People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 552 The Vigilant Girl, Yakumo Zi Who Took The Initiative (Please Subscribe~)

Seeing the girl walking in, everyone was taken aback for a moment, it wasn't what they were going to do tonight, wasn't it outrageous, last night was a pirate party, which directly caused a big battle.

What do you mean today? Gunfire negotiation or Rush? Too much!

Yakumo Zi was stunned for a moment and said blankly: "Ah... Is it our illusion... How do we feel that the guests we met tonight are all inclined to force? First, the swords of Sauron and Hawkeye , followed by Miss Riven's broken sword, and now comes another one with a gun..."

Lucifer also nodded and said, "It seems to be a little too outrageous..."

Bai Yu said softly: "Miss, you..."

Before Bai Yu finished speaking, he heard the girl smile and say: "Ah, there are so many beautiful ladies and a handsome gentleman, so where is this place?"

Hearing the girl's words, Lucifer felt a little strange for no reason. He always felt that the girl was acting, but she was not so sincere anyway.

Bai Yu smiled and said: "This is the restaurant of Otherworld, but don't worry, you can go back here, as long as you open the door, you can go back again."

The girl was taken aback, and said with a smile: "Ah, it's really interesting, Otherworld, is it the Otherworld I imagined?"

"That's right."

The girl suddenly smiled and said: "That's really amazing, but this place doesn't look like Otherworld, Mr. Store Manager is not trying to lie to me, is it?

Yakumo Zi and the others can also feel that the girl seems to have some succubus potential. This is a completely tentative attitude. You can tell by looking at the two guns that are not put away in their hands.

After thinking for a while, Bai Yu said softly: "You are the first one to ask this question, how should I put it.... It seems like you and I can't get anything, it's meaningless." "

The girl was stunned and said with a smile: "Of course I can get it. Today, two people tried to trick me into finding the key for me. They almost lost their virginity. It's really scary."

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Thinking too much, so do you choose to rest here or choose to eat something?"

"Well... I just found out that your store is very beautiful, Mr. Store Manager, and it's not bad to have something to eat here, so it's decided!"

Bai Yu shook his head with a smile and said, "You are really vigilant."

"Me? Did you say this? Do you believe me when I say this is a toy?"

"What do you think?"

The girl stared at Bai Yu for a long time before she smiled and said, "Okay, it's a real gun, Mr. Store Manager, are you worried that I'll shoot you in the back?"

Hearing this, everyone laughed. This time the girl was stunned, and the girl asked doubtfully, "Is there any problem?"

Lucifer said with a smile: "Just in this room, there are so many things that can directly solve you.

The girl was taken aback, and said with a smile: "I believe it, after all, I'm just a delicate girl."

Yakumo Zi smiled and said, "You really like acting."

The girl turned her head to look at Yakumo Zi with a smile and said, "Ah, I've really been threatened terribly.

Yakumo Zi sighed and said: "If you don't believe it, you can try it [just as we also want to see what Mr. Shop will do to the woman who attacks me?"

Bai Yu sighed and said, "Miss Yakumo, you are surprisingly cruel."


"It's really cruel to want to avoid dating in this way."

After saying this, Yakumo Zi immediately looked at him with a resentful face, why did she forget not to provoke that man! Isn't this digging a hole for herself?!

Bai Yu said with a smile: "But in a sense, I don't think this young lady would do anything like a surprise attack."

"But I'd love to try it."

Bai Yu tilted his head and said, "If you're sparring in the shop, whether or not you confiscate your weapons depends on my mood."

"Then you can try it..."

"The realm of lightness and heaviness."

Yakumo Zi said something casually while drinking, and then saw that the girl couldn't lift her arm, the girl turned her head with difficulty and glanced at Yakumo Ziyun Zi said with a smile: "It's fun."

The girl gritted her teeth and said with a sigh of relief: "It's too cunning, it's really too much power."

Bai Yu glanced at it and said, "You can put away those two guns yourself, then miss, what do you want to eat?"

"'s so late, let's have some fruit, and give me a cup of hot cocoa."

Bai Yu nodded, turned around and walked into the kitchen. The girl felt that the gravity on her body had returned to normal. The girl said with a sigh of relief: "It's really a terrifying power. Can a word have such power? But I still wanted to talk to the store. Mr. Chang, let's discuss it."

Yakumo Zi said with a smile: "Don't be too confident, we are taking care of your face, after all, if you do something to Mr. Manager, you will have a shadow.

"Eh? That's really amazing."

"It seems that you don't believe it...but it doesn't matter. After all, your two guns are not ordinary guns."

Just as the girl was about to speak, she heard Lucifer casually say while playing with her mobile phone: "And... I also have special powers..."

"Ah, it looks like I've come to an incredible place, but suddenly I feel very dangerous."

"Don't worry, you don't have to be too nervous, this is just a restaurant."

"Well, then I'm relieved (promised), it was really scary just now."

The girl stopped talking after she finished speaking, Kazami Yuka looked at Yakumozi and the three who were drinking, and said with a strange look in her eyes: " actually took the initiative to make a move just now.

After saying this, Yakumo Zi was also slightly taken aback, coughed lightly and said: "We just don't want to let that customer leave a shadow, after all, Mr. Store Manager is indeed very powerful, and he is also a black-bellied guy."

Kazami Yuka glanced at Zi Yakumo and said nothing. When the girl was looking at it, she saw Bai Yu walking out with a large plate of fruit salad and a cup of hot cocoa.

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Please use it slowly, it's better to mix it with hot cocoa."

"Ah, it's really considerate, and there are garlands, thank you, Mr. Store Manager."

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