People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 426 Such Disasters, One Is Enough, A Strange Competition (For Subscription~)

Yakumo Zi personally likes this place very much. After all, no matter it is clean and tidy, or there is no smell of oily smoke but a faint fragrance, it will make people feel good.

But what Yakumo Zi finds most interesting is the Otherworld itself, because no matter what, this restaurant is a very important existence for her.

Because she can feel that this is the real Otherworld, this is not any corner of their world, she feels that she was really right to squat some time ago!

However, the only thing she needs to pay attention to now is the woman playing with the mobile phone in front of her, the famous former Archangel, the latter King of Hell, the morning star Lucifer or the arrogant Lucifer.

"Pfft~hahaha! So the author added the love element because he finished writing pure battle too early? Sure enough, the battle maniac doesn't have any love cells."

Pandemonica said softly: "Boss, I personally don't think I'm a battle freak or have any fighting cells."

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

Pandemonica said with a face of course: "Because I am such a person..."

Lucifer thought for a while and nodded, Pande 02 Monica doesn't have any love cells, and she is just a customer service, why do you ask her to fight, although Pande Monica is also very good, but she is not a fighter, she is ...

Lucifer said angrily: "You are not a fighter, but you are a sadist"

Pandemonica thought for a moment, tilted her head and said, "Eh? Is this the case? But I haven't done anything for a long time, boss, I think..."

Lucifer shook his head decisively and said, "No, you don't want to, you just want to drink milk tea."


Yakumo Zi looked at the two demons here and smiled playfully. It seems that this hell is a bit different from what she thought, but it doesn't matter, as long as it is interesting.

"Miss Yakumo over there, you seem to have been looking at us, what's the matter?"

Hearing Lucifer's words, Yakumo Zi smiled and said: "Ah, I was discovered, we are just curious" and want to see what the legendary Lucifer looks like.

Lucifer raised his eyebrows and said, "I can see that you seem a little excited."


Yakumo Zi closed her fan and said with a smile: "Of course! We have been wanting to come to this place for the past two days, and now it seems that we came to the right place, this place is very interesting!"

"Why do you say that?"

Yakumo Zi glanced at Kazami Yuka, smiled and said, "Youxiang, we also want sunflowers!"

"Touch it and try it."

Yakumo Zi turned her head and said with a smile, "Isn't it interesting?"

Lucifer immediately thought of what Zi Yakumo said before, she didn't expect Youxiang to let others take the sun flower from her hand, it seems that Zi Yakumo is really a troublesome existence.

Kazami Yuka also knew what Yakumo Zi meant, she looked like she was clenching her fists and wanted to fight, but in this place she wouldn't do it unless she had to. The key is that Yakumo Zi didn't have Bai Yu annoying.

Lucifer was very interested in Yakumo Zi, put down his phone and said with a smile: "So, you should have found something else interesting?"

"Yes, for example, the door was so bright before, and the gentle light shone on my body, but I didn't want to sleep at all, it always felt a little weird.

Lucifer was stunned and said suspiciously: "Huh? So, you slept during the day and appeared at night?"

Kazami Youxiang said softly: "She is indeed nocturnal, and can sleep twelve hours a day."

Lucifer nodded with a very natural look and said: "It seems that this is a racial issue. It's really amazing. How did you do it for twelve hours? Isn't it only twenty-four hours a day? Isn't it boring to sleep half of it?" ?”

Yakumo Zi thought about it seriously, then shook her head resolutely and said: "It's not boring, it's not boring, we're enjoying it, by the way, Ms. Lucifer...that's a really weird name...

"You don't want to tell me that Lucifer in your world is also a man."

Yakumo Zi said irrefutably: "In most myths, Lucifer looks like a man. In short, there are so many versions and so many looks. Ms. still very strange... Ms. Lucifer, you should be the only female Lucifer."

Lucifer thought for a while, shook his head decisively and said, "I absolutely believe there are female Lucifers!"

"Wow~ It's such an incredible momentum. If this is the case, I suddenly look forward to whether there will be another us in other worlds. It must be very interesting!"

Kazami Yuka said decisively: "One guy like you is already a burden to the Ten Thousand Realms, and every extra one is not a good thing."

Yakumo Zi was taken aback, and wanted to say something but stopped. After all, this is not the sun flower field with the wind and fragrance. She still needs to control it before eating. Yakumo Zi tilted her head and said with some doubts: " Miss Lucifer seems to think that our sleep schedule is normal?"

Lucifer tilted his head and said doubtfully, "Is it a strange thing to sleep 113 for twelve hours?"

Yakumo Zi waved her hand and said, "But we are people who sleep twelve hours a day and insist on going to bed early and waking up late for more than ten years.

The corners of Kazami Yuka's mouth twitched, good guy, I really want to hit her, Lucifer pointed to Pendermonica on the side and said: "Pendermonica, our customer service from hell, although she has been working every day since last night She sleeps for eight hours, but it will take hundreds of thousands of years for her to sleep until she wakes up naturally..."

The corner of Lucifer's eyes twitched, good guy, aren't you afraid of sleeping to death and amnesia? It's really yearning for... la.. amazing quality of sleep

Kazami Yuka also said softly: "I remember...Casey had to sleep for eighteen hours before he evolved into Yongjila..."

"Evolution? Casey? Yongjila? What? Youxiang, it looks like you didn't say anything.

Kazami Yuka said lightly: "That's the customer here, do you want me to tell you all the customers who come here every day?"

The next moment Kazami Yuka clenched her fists, because she saw Zi Yakumo nodding with a natural expression on her face, and the corner of Lucifer's mouth twitched. It seems that the relationship between these two people is a bit complicated...

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