People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 483 Hancock's Unforgettable Taste (Please Subscribe~)

The general of the headquarters, the yellow monkey, and the pirate queen Boa Hancock, these two big characters, can be said to be a little helpless at this time, and they have one thought now: "That fellow from the world over there! I know you are cute , can the food not be so delicious, they are going to break their defenses!"

This is what they think, especially Boa Hancock, although she came here consciously for the first time, she still has a very special feeling for this place.

She came here twice in total, once when she was a child to treat the wounds and diseases of the three sisters, and the second time was this time, this time directly erased the brand of shame, and her younger sisters could also be erased.

There are other reasons, generally speaking, Boa Hancock has a good impression of this place, she is very curious about everything here, about the cuisine here, about the man who helped save her twice Food is very much looking forward to.

Looking at the situation here, Huang Yuan silently remembered that he must pay back, because a general of his suddenly disappeared, and he would be questioned no matter what he said. No one would believe what he said. It is to remember as many characteristics of 747 as possible, and it is best to bring something back to prove it.

Huang Yuan looked sluggish day by day, but in fact this guy is not really so idle." When everyone was thinking about their own things, I saw Yu pushing the dining army over.

After placing the two covered plates in front of Hancock, Bai Yu came to Huang Yuan and brought over the ramen, which seemed to be a large amount, and the bowl also had a cover

"The food for the two of you is ready, please use it slowly."

Hancock opened the lid expectantly, and was hit by the scent directly on the face. The scent made her lose her mind for a moment, and she turned her head to look blankly at Bai Yu who was walking away thinking about her position.

"This is that man. Is this Mr. Bai Yu's cooking? What a fragrance, powerful, not afraid of Tianlong people, even want to kill Tianlong people, he is very considerate, and the cooking is so good... This is what he treated back then. A man with three concubines? How outstanding!"

While Hancock was thinking this way, he opened the lid on the other side, a few pieces of pork ribs, a few pieces of winter melon, it was simply a small bowl of pork ribs and winter melon soup for one person, but it tasted completely different from the dish in front of him. But it made Hancock feel a little familiar.

Lucifer glanced at it and said with a smile: "Are you being lazy? Is there paella after the cheese gratin?"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said: "It's almost the same as the staple food, and for that Hancock girl, this is the only dish that can go with that soup.

"That soup has a story? It's winter melon pork ribs soup."

"Do you think Rayleigh and the others patronize themselves to eat?"

Lucifer and the others nodded in amazement, Bai Yu smiled and shook his head, then looked down at the book in his hand, Lucifer also leaned over to read it together, Pendermonica was still playing with her phone, Xing also looked at herself of horror stories.

The moment the yellow ape on the other side opened the lid, the scent could be said to make him swallow, and after the heat in front of his eyes waved away, he looked at a large bowl full of various fish cakes and the like. He couldn't even see the noodles, but the aroma made him move his index finger.

After taking a look at Bai Yu, Huang Yuan picked up a spoon and pressed it on the various ingredients on the top. Never had such a delicious soup.

Before eating noodles, take a sip of soup. I don’t know who brought up the tradition. In short, it’s true that you can get a preliminary idea of ​​the quality of this bowl of noodles after taking a sip.

Yellow Ape (acfg) didn't even think about it, because here he is completely one of the weakest ones, killing him and poisoning him is no joke, and he doesn't think a person who can cook such delicious food is a bad person.

After taking a bite of the noodles, Huang Yuan opened up his appetite, eating mouthfuls, and let out a sigh of emotion from time to time, but no one thought it was strange, because every guest who came here was like this.

Including Hancock who can be locked in a small black room while eating, Yakumo Lan feels very strange when watching Hancock eat...It's strange, you say you eat delicious food, what are you doing? ?! If you are a snake girl, are you really like a snake?!

Hancock was stunned after taking a bite of the paella, she had never eaten such delicious food, the satisfaction of the taste buds, the satisfaction of the spirit, the satisfaction of the stomach, the aroma when chewing made her whole I froze for a moment.

The so-called staple food, the dishes made from the so-called staple food, are not so simple, it is tolerance, the tolerance of all ingredients, risotto, fried rice, rice bowl, etc., soup noodles, mixed noodles, cold noodles, etc., all staple foods , They can all carry any ingredients, this kind of tolerance, only the staple food has, with the word "main", its heart is also extraordinarily broad.

Hancock is not only because it is delicious, but also because it is made by Bai Yu. After many years, she finally ate Bai Yu's food, but she unconsciously looked at the winter melon soup while eating.

I don't know why she always finds it familiar, but she can't remember it. After struggling for a while, she picked up a spoon on the side and scooped a spoonful of winter melon soup into her mouth. At that moment, the moment the fragrance radiated from her mouth, she was stunned. up

Not because it was delicious, but because she remembered it. Looking at the soup in front of him, Hancock remembered everything. This is a taste that she will never forget.

This was the first dish she ate after escaping from that hell, and it was also the dish that she always thought was the most delicious. As time went by, she gradually forgot what the dish looked like.

Because she didn’t know how many soups she drank, but none of them tasted that way. At that time, she wondered if Xia Qi made it. Was it because she was too lazy to make another one, so she said she couldn’t make it. This is the shop called Bai Yu. Long for them.

Gradually, she could no longer pursue that taste, and the appearance of cooking gradually disappeared in her memory, leaving only a vague shadow, only the taste that she always remembered.

Because that is her, the most delicious food in the world for her, she will never forget this taste, this is the first real warmth she felt from fear and darkness

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