People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 415 Erina And Erina On Fire, Bai Yu's Secret (Please Subscribe~)

Regarding the question of Nakiri Mana's mood, she felt that if she talked to Alice again, her blood pressure might rise. I don't know if this child did it on purpose, but he likes to backstab her too much.

Crouch said with a smile: "Lantabi can have any precious things, at best they are all kinds of weird accessories, she probably likes that box, at most it can hold her precious bank cards and the like. "

Ann nodded and said, "Well, I look like it too, but it seems that Lantabi has something very precious recently, and it has been kept in a small box for safekeeping. It can't be for that thing."

Lucifer said with some doubts: "I did see Rantabi muttering something to a piece of paper, it can't be that piece of paper, if it is, it should be some kind of diary that I don't want people to see. "Zero Ba Zero" everyone nodded, and Crouch clapped her hands and said: "Ah! If you say that, I should have something to put in, so I'll just buy one of them."

Nakiri Mana was about to speak when she suddenly felt a sense of familiarity. When she lowered her head, she saw Alice looking at her again. The corner of Nakiri Mana's mouth twitched and said, "Alice, what else do you want to say?"

"Hmm... Aunt Mana, you've been in WGO before, and you don't use the phone, what are you going to put in?"

Nakiri Mana gritted her teeth, what a dead girl, but when she was about to speak, she realized it was already too late. Clara and the others looked over, and An also said softly: "Master Mana is indeed sleeping every day except for work. What do you want to put on?" Woolen cloth?"

Nakiri Mana's eyes twitched and he coughed lightly, "If you can say it, there's no need to put it in. Speaking of which, Alice, do you have anything to keep secret?"


At this moment, her blood pressure almost went up. If she knew it earlier, she would have said that she just liked that box or cosmetics. She made a mistake, and Pandemonica looked at Bai Yu and said softly: "Bai Yu, do you have something to keep secret? ?"

Lucifer said indifferently: "Bai Yu has nothing to keep secret..."

"Yes, I have."

"You really have?! Why didn't I know?!"

Lucifer was stunned for a moment, this stinky man, even told her that the store can connect to Otherworld, and there are still secret things! He even hides it from his own woman! It's too much!

Looking at Lucifer who was about to hang a bottle of soy sauce on his mouth, Bai Yu said with a smile: "It's a confidential thing, of course you can't say it casually."

Lucifer was stunned for a moment, then leaned over and whispered, "What is it, have I seen it? Do Qi Luoli and the others know?"

"It should be said that no one has seen it except myself. Zhan Zhan knows that there is such a thing, but she has never seen it, Yumiko... um... that's it.

Lucifer raised his eyebrows, my good guy, the hiding place is really deep, but it seems that Yumiko knows, at least she knows some clues, so she can have a chance to find it slowly.

Bai Yu was stunned for a moment when he was about to say something, because he found that besides An, even Alice looked at him curiously, Bai Yu thought for a while, it seems that they will find a way to explore the mystery next .

Bai Yu sighed and said: "Your expressions don't mean you intend to pry.

"No!" x7

Everyone looked at each other and looked away silently, obviously wanting to go together, Bai Yu was not worried about what they would find, because even if they found it, they would not treat it as a secret, let alone They can't be found yet.

Seeing Bai Yu's indifferent face, everyone felt as if they had been challenged by some kind of challenge. They all secretly determined to find it. It would be great if they could find it.

On the other side, Erina from Tōtsuki wiped the sweat from her forehead and said puzzledly: "Why have I been feeling like I missed something since just now..."

"Miss Erina, do you want to go shopping too?"

Erina was stunned for a moment, and a ridiculous idea popped up in her heart, that is to affirm Hisako's words, but Erina still shook her head and said: "No, don't waste time, any rest time should be used to hone your cooking skills!"

Hisako said with longing: "Miss Erina is really working hard."

Erina nodded and said: "Well! Because the field study is coming soon, I will go to store manager Bai Yu's shop to study at that time, although I may not have the opportunity to handle all the dishes, but for the assessment and evaluation, I will definitely let the helper or cook Two way!"

"So Ms. Erina, do you want to show Manager Bai Yu the progress?"

"Well! Because a little progress is not something that can be sold, whether it is cooking or the processing of ingredients [you must improve yourself as much as possible, and you must not be a backdoor eater!"


Erina seems to be very concerned about how to become a chef that can be recognized by Bai Yu. It is even a goal, a goal that must be achieved..

Erina said softly: "It's not just that, Hisako, if you really need to cook at that time, all the people who come here are regular customers of Manager Bai Yu, if you don't do it well, it will damage the reputation of Manager Bai Yu!"

Hisako reacted abruptly after being stunned, and became tense in an instant. Bai Yu's strength, if these customers are all repeat customers of Bai Yu's cuisine, then he can't say that he does the same, at least not too badly. Compared with other dishes, this one can't be too bad, it's already a very good level.

It can be said that Hisako panicked in an instant. She is not Erina, Xiao Lin Long or Akakubo Tao. She is not that powerful. If she loses the chain by then

Thinking of this, Hisako shouted directly: "No! Absolutely not 1.2!"

Erina was startled by the sound, and almost dropped the potatoes in her hands. Just as Erina was about to say something, she saw Hisako, whose whole body was on fire.

Erina said blankly: "Hisako? What's wrong with you?"

Hisako clenched his fists and shouted: "Miss Erina! You have to practice harder! Never relax! Absolutely!"

"Oh! But why does Hisako feel that you are so passionate..."

"Miss Erina! Cherish your precious practice time!"

"I know...I know!"

At this moment, Erina completely fell in love with Hisako's aura, as if the identities of the two were reversed.

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