People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 519: Cerberus' Hobbies, Shocked Executives (Please Subscribe~)

For the WGO, today's pressure can be said to be too great. Usually, it would be lazy, but let alone lazy today, no one dared to sit down and drink water.

That's right, all the staff are as if they have been beaten with chicken blood. They don't dare to stop and devote themselves to their work so wholeheartedly. They dare not say anything else, at least they look like hot-blooded teenagers compared to usual.

Nakiri Mana looked at Cerberus, who was cooperating tacitly with Rantabi over there, and sighed, "I discovered Cerberus's hobby by accident..."

Crouch asked suspiciously, "What hobby?"

"Unpack things."


Crouch glanced at Cerberus, who was frantically unpacking documents and packages, and said in surprise, "My God! Cerberus is so enthusiastic!"

Nakiri Mana nodded and said: "Well, Cerberus has been like this for the past two days, it seems that she will be happy to let her dismantle things."

Crouch thought for a while and said, "Hmm...... Isn't that Ha~Shiqi?"

Nakiri Mana was slightly taken aback, and after comparing it, he said with a smile: "Don't say it, it really looks like a husky with those ears! But the husky should not be as interesting as Cerberus, after all, Cerberus is not stupid.

"This is... eh? Where's Dekla? I haven't seen her for a long time, are you being lazy?

Nakiri Mana said angrily: "Kraqi, we don't have to work!"

After thinking about it for a while, Clara nodded and said: "Eh?! It seems to be true! Then what did Dekla do? Ann just saw that it was in the expected location of the ingredient warehouse

Dekra's words are completely unknown. "

Nakiri Mana also shook her head. As for the disappeared Dekla, she was in a state of being stunned at this moment. She was checking the form everywhere, but when she was about to go to the next place, she saw several people appearing at the door. The familiar figure, after a careful look, it was Bai Yu and others.

Sharum said softly, "Sorry sir, here's... poof!"

Before Shalum could finish speaking, he was kicked aside, and when he turned his head, he saw Dekla with a cold face, looking at him dissatisfied.

Sharum said nervously: "That...Master Dekra, you are..."

Dekla said in a deep voice: "Are you crazy?! How dare you stop Bai Yu?!"

Sharum was stunned and said suspiciously: "Huh? Mr. Bai Yu...I don't know this...I also follow the rules normally. It's not like outsiders can't just do it during WGO construction. enter?"

Dekla shouted in a deep voice: "Do you know who Bai Yu is?!"

Sharum said nervously, "Who?"

Dekela coughed lightly and said: "Master Mana personally evaluates the number one chef in the world, and it's still..."

Shalum's heart stopped beating when he heard this sentence, he was really unlucky, and he said blankly: "Or what..."

Dekra blushed and shouted: "This is not what you should ask! You know that if you offend Bai Yu, Master Mana and the four of us will never let you go lightly!"

Bai Yu sighed and said: "Decla, it's not possible, and we just came here..."

Dekla nodded and said: "Then that's it! Remember it well! And Bai Yu may come to WGO to give lectures to you in the future! The evaluation will also be Bai Yu's evaluation! Do it yourself!"

Sharum was stunned for a moment and then quickly said: "Mr. Bai Yu! I'm so sorry! I didn't know the situation just now!"

"It's okay, don't need to apologize, because I'm here too, and I haven't told you to find Crouch and the others.

Sharum breathed a sigh of relief, and Dekla smiled and said, "Bai Yu, why didn't you call us? If we had called earlier, we would have come to pick you up."

Sharum looked at Dekla, who had a smile on his face and tenderness in his eyes, and swallowed. He heard from Yi Sitdal that it seemed that Dekla and the others fell in love with a man at the same time and were pursuing him.

At that time, Sharum didn't believe it, but now he believes it a little bit. De Kela, Ke Laqi and Ann can be said to be the three high-altitude flowers among the executive officers. Kurt and Crutch are more popular.

0...asking for flowers...

You must know that these three people can be said to have a secret love attitude among many male executives, but you also know that these three people are not worthy of you at all, and you can only have a crush on them. Now the man in front of you has not only won four , and the most outrageous thing is that he was chased backwards.

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "We called, but no one answered."

Dekla was stunned, touched her pocket, clapped her hands and said: "Ah! I forgot! We threw our mobile phones and bags in the car to see, I will take you to find Clara and the others... ah

Here they come! Crutch! Crutch!"

Crouch, who was walking and chatting with Nakiri Mana, heard the voice and glanced aside, and then saw Bai Yu, that's right, the existence of others was automatically filtered out.


Crouch ran over and said in surprise, "Bai Yu! Why are you here? I don't know! Give me a call and I'll pick you up!"

Nakiri Mana also came over, nodded and said with some resentment: "Yes... Bai Yu, you are really... you should find us, any one is fine.

After Lucifer said it helplessly, the two of them also looked embarrassed, and Nakiri Mana said in a low voice: "If I knew it, I would have brought my mobile phone... Let me show you around, the new WGO covers an area of ​​​​No smaller than the original!"

Bai Yu nodded and was dragged away by Crouch. Zhen Lumu swallowed and said, "He is really a powerful man, but why did the real lord act like he was blaming his boyfriend just now?"

Thinking of this, Sharum quickly dispelled this idea. This idea is too scary. He might be expelled directly. It's better for him to think less about the boss and just pretend that he doesn't know anything today.

"Yo! Sharum! What's the matter with you?"

Sharum turned his head to look at a man in a pink suit and said, "Yi Sitdal, you are right, Mrs. Craki and the others are in love, and I dare not think that they still have such a gentle side... "


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