People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 42 Scarier Than Ghosts (Please Collect!!!!)

After Bai Yu's persuasion, Lucifer and Cerberus, who were still very scared, were not so scared. To be precise, Cerberus was not so scared.

Lucifer was still in a panic the whole time. He was still some distance away from Bai Yu, but at some point he came closer, holding Bai Yu's cuff firmly.

In this way, Lucifer finally read the rest of the story of Kayako in this state. Now she feels that she closes her eyes and is sister Sadako and Kayako. Although she can fight, she is still a little panicked.

Bai Yu glanced at her and said with a smile: "Lucifer is very brave~"

"When... of course! I'm the queen!"

Cerberus sniffed his nose and moved his ears twice, then said with some emotion: "I seem to know why the master likes to watch this kind of movie, because it's very exciting, right?"

Bai Yu froze for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No~ These movies are not very scary~ You haven't seen any really scary movies~"

Hearing this, Lucifer was stunned for a moment, and then said in disbelief: "What?! It's all this way, can you tell me there is anything more scary?!"

Now Sadako and Kayako alone make Lucifer feel like she is going to experience the feeling of not needing sleep for a long time, and what's more, this is going to drive her to a dead end! Humans are indeed a terrifying race.

After thinking for a while, Bai Yu said: "There is a kind of plot that I will feel cool from the inside out after watching it~"

Lucifer was taken aback and said doubtfully, "There should be more powerful ghosts in this kind of movie than Sadako and the others."

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "No~ there are only humans in the whole process, and there is no such horrible thing as death, but it is scary to watch."

Lucifer didn't understand, and Cerberus scratched his head and said doubtfully, "Master, master! If they're all human, what's so scary?"

Bai Yu looked at the computer screen and thought of some plots in his mind, then squinted his eyes and said with a hint of reluctance: "To be precise, it's not the horror of the plot, but the sentence that appeared at the beginning and end of the credits..."


"This film is adapted from real events...."

Lucifer and Cerberus obviously didn't understand, Bai Yu looked at the bewildered faces of the two, and suddenly thought of a sentence and said to Lucifer: "Lucifer, do all the people in hell make mistakes and go down?" In that case, there should be a lot of people~"

Lucifer nodded and said, "Well, there are still a lot of people in hell, and the punishment for the guilty is very severe. Why do you ask?"

Bai Yu shook his head and said softly: "I suddenly thought of a sentence, a sentence that makes me feel the same way every time I watch a movie like this: Hell is empty, demons are in the world..."

"Eh?! Why do you have such an evaluation! And after entering hell, you can't get out. Now the only demons coming out are me and Cerberus!"

Bai Yu didn't say anything, but found two movies for the two of them, then stretched his waist and said, "You guys watch it first~ I'll go and clean up the store~ I believe you will feel the same after watching~"

After saying that, Bai Yu left. Lucifer and Cerberus stared at the movie in front of them, they were both stunned. They didn't say anything but just approached each other silently.

When seeing the black screen and white words "This film is adapted from real events" at the beginning, Lucifer instinctively felt a sense of discomfort when he saw this sentence, but he still watched it patiently.

Bai Yu is cleaning up the shop downstairs at this time. Although the shop can be cleaned automatically, Bai Yu still likes to clean up by himself, because it will make life more fulfilling and feel like running a restaurant.

Forty minutes later, Bai Yu stretched himself, looking at the shop which was as clean as before, Bai Yu nodded, turned around and walked back to the kitchen to prepare some snacks and drinks for Lucifer and the others.

"Lucifer, Cerberus...Eh? What's your expression?"

When Bai Yu opened the door and walked in, he saw the angry faces of the two big figures from hell. After seeing Bai Yu coming in, Cerberus shouted: "Master, master, master! Such human beings are too bad! Then The little kid didn't do anything cruel!"

Lucifer also gritted his teeth and said, "Indeed, even demons would not attack ordinary people who have not done evil, let alone an innocent child! Too much!"

Bai Yu chuckled and sat next to the two, put the baked cookies, prepared jam, and brewed black tea in front of the two and said with a smile: "Now I know what a real horror movie is like. Let's go~"

Lucifer nodded, looked at the movie in front of him and said with some resentment: "Indeed... Now it seems that those so-called ghosts are really nothing scary compared to these evil humans. That sentence adapted from a real event is really impressive. It's scary to think about it..."

Bai Yu nodded and said, "That's right~ And I can tell you one more scary news~"

Lucifer was taken aback and said in surprise, "Isn't this the scariest thing?!"

Bai Yu looked at the children in the movie with painful and frightened faces and said softly: "The frequency of shooting such movies is not low~"

Lucifer was taken aback for a moment but didn't realize it at first, and then he was taken aback suddenly. Doesn't the meaning of this sentence mean that such things are not uncommon?

After Bai Yu poured Lucifer a cup of black tea, he said, "Would you like to finish the movie or watch another movie?"

"Read it, finish it, finish it!"

"Read it! I want to see what kind of punishment such a demon in human skin will get!"

Bai Yu was taken aback and said that the ending may not be what you want to see, and then silently lowered his head and started playing with his mobile phone. This kind of movie has no second-brush thoughts at all, and the darkness and fear in it are enough to be deeply rooted in people's hearts and unforgettable.

An hour later, Bai Yu suddenly saw Lucifer clenched his fist, and Cerberus also had a look of disbelief. Lucifer shouted: "Such a person has nothing! Instead, the person who does good is forced to die." ?!"

Cerberus also said with a look of disbelief: "That's not right... People like this will be wiped out in hell, why is there nothing wrong..."

Bai Yu sighed and shook his head and said: "This is the reality, okay~ I'm in a bad mood now~ I haven't been hungry after eating a lot of snacks~ It's already afternoon, so... I'll take you out Take it easy~"

"Hmm..." x2

The mood of the two was clearly depressed, but Lucifer's eyes flashed a little light, she is the queen of hell, and she has a very decent idea now...

PS: The second update of the monthly pass! There is still one more change, and there is still a chapter before the arrival of the new guest.

All new books are required! ! ! !

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