People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 527 The Difference Between Liking And Love, Abnormal Demons (Please Subscribe~)

At this moment, Lucifer twitched the corners of his mouth when he looked at Diss, who was hugging the quilt and staring at the ceiling with a pair of eyes, good guy, this is not outrageous...

When Metis heard the door open, he said with a smile, "Bai Yu, you are back! Where is the water I asked for? My throat hurts."

The corner of Lucifer's eyes twitched, and when he walked over, Medis stretched out his hand directly. Lucifer glanced at the outstretched arm and patted it angrily.

Medis said directly angrily: "Bai Yu! Hit me! No, no, no! I'm not ready yet!"

Lucifer tilted his head, Medis was really strange, Medis didn't see Bai Yu speak for a long time, turned his head and saw Lucifer sitting in front of Bai Yu and looking at her angrily.

Medis shrank directly into the quilt and shouted: "Boss! Why are you here?!"

Lucifer reached out and tapped on the head of Mortis and said angrily: "Nonsense! Because I am the hostess of this shop!"

Medis didn't know where the courage came from, so he just exposed his head and shouted: "Humph! I'm also the hostess! Boss! In hell, you are superior to me, but in the store, we are equal! I will definitely Bai Yu likes it even more!"

Lucifer froze for a moment and said, "Although I'm surprised that you said this, Medis, I'm really still have an F who can say such a thing..."

Medis was taken aback, scratched his head with a smile, and whispered, "Boss, boss, can I ask you a question?"

"You said you are sisters in the store, 5?"

"Oh, boss, do you know the difference between like and love?"

Lucifer has been thinking about this question for a long time, she really doesn't know how to answer this question, but she knows whether she loves it or not, but she just can't come up with any theory.

After thinking for a long time, Lucifer said softly: "Like probably means that the heart beats faster, and love means calmness...~".


Lucifer smiled and said: "It's the first time I've thought about this question, but I really don't know how to answer this topic... Um... Maybe when you like someone, your heart beats faster, but not all the time. There will be a time of calm."

"But if you love someone, you will probably change yourself. As long as you are by your side, you will feel at ease. When you are not around, you will not think about it, but when you are free for a while, you will feel that something is missing in your life... Simply put Probably it is to treat him as a part of life, an inseparable part, and also my best destination, as long as I am in front of my lover, all fears, tensions, etc. will disappear by themselves."

Kundis blinked and said, "I can't understand it, but it seems very powerful..."


"What's not clear?"

Lucifer smiled and said: "That's not important, and Mr. Bai Yu standing at the door, your wife is dying of thirst."

Bai Yu came in with a glass of water, tapped Lucifer on the head and said with a smile: "As expected of the Queen of Hell, she is really good at speeches, but your conviction for this serious crime is really random.

Lucifer thought for a moment and said, "Maybe it's because you have a lover that you're changing?"

"I feel like it should be a natural release."

Lucifer patted Bai Yu angrily. What does it mean? She is such an existence, but she has been suppressing herself before? It’s as if she used to be a fool! (Hell group: Huh?)

Medis sat up and drank the water in the cup and said with a sigh of relief: "Eh? What kind of water is this? Why is it still sweet and weird? It's a bit... But it's delicious!"

Lucifer also looked puzzled, and Bai Yu said with a smile: "There are medicinal materials such as Pang Da Hai that nourish the lungs and clear the throat, as well as things that can arouse qi and blood. I'm afraid you don't like it, so I added it to you." Some rock sugar, but very little.

Medis hugged the cup, not knowing why she felt warm in her heart, she just wanted to drink some water, Bai Yu directly boiled this thing for her, she just had a sore throat from shouting for too long, but for Bai Yu's It is very satisfying to care about her.

Lucifer smiled and said, "You really know how to strike while the iron is hot, as expected of you."

"Don't add some strange passives to me, I also took care of you for a long time at that time."

Lucifer said angrily: "Then why don't you keep it? You know how to be angry with me every day! Sure enough, you don't know how to cherish it when you get it! Hmph!"

"There's still some in the pot, go pour it yourself.


"Okay, then just wait for a while."

What Lucifer meant was that she wanted to bring Bai Yu upside down. Bai Yu has come into contact with a lot of strange languages ​​over the years, such as Izumi Sagiri's floor language, such as Nakiri Mana, whose mouth is full of food and can only utter "uh" The language of the um voice, and the hum language of Lucifer.

Bai Yu felt that no one but herself could translate the meaning of Lucifer's humming language. Lucifer was very satisfied with Bai Yu's understanding ability, after all, sometimes she didn't know what it meant. By then Bai Yu had already done it.

Lucifer asked suspiciously: "What's the matter with Medis? I was able to go out for a walk at night. Why is she in a vegetative state?"

Bai Yu and Mortis looked to the side at the same time, Lucifer looked over with this gaze, and said with a twitch in disbelief: "What?! You use...."

Medis said angrily: "No! (Zhao) Bai Yu is very good to me!"

Lucifer's eyes twitched and he said, "Bai Yu, you go out first."


After waiting for a few minutes, Lucifer came out with a helpless face and said: "It's Medis who recognized you,'s Medis who smacks others, and this is the first time I've seen the reverse. , as expected of you."

Bai Yu sighed and said, "Honestly... how many outrageous people are there in hell?"

"Um.....the rest..."

Lucifer thought about it, the remaining demons of tobacco and alcohol...these two sisters have nothing to do with normal, especially Zidella...who is left...judgment? As long as she can't beat Bai Yu is not a problem. (Judgment: Just me and Hanhan?!)

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