People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 468 Interesting Miko, Nervous Yakumo Blue (Please Subscribe~)

Seeing the two people fighting wits and a fox at the door, Bai Yu and the others did not interrupt, after all, in this situation, it would be meaningless to interrupt the conversation.

But after all, Kazami Yuka was trained by Bai Yu to be very tolerant, after looking at Yakumo Zi, she turned her head and walked to her exclusive position.

Yakumo Zi smiled playfully and said: "Sure enough, Youxiang has changed a lot, and you can bear it like this, which is really good."

Kazami Yuka glanced at Yakumo Zi indifferently, this bastard really brought someone here, the most important thing is that she didn't know what else she told to be the most embarrassing.

Yakumo Zi smiled and said: "Mr. Store Manager, we are here again! We also brought our Shikigami!"

Bai Yu tilted his head to look at Yakumo Lan and nodded, "Well, welcome."

Compared with Yakumo Zi's easy-going, Yakumo Lan seems a bit reserved, because it is not easy to think about Yakumo Zi being such a kind human being, and it reminds her of some terrible guys.

Yakumo Lan nodded and said, "Shop...Hello, Mr. Manager."

Bai Yu smiled and said: "It's really unexpected and a little nervous, don't worry, there is no danger here, and didn't Ms. Yakumo tell you anything?"

Bai Yu's words made Yakumo Lan stunned, and looked at Yakumo Zi with a blank face. Yakumo Zi just twitched the corner of 097's mouth and said, "Lan! What do you want to eat?"

Yakumo Lan was about to open her mouth when she suddenly thought of something and said in doubt: "Master Zi, I don't know what to eat, Mr. Store Manager, what to eat here.

Bai Yu was taken aback, then sighed and said, "So, Ms. Yakumo really didn't tell you."


"As long as I have the ingredients here, I can make anything.

Yakumo Lan was stunned for a moment, and then said with some surprise: "Okay...that's amazing!"

"So what to eat?"

Yakumo Lan thought for a while, then looked at Yakumo Zi again, and Yakumo Zi also said with a helpless face: "Lan, you look at us like this, we can't help it, I'm also very troubled about ordering of."


At this moment, Yakumolan's whole fox was in a state of entanglement. She wanted to eat everything, but she didn't know what to eat, because no matter what she thought of, she would think of fried tofu the next moment.

As Yakumo Lan's favorite food, she wanted to order fried tofu, but she felt (acfg) that if she ordered it, it would be a waste of opportunity, so she wanted to try other dishes.

After struggling for a while, Yakumo Zi tilted her head and said: "We want to eat fish! It's up to the store manager how to do it. This time we still want wine!"

Bai Yu nodded, and Yakumo Lan also thought of something after seeing Yakumo Zi's order, and said to Bai Yu: "Mr. Store Manager, I want to eat meat, and you can make it any way!"

Bai Yu sighed and said, "It's really the same as me ordering, so do you need drinks and snacks?"


"Lan, you don't want to talk about tea..."


After seeing Yakumo Zi nodded in satisfaction, Yakumo Lan also sighed, she is a drinker, it should be said that they basically all know how to drink, it's just how much they usually drink and how much they like it.

Seeing that Bai Yu was about to leave, Yakumo Zi thought for a while and said, "Mr. Store Manager!"

"Huh? Is there anything else you need?"

"We're in the mood for some dessert."

"An extra dessert?"

"Well! Lan, don't you want to add a dessert?"

"Hmm... Is fried tofu okay?"

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Of course, it's a very good snack, so should the sauce be poured over, or should you dip it yourself?"

"I'll do it myself!"

Bai Yu nodded and said "please wait" in a gentle voice before returning to the kitchen.

Yakumo Zi sat opposite Kazami Yuka as a matter of course, Yakumo Lan, the Congxin shikigami, stood blankly aside, no matter how you looked at it, it looked like she was about to fight!

Yakumo Zi was stunned for a moment, waved to Yakumo Lan and said: "Lan, what are you doing standing there, come and do it, you don't want to eat standing up, do you?"

Yakumolan shook her head repeatedly and sat down. She felt uncomfortable in the chair, because the tyrant of Hanada was opposite her, and she was very clear about it. She might be the first one to see such a scene on their side. , she is super nervous!

Yakumo Zi said lazily: "Youxiang, don't be so silent, did you give your sunflower to the store manager?"

"Well, Yakumo Zi, I'm more concerned about who else you told."

Yakumo Zi thought for a while and said: "Don't worry, don't worry about how many people have a good relationship with us, don't be so nervous."

"So, you told that witch?"

The corner of Yakumo Zi's eyes twitched, it really hit the nail on the head, but she didn't have any other thoughts, she nodded without thinking and said: "Don't be so serious, do you think she will tell others? When there is no change, she will It's just at the shrine."

Although Kazami Yuka was very upset, she didn't say anything. That witch, can be said to be a very magical existence. You can say that she is amazing, she doesn't care about cultivation, but she is not weak in cultivation.

You can say that she has a weird personality, but she is easy to understand and simple, laughs when she wants to laugh, gets angry when she gets angry, is loyal to desire but does not mix evil thoughts "she is an innocent existence in the true sense.

If you say she is serious, she usually has nothing to do, cleaning is also pretending, drinking tea in a daze or attracting visitors every day.

If you think she is friendly...she is quite noisy, and sometimes she will get close to people regardless of people and monsters, but she does not regard the people around her as companions, nor will she seek help from others.

Saying that she is greedy for money, she doesn't even know the meaning of money, she just feels that she needs money.

It is said that she is a human being, she is indeed a human being, but she will never only monitor monsters because she is a human being, and will also monitor humans who may become monsters.

Said she was competent...... Er...... She guessed that she didn't even know what Shendu was enshrined in her shrine, just such an existence, a weird but simple guy, Yakumo Zi recognized it very much.

Kazami Yuka knew it too, so she didn't say anything, Yakumo Zi sighed and said: "But I always feel that if she comes over, she will say something terrible...

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