high fires, marinating with onion and ginger cooking wine, adding soy sauce, layers of miso, and after a short but extremely long steaming, when the scent wafts out, when the last bit Drenched in hot oil, steamed sea bass, the name is simple, but the practice requires a perfect grasp of heat and taste.

In contrast, the freshness after the entrance, the whiteness and fragrance of the fish after being torn off, the whole dish is just right for saltiness, after the entrance, there is no need to bite at all, there is a word called sipping, this dish is like this.

Every mouthful has fully absorbed the soup, fully displaying the deliciousness, tenderness and smoothness, and the deliciousness of the fish meat is fully presented, dipped in the soup, weighed on the edge of the plate, the soup remains, and the fish is still so white, But this one is eating soup.

The soup has the sweetness of rice wine, the aroma of soy sauce, and the fish meat is tender and smooth, delicious and soft, and every bite is absolutely enjoyable.

Kaitlyn felt that she was doing well again, she went down with a few pieces of fish, and found that she didn't seem to know which one was more important in her heart, but she chose to take a sip of wine at this time, but she just remembered that she had run out of wine .

Just as she was about to open her mouth, she realized that the wine was full at some point. Caitlin raised her head and looked around blankly. Wei wiped the sweat from her brow, and said with a smile on her extraordinarily red lips: "Just now The shop manager came and refilled this beer for me and a glass for you, but you didn’t say anything at all~ hahahaha! Cough cough cough! Damn this stuff is too spicy, but I like it!”

Caitlin turned her head to look at Bai Yu, who was looking at the phone with 770 Lucifer and didn't know what she was researching. She was slightly taken aback. Was she being rude just now? Thinking of this, Caitlin panicked and said softly to Bai Yu: "Bad man !"



Caitlin, whose voice was so low, couldn't hear it herself, Bai Yu said with a smile: "It's okay, after all, the delicious food is the best recognition for the chef, but be careful not to choke on it, as often choking on spicy food can hurt your throat , a hoarse voice will affect the image, just call me if you need it~"


Seeing Caitlin who turned her head to eat, which was very cute, Wei raised her brows, good guy, it's funny, she actually saw Caitlin who was blushing, but Bai Yu didn't notice

Because Bai Yu and Lucifer are studying the screenshot of the chat sent by Soryuin Ziyin, the general meaning above is: "This Saturday and Sunday, Hiratsuka Shizuka will drink with Soryuin Ziyin, because I know that Ziyin's lover is The one who runs the restaurant is going to eat at Bai Yu's place, take a look at Bai Yu by the way, and threatens to see what a man who can subdue Zi Yinzhi looks like, and test Bai Yu by the way..."

Lucifer tilted his head and said, "Bai Yu, do you want to tidy up your room on the weekend? I feel that Shizuka Hiratsuka may...not necessarily drink too much..."

"Oh...․ Trouble․..."

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