People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 516: Gu Lei Fia Who Wants To Run Away (Subscription~)

No one knows where the girl is at this time, but for her, she just needs to wait quietly for the night to come, she is really tired, even a Predator

Also tired.

On this day, it seemed that all the white-haired girls were not doing very well. At this time, on the battlefield of the Demon Realm, a beautiful figure was shuttled between the two armies.

Whether it's the beautiful and cold appearance, or the proud and perfect figure, they all formed a sharp contrast with her terrifying fighting power at this time.

This is Gu Lei Fia Luciferges, one of the strongest women in the underworld, the name of the silver-haired Annihilator is not for nothing, it is really a famous and a bad name go hand in hand

Gu Lei Fia returned to her resting place after eliminating the more critical existences as usual, because she was one of the core personnel in the battle, and her family was also a family serving Lucifer, so her temporary resting place was also very luxurious.

Gu Lei Fia looked at her luxurious room, thought for a moment and then sighed, "I'm about to have had enough of war, death... and go to serve that lunatic in 02... I don't want ...."

Even though she said that, she knew very well that once she tried to get out of the war, she would definitely be chased and killed by the people sent by the old devil king. That's right, it wasn't a hunt, it was a hunt.

Those guys never thought that life was something precious or worthless. To them, it was a toy, especially Rizevim, who seemed extraordinarily playful.

Lezevim Levi'an Lucifer, the child born of the ancestor demon king Lucifer and the mother of demons Lilith, is very powerful and has the name "Li Lin" in the Bible.

But this guy is exceptionally abnormal. He treats everything as a toy in his hands, especially likes to torture others. For example, he once instructed his own son to persecute his own grandson for fun. Later he His grandson ran away, and he felt that life suddenly became boring again. The most important thing is...

Because he was too boring, he directly tortured his son to death, and said that he died too fast and too boring.

Rizevim is such a person. It can be said that he is even more demonic than the devil. It can be said that as long as he is not a masochist or someone who has enough life, he will not want to serve such a Lucifer .

Although Gu Lei Fia knew that she would be hunted down, she had had enough, and she absolutely did not want to serve such an existence.

Thinking of this, Gulei Fia has fully proved a word, women, especially beautiful women, are so outrageous in their capriciousness, she is really planning an escape route now, yes, she is about to run away, and no one can stop her !

For her, there are only three outcomes for her escape this time. First, she joins the reformist faction to continue fighting, but the reformist faction will not force her to fight every day in order to let her fight, it all depends on her mood.

The second is that she does not join either party, and escapes to a place where no one knows her, or escapes from the underworld. This is also the best way for her personally, because there are too many ways for her to hide in the human world.

In the end, she died on the way to escape. This possibility is very high. The Old Devil King faction will not let herself leave alive, but she has had enough, she must be free.

With this in mind, Gu Lei Fia called out: "Dinner."

Then seeing the waiter pushing the dining car in, Gu Lei Fia said softly: "Make an extra serving, I'm too tired from today's battle."


After the waiter left, Gule Fia ate quietly. Devils don’t need to eat, but they can also get energy from food. Gule Fia will definitely become suspicious if they eat too much. Dare, but you can discuss it in private.

You must know that those old things from the Old Devil Sect are terrifying existences with high intelligence. It is difficult for them to guess that they are fleeing after quickly recovering their physical strength and magic power.

After eating her luxurious feast, Gulei Fia waved her hand, and the maids packed up and left. Gulei Fia lay on the bed and said softly: "Is it time to leave when the next battle is... . . . "

When Gulei Fia said this, she slowly closed her eyes and rested peacefully. She must maintain sufficient physical strength and energy to do so.

Bai Yu glanced at the scene in front of him, tilted his head and said, "Personally, I think it's better not to drink."

After taking a look, Zhengyi nodded and said: "I agree, but it's really amazing. Both Xiaojing and Qianxun have a headache after drinking too much and can still drink so much.

Lucifer said angrily: "It's really easy for you to evaluate excellent..."

"Does it matter? If you are too serious, you will look stupid, but Bai Yu, where are you going next?"

"According to what Lucifer said, we need to buy the remaining daily necessities, and then go to WGO to have a look, right?"

Lucifer nodded and said, "That's right, I'll buy it for you when I come back with Mana and the others in the evening, so that I can go home directly after shopping!"

Zheng Zheng thought for a while and said: "Well, the arrangement is very reasonable, it should be said that it is Lucifer, so what are you waiting for? Let's go, the meat is finished, and the wine is also finished.

Bai Yu nodded, Nami stood up and stretched her waist and said, "This wine is really delicious, Qing Xingdeng, are you okay?"

Qing Xingdeng nodded and said: "What a mistake, but I'm fine, thank you Nami for your concern..."

"Small thing! Huh? Anyway, Ms. Lucifer is surprisingly good at drinking!"

Lucifer said angrily: "In your impression, what should I drink?"

"Two cups down."

Lucifer yelled, "I'm not that weak! And why would you think so?!"

Nami said with some embarrassment: "Because Miss Lucifer, you are a person with a strong sense of contrast, so I wonder if pouring two glasses would be more consistent."

The corner of Lucifer's mouth twitched and said: "Nami....I don't have a contrast with everyone..."

"Getting her out of the office is one of the biggest contrasts," Justice said with a smile.

"You don't mention work, we are still friends."

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