People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 413 Devil Alice, Canary Mana's Savior (Please Subscribe~)

In the shoe store at this time, Alice and Nakiri Mana stared at each other, while Bai Yu and others watched this scene with great interest, especially Craki.

Crouch has always been playful, and with the fact that she is about to leave the singles, she can be said to have let herself go. Now she is looking at her big sister's head with a full of interest.

Nakiri Mana sighed, put one hand on his forehead and said, "Alice, you girl has grown so big..."

Alice's eyes were red when she heard this, tears were rolling in her eyes, she threw the phone aside, rushed over, hugged Nakiri Mana tightly and cried, "Aunt Mana! I miss you so much! "

Nakiri Mana touched Alice's head and said warmly: "You are still so clingy at a young age, it's okay, you can rub your snot on me again."

"No... no way! (sniffing sound)"

The corner of Nakiri Mana's mouth twitched the unlucky boy, and after Alice stood up slowly, she sniffed and said, "Aunt Mana, where have you been all these years?"

Nakiri Mana looked at his clothes indiscriminately, and found that they were not glued on, heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Because..."

"I know because of God's Tongue, right..."

Nakiri Mana jumped 927 out of the corner of his eyes, good guy, Alice, you are a devil, you know you still ask?! Do you think this is a TV series?! And the way of TV series is a bit too old!

But Nakiri Mana still sighed and said: "Come and sit down and say, really, what a grown-up, Bai Yu is here too, because I'm rude!"

Alice sat on the chair and nodded, then she couldn't hold back anymore, and there was a sound of hum, and everyone thought of a scene, who's kettle boiled water?

Alice was originally a very clingy child, plus she was very pampered at ordinary times. She lived smoothly from childhood to adulthood, and her personality was more like a lively girl. Alice cried: "But...but I can't control it." Hold on! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Nakiri Mana sighed and said, "You control us and we can talk slowly."

Hearing this, Alice said with red eyes: "Aunt Mana, are you still leaving?"

"Auntie won't leave this time."


"Really, if you cry any more, you will become a little cat, maybe you will be known by Erina in the future, be careful that she laughs at you, and ah, if you cry again, you will become ugly, and no one will want it in the future."

Alice shook her shoulders as Nakiri Mana wiped her tears and said, "Then...then I won't cry."

After speaking, it was like voice control, and they really stopped crying. Let An and the others say their unique skills in their hearts, and Pendermonica also pushed her glasses. Good guy, she can freely control her emotions and tears. This human girl is not easy.

Nakiri Mana was also stunned. Alice was definitely a devil. Alice cried again and she was going to cry. This girl is too tortured.

Alice sniffed and said, "Aunt Mana, Erina misses you too, Aunt Mana, where did you go?"

"Does the WGO know?"

"Of course!"

"I am the only executive officer of WGO, with the highest authority of WGO."

"It's amazing! But Aunt did you come out? It's not about your god tongue..."

Nakiri Mana feels a wave of fear when she thinks about how she used to be. She doesn't know how she got through it. Now thinking about it, she trembles all over and is afraid.

No one knows, just after leaving Bai Yu's store, when returning to WGO, returning to the luxurious office that I am familiar with, that is not an office, that is not her shelter, that is a cage, a canary The cage of a sickly canary.

Once upon a time, she was struggling with hunger and nausea. Once upon a time, she was tortured without human beings or ghosts. Once upon a time, she was awakened by a nightmare and sat up to find that she was still in this cage. All she felt was fear and loneliness.

Even after she recovered, she would occasionally be awakened by nightmares when she returned to WGO. She dreamed that everything was a dream, and she (acfa) was always like that. She dreamed that she was still the same as before, but with a strong body , the stomach that is no longer hungry will make her sleep soundly again, and it is so dreamy and unreal, and it seems to be here that she really feels alive.

She is free now, her new office will definitely not be the same as before, she will be changed, that cage is no longer there, and the person who opens the door of this cage with his own hands will put her sick golden silk The sparrow took out the cage, healed the wounded, gave food, life and freedom "It is this man on the ten side who is watching with a smile.

Nakiri Mana glanced at Bai Yu, turned her head and said with a sigh of relief, "Auntie, my God's Tongue has been cured by Bai Yu. Although it is still in the treatment period, I can eat normally. I live in Bai Yu In the store, this is not today to buy daily necessities."

Alice cheered directly, then looked at Bai Yu and said, "Shop Manager Bai Yu! Thank you so much! But... Erina's..."

Bai Yu said warmly: "From the first day she came here, counting from the first bite of food, her treatment has already begun."

Alice breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Great! This damn God's tongue is so annoying!"

Everyone laughed when they saw Alice, who looked like a child. They all felt sincerity. Although this child is a little witch, she is also very innocent.

Nakiri Mana patted Alice's head and said warmly, "How did you know about the secret of God's Tongue? Could it be...ah.....Did Father tell you?"

Hearing this, Alice said proudly, "I overheard it!"

Nakiri Mana twitched at the corner of Alice's face and said, "It's amazing, my Alice, you can overhear this, tell me, did you say it?"

"! No! I didn't even say Erina! Aunt Mana! It hurts to pinch my face!"

Nakiri Mana let go of his hand and said softly: "The matter of the tongue of God will continue to be kept secret."

"My affairs must be kept secret!"


"I'm in Bai Yu's store and I'm keeping it a secret!"


"If you've seen me, keep it a secret!"

"Ah?! Aunt Mana! Why!"

Nakiri Mana said playfully: "Because it's interesting, Alice, I believe you can keep it a secret, by the way, who were you talking to just now?"

"It was with... ah! It's mom! Eh? Where's my phone?"

Dekela pointed to the sofa on one side, and Alice hurried over to pick it up when she heard a shout: "Alice|Answer mom: Alice! Cough cough cough! Damn girl... her throat hurts"

The corners of Alice's mouth twitched, why did she feel like she was going to be cold...

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