People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 407 Mischievous Cerberus, Xiao Qiong With Explosive Potential (Please Subscribe~)

There was no one customer in the store, only Lucifer and Bai Yu were left, Lucifer smiled and said, "Hey~ Bai Yu, do you think Caitlin and Wei, the two little policewomen, will quit?"


Lucifer said with a smile: "Of course, after all, they said they want to come to this world to see, it seems that the next time Jinx comes, she will bring two little policewomen who are on vacation

Bai Yu thought for a while and said: "That's true, the situation seems...the little policewoman is okay, but it seems that Wei's gloves can't be worn... .."

Lucifer was taken aback, thought for a while and said, "Then just make it smaller, why is it so quiet upstairs, and Cerberus didn't even get up? It's unscientific.

"You are a devil, and you still talk about science?"

"Who told you that demons don't understand science? This queen has a wide range of business~"

Bai Yu nodded and said: "In this way, the technology of hell... feels outrageous. I suddenly wonder what your hell looks like."

Lucifer thought for a while and leaned over with a smile and said, "How about it? Go back to hell with me, I'll support you~ How about it? Bad man?"

Bai Yu flicked Lucifer's head and said, "You are really addicted to playing."

"Hey, it's so fun. There seems to be something wrong with it. Do you want to take a look?"

Bai Yu was also a little puzzled and said: "There is indeed something wrong... Could it be that Cerberus stole the chocolate? Lucifer, go and have a look."

"Okay, okay, bad man~ Waiting for Her Majesty Queen to come back to pick you up to the mansion~ Hahahaha!"

Looking at Lucifer Bai Yu, who was addicted to the game, he sighed, looking out the window and seeing the bright sky, Bai Yu stretched lazily and said: "I always feel that there will be some interesting guests. ..."

Upstairs at this time, Lucifer looked at the empty room of Cerberus and frowned, silently looking at Pandemonica's room next to Cerberus' room

For some reason, Lucifer always felt that Cerberus should be doing something brave. Sure enough, the moment the door opened, Lucifer directly covered his face.

At this time, Cerberus did not know when it became three, staring at the peacefully sleeping Pandemonica in three directions. The most important thing is that these three stupid dogs have holding a paintbrush.


"Hey!" x3

After Cerberus was discovered, he turned into one and threw himself on Pendermonica. Pendermonica also opened his eyes in an instant, and the scarlet light in those eyes made Cerberus He hid under the blanket in fright.

After seeing that it was Cerberus, Pendermonica sighed with relief and rubbed his eyes, then looked at the time on the phone, it was exactly eight hours, Pendermonica stretched his waist and said: "Boss, you Can't bear the need to wake up?"

Just as Lucifer was about to say something, he heard Pandemonica say softly: "Anyway, it's easier than customer service."

"Your resentment is really great..."

Pandemonica looked at Cerberus who was curled up under the blanket and said softly: "Cerberus, good morning.

Cerberus was stunned and lifted the quilt and said vigorously: "Good morning! Pender! Good morning! Lucifer!"

Looking at Cerberus who recovered instantly, Lucifer covered his face and said: "Okay, you two get up, Pande, you go and wash up, and Cerberus "Go back and change your pajamas for me." !"



Lucifer sighed and walked downstairs again, Bai Yu looked at Lucifer's helpless face and smiled and said: "Cerberus ran to find Pendor..."

"how do you know?"

"Because Cerberus said something last night, I don't know what the texture of Pendor's face looks like, it must be very interesting! If so..."

Lucifer nodded and said, "Well...she went to Pendor's room, but not to pinch her face, but to draw..."

"Huh? Heh... It's really Cerberus' style. It seems that Cerberus is also happy that the family has more people. If Jinx and Yuko are here, I don't know if she will be happy. What is it like?"

"Maybe, Yuko hasn't sent a message in the past two days, she should be on business, she said she will come back before the toner runs out, it seems that she really wants to come back soon...

"Why do you say that?"

"Because Yuko uses toner just like drinking it, and it's super fast!"

"That's it... I feel that Yuko should use it sparingly during this period, and then use it recklessly on the day when it is finished..."

"Is she that bad?"

"Who knows~"

In fact, Bai Yu really guessed right, Yuko really saves a lot, but she won't tell about this matter, after Pandemonica washes up and changes her clothes, the dark circles under her eyes It actually faded a little.

Pandemonica looked at her cold and delicate face in the mirror, and said softly: " he very beautiful?...What an interesting man...But if the righteous wooden man knows, the boss will What was the reaction? Interesting|

As she said that, she picked up one of the glasses, and this time she was no longer tired, but there was a playful look in her eyes. She was looking forward to how she would spend her rare vacation.

"So, that girl Xiaoqiong got up late again?"


Bai Yu shook his head and said, "Cerberus, you don't need to go up, I'll go by myself, you guys should have breakfast first, and, Pandor..."


"Your employee badge can be temporarily removed."

After Pandemonica took it off and looked at Lucifer, Lucifer just said casually: "You really don't need to wear it here, I'll go buy a few sets of clothes and pajamas later, let's have dinner first." .”


"How do you girl manage to treat Friday as the weekend?"

"Hmm...Misunderstood... Bai Yu big brother, what's today's bento?"

"You knew it at noon, eat first, and then go to school quickly, I really convinced you, I was almost late for two days in a row.

Everyone looked at Kasuga Nokome, who ran over with loose hair and a headband, said hello, and started eating. After eating at the speed of light, he took a can of Coke, and ran out with a bag and lunch box. Nakiri Mana was crooked. The head said: "Eh? Who said that Xiaoqiong's health is not good, and now that he has recovered, it's not good for him to exercise poorly?"

Everyone was silent for a while, just now even Bai Yu didn't come to the table, Kasuga Yeqiong finished eating and ran out, Lantabi was stunned and then said blankly: "Eh?! That's my Coke! That girl should be Milk is right!"

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