People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 475 Empress Hancock, Aren't You Afraid Of Spraining Your Neck? (Please Subscribe~)

Nami sat on a chair, looked at Bai Yu who was holding a small cotton ball in tweezers and applied medicine to her, tilted her head and said: "The store manager Bai Yu is just scratched, it's fine."

"So I didn't plan to use gauze for you, but the disinfection and sterilization that should be done should be done, so that it can heal faster, and you don't want the wound to heal too slowly, right?"

Nami nodded and sighed, "If only those guys on the boat were the same as Store Manager Bai Yu..."

"Same as me? Then your food should be good."

"That's true!"

Bai Yu said softly: "Don't move your legs.


Nami looked down at Bai Yu and was about to say something when she heard Bai Yu helplessly say: "Shooting Fei, did you aim at it? It happened to shoot right into the door, Nami, you should be the first A person who came to the store in this way.

Nami also said with some embarrassment: "Actually, if "One Zero" wasn't because the old man in the tower knocked on the door, I would definitely hit the door!"

Bai Yu looked Nami up and down, then nodded and said, "It looks like the wound has been healed, so it won't be a big deal."

Nami breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Manager, please make me something to eat, I'm going to starve to death..."

"No problem, what do you want to eat?"

"Just the same as last time!"

"Okay, but you were all shot flying, so Sauron also flew out?"

Nami was stunned and said suspiciously: "Eh?! Manager Bai Yu, how do you know that I and Luffy are sailing?"

"You said before that Luffy and the others were seriously injured, and Zoro will definitely drag that Luffy to find you. Although that kid is a passionate fool, he can tell that he has a lot of love."

Nami nodded and said: "Yes! Zoro and the others did come and knocked down the evil dragon, although..."

"Although what?"

Nami whispered: "Although the evil dragon has nothing to do with me... But I am very grateful to Sauron and the others. The evil dragon was also taken away by the navy in the end. I didn't know the relationship between him and the navy until the end. Major Mouse actually joins forces with others! He wants to trick me!"

Seeing Nami who suddenly got excited, Bai Yu sighed and said, "So what are you going to do next?"

Nami clenched her fist and said, "Of course I'm going to find Luffy, Robin and the others!"

Pandemonica said softly: "Your world should have a huge sea area, do you know where you were photographed?"

"Uh... I don't know..."

"Then do you know where your friend was photographed flying?"

"I...don't know..."

Lucifer said angrily: "Let's not talk about the existence of land in your world, there is just such a big sea, how do you find it? What are you playing!

Nami said dejectedly: "Then what should I do..."

Bai Yu thought for a while and said: "You can wait here now, one day here is about the same as a month for you, and when Sauron gets news or wakes up, he should come to you.

Nami was taken aback and said nervously: "But, wouldn't this be too's too troublesome, Manager Bai Yu..."

Bai Yu shook his head and said: "It's not troublesome, you can also live here like Qing Xingdeng, but occasionally stay here for a few days."

"Yeah! Thank you Bai Yu, store manager!"

"It's okay, let's talk first... um? What's going on tonight?"

Bai Yu was about to enter the kitchen when he saw the door light up again, this time it was not open, Yakumo Lan said nervously while chewing on fried tofu: "Master Zi, didn't you say that there are not many people?"

Yakumo Zi shook her head and said, "This question...we don't know..."

In a room at this moment, the woman from before clenched her teeth and clenched her fists and shouted: "Damn it! Damn it! Who the hell is fooling my concubine!"

The woman is about to go mad with anger, the bathroom door is glowing, and the door of the bedroom is also glowing! What are you going to open?! Die! It’s been more than two days! How much is too much!

"Damn it! I want to see who is so bold!"

As the woman said, she put on her robe and walked towards the door. She didn't choose to open the door normally, but kicked the door to pieces. This unlucky door must be replaced after seeing who is behind it. So it broke right away.

But then the woman was stunned, and she stared blankly at the door.

The door was broken, but there was no one or anything, only a light curtain, an extraordinarily warm and soft light curtain, and the woman didn't get angry when she saw this light curtain.

Stretching out her hand towards the light curtain, the warm feeling made her unable to raise her vigilance, as if this warm feeling had told her that there was a warm existence behind the light curtain, it was safe, and it felt a little familiar to her It's as if I've seen this light...

After thinking for a while, the woman gritted her teeth and stretched her hand into the light curtain. She felt that there was no danger before she walked in.

"This... what is this place?!"

At this time, Yakumo Zi and the others looked at the woman who walked in, and they were stunned. Was this woman a little taller? Lucifer swallowed and said, "I've only seen Yuko at this height.. ..”

Kazami Yuka also nodded, the woman glanced at the people around and said in a deep voice: "Who are you?! Why are you in my concubine's bedroom! And what is this place?!"

Bai Yu tilted his head and said, "This is the restaurant of Otherworld, not your bedroom. You just came to the restaurant through the door of your bedroom."

"Otherworld?!'re a man?!"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "It's obvious."

"Damn it! Why are there men on my concubine's island?!"

"Uh...this is not your island..."

The woman was stunned and said in a deep voice: "Stop fooling my concubine! If it wasn't because I didn't feel any hostility, I would have been sentenced to death just for being inappropriate!

Yakumo Zi and the others squinted their eyes, good guy, met an interesting human being, Yakumo Zi smiled and said, "So, who are you?"

"I don't even know my concubine 1.7?! The concubine is Shichibukai, the queen of pirates, Boa Hancock!"


"That's right!"

"So you are really extraordinarily proud~"

"No matter what I do, I can be forgiven!"

This made Yakumo Zi and the others startled and asked in confusion: "Why?"

Bai Yu looked at Boa Hancock with eyes of an idiot the whole time, and always felt like an idiot came...Boa Hancock looked up at the ceiling, stretched out his hand and shouted: "Because I'm so beautiful!"

The words came out in complete silence, and even Yakumo Lan was stunned, my good fellow, I'm afraid this is not abnormal...

Bai Yu sighed and said, " are not afraid of twisting your head and neck when you lift your head up like this?"


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