People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 523 Unknown The True Meaning Of Jue Li, Qing Xingdeng's Strange Idea (Seeking Subscript

At this time, Lucifer's mind is now full of the legendary contract that Medis said. The more she thinks about it, the more she feels something is wrong. Coupled with the science popularization just now, Lucifer feels that she has dug a big hole for herself!

Nakiri Mana thought for a while and said, "Lucifer, I saw you walking around just now, what's the matter?"

Lucifer thought for a while and said, "What do you think Medis is doing now?" (Dees: Ha~)

Justice said with a smile: "Don't worry, you don't need to worry about this matter. After all, Medis will have that day sooner or later. She may be worthy of the title of her race now."

Lucifer sighed and said, "I always feel like I've cheated myself...."

"Hahaha! Little things, eh? Where are you taking me?"

Lucifer said playfully: "Go and choose your personal clothes!"

Zheng Zheng rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, "Bai Yu isn't here! If you had said earlier, I wouldn't have let that girl Medis take Bai Yu away."

Lucifer frowned and said, "What do you mean? What do you want?"

"Ah? What else can I do? Of course I asked Bai Yu to choose me. I really believe in Bai Yu of 177th. Maybe I will be so fascinated that I can't find Bei.

Nami said in a low voice: "In a sense.....Miss Justice, if you let store manager Bai Yu choose...I always feel that your style of painting will change."

Zheng Zheng thought for a while and nodded, "Well, it makes sense. As expected of Nami, she still speaks so sharply. Girls should learn the art of speaking."

A few minutes later, Nakiri Mana and the others exclaimed again in the store: "Justice! How did you get this figure?! I want it too!" by Rantabi.

"Wow! As expected of Bai Yu! Can justice be so handsome?!"

"Although I've seen it once, I still have to say that Miss Justice is so handsome!"

Looking at the chattering crowd, Zheng Zheng changed his clothes and looked at himself in the mirror, nodded and said: "I didn't expect that it was quite appropriate.

Lucifer sighed and said, "I now seriously doubt that you used to work out at work."

"Huh? Don't get me wrong..."

Lucifer breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Zheng Zheng's words, and then heard Zheng Zheng laughingly saying: "I'm also exercising now!"

"So you used to be really lazy at work?!"

"Eh? What do you mean? I have a good job, it's just a hobby, and can fitness be considered lazy?"

Lucifer was stunned, and Cerberus said blankly: "I think it should be in Bai Yu's words... don't you know?"

Rantabi sighed and said: "It's not that useful to be unaware!"

"I know! But this unknown is Bai Yu's version!"

Zheng Zheng turned his head and said suspiciously: "Bai Yu version? What do you mean?"

Others also looked expectant, Cerberus thought for a while and said: "I don't know what Bai Yu said... I don't know what happened, but I just feel very powerful, I don't know what it is."

Nakiri Mana laughed directly and said, "I always feel like I need to re-acquaint myself with this word, but why do you remember it so clearly, Cerberus?"

"Because that's what Bai Yu said about me!"

Lucifer twitched out of the corner of his eye and said, "You? What did you do?"

Cerberus whispered: "It's nothing... just before... I said I want to learn how to cook! Bai Yu made an unintelligible comment like this, saying that he didn't understand what Kerber Why do you want to learn to cook all of a sudden, Boros, or make cakes, but you always feel that your eyes are very powerful."

The corner of Lucifer's mouth twitched and said, "Cookies? Chocolate pancakes?"

Cerberus nodded, and Lucifer walked over and pinched Cerberus's face and said in a deep voice, "I don't have a long memory, do I?! How dare you touch chocolate?! Are you crazy?!"

Cerberus whispered: "I'm not the one with optics either...I want to learn about other cakes..."

Lucifer breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Anyway, stay away from chocolate! No chocolate! Did you hear that?!"

"Got it...I don't want to eat chocolate..."

Nakiri Mana asked suspiciously: "What's the matter? Why didn't Cerberus eat chocolate? This child loves it very much. Are you afraid that she will damage her teeth?"

Cerberus shook his head and said, "I will never eat chocolate!"

Rantabi was taken aback and said in disbelief: "I'm afraid this is not a fake Cerberus. I can't imagine that Cerberus has something he doesn't like. It's still to this point.

Crouch and the others also nodded, and righteously said in doubt: "Lucifer, what's going on with Cerberus?"

Lucifer sighed and said: "Cerberus is fine when he eats chocolate, but it was fine when he ate it, but after a while he will have a stomachache, which is so painful that he will die

Nothing works, and I still have diarrhea, which makes me feel like I'm going to die. "

Nakiri Mana was a little surprised and said: "Eh? Is there such a thing? Cerberus, have you tried better chocolate? Is it expired?"

Lucifer sighed and said, "Surely not, Bai Yu did it."

Nakiri Mana was stunned and said with some doubts: "Then there is nothing to say... Cerberus, you are really pitiful... But if this is the case... Cerberus can eat cream or something ?"

Cerberus nodded and said, "Cream cake! Blueberry cake! Strawberry cake and..."

Rantabi said angrily: "Okay, it seems that Cerberus should be able to eat everything except chocolate, not because of fat and sugar.

Nakiri Mana said helplessly: "That's really pitiful, the desserts with chocolate are very good..."

Justice and Pandemonica naturally knew what was going on with the various reasons, so they didn't even use magic power and healing magic? That's really outrageous.

Shizuka Hiratsuka said helplessly: "It's really similar to the headdress you wear, Miss Cerberus. Dogs can't eat chocolate."

Cerberus was stunned and nodded, Qing Xingdeng tilted his head and thought for a while, if Cerberus is a hellhound and can't eat chocolate, is it just a monster Inugami who can't eat it? (Inugami :???)

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