People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 54 The Little Magic Of Cerberus (Please Subscribe~)

Kanzaki Kaori looked at the white-haired beauty in pajamas in front of her. She had some doubts about her life. Is this person a hellhound? Leaving aside her majesty, this simple image doesn't have much to do with a dog.

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Cerberus, there is something I want to ask you~"

Cerberus moved his ears and said, "Yes! Tell me, master! I can tell you anything I know!"

After Bai Yu told the story, Cerberus glanced at Rikhoori, then turned to look at Bai Yu and said, "Master, master! Why don't you go find Lucifer? If it's Lucifer, there will be special the effect!"

Bai Yu was taken aback, and Kanzaki Kaori was also taken aback, and Cerberus said quite naturally: "Because Lucifer is the devil king! This devil not only means devil, but also magic power! If it is Lucifer, it may directly Just absorb that protective magic~"

The corner of Kanzaki Kaori's mouth twitched. Anyway, it was a specially placed magic from their church [the symbolic one has to be a little procedural, so he just absorbed it? Is it so useless?!

Bai Yu nodded and said: "Well, indeed, the power of the gods is improved according to 430's own followers and communication speed. I believe that the name Lucifer is not unique to my side~"

Kanzaki Kaori nodded, Bai Yu looked at Cerberus and said, "Cerberus, if it was you, would you be able to solve it?"

Cerberus nodded and said, "Okay~ It's very simple~ It's just a defensive magic~ I don't need to go there myself! That human!"

Kanzaki Kaori looked up at Cerberus, Cerberus swiped his fingers and said, "It's fine! Just put your hands on that girl's head when the time comes!"

Kanzaki Kaori said hastily: "Can this break the magic?!"

"No~ Breaking the magic is not good for her~ She will be targeted~ This magic is equivalent to having a hood to cover the root of this magic, and then it has nothing to do with your friends, no matter how it happens It's useless~ After all, you can feel from your body that your strength shouldn't be very strong~" (Didn't say Demon God~)

Kanzaki Kaori was stunned for a moment and then said in doubt: "Miss Cerberus, I really want to know one thing, and that is, is there really such a thing as breaking the head?"

Cerberus shook his head and said with a smile: "Of course it's impossible! Just look at Lucifer! Not to mention how many magic books on forbidden spells she read when she was an archangel, even when she was a demon, the code of forbidden spells Look no further~ It’s not hundreds of thousands anymore~ Lucifer hasn’t become stupid~”

"And I've only heard that the more you read, the more knowledgeable you become. If you haven't heard of it, you'll blow up~"

Kanzaki Kaori nodded and asked doubtfully, "Miss Cerberus, are you the legendary hellhound?"

"Yes yes yes yes! There is only one Cerberus! It is me!"

Kanzaki Kaori thought for a while and picked up his knife. Bai Yu was about to say something when he saw Cerberus casually grabbing the air in front of him, and then Kanzaki Kaori's expression changed.

Cerberus scratched his head and said, "This little toy is not bad... Although it can't hurt me, it's not good if it hurts its owner!"

As Cerberus said, he pushed back the injured steel wire with a gleam of light. Cerberus smiled and said: "Such a small toy can't hurt me~ For the sake of your lack of malice I won’t say anything~ Master Master Master! Are you okay~”

Bai Yu shook his head and flicked a steel wire with his finger, then bounced it back and said with a smile: "Miss Kanzaki Kaori, I think such a temptation is unnecessary, because I can't get anything by lying to you, right~ "

God (acai) Riehoori took a deep breath and said: "I'm sorry for the store manager, and Miss Cerberus, I just want to confirm your strength, after all, this is not a trivial matter.

Bai Yu chuckled and said, "Don't worry~ It's okay~ It doesn't matter if you will be sent by the church after that, you can temporarily board your friend in the store, and go back after the limelight is over. Yes~”

Cerberus also smiled and said: "Yes, yes, yes! And if you bring her here, you can give her a shielding magic, that is, in the eyes of the church, she is already dead! That's fine !"

Kanrei Kaori nodded and said solemnly: "Thank you, the store manager, and Miss Cerberus. If that's really the case, I will bring that child here."

Bai Yu said with a smile: "No problem~Every guest is always welcome here, and guests with stories are more welcome~"

Shen Lie Huozhi showed a smile and said: "Thank you, then I will go back first, the store manager, there is only one hour left..."

"Hmm~ I wish you all the best"


After finishing speaking, Shenlie Huozhi was about to turn around and leave, then suddenly thought of something and said: "Shop manager, I haven't paid the bill yet, how much do I need?"

"Five hundred~"

"Huh? Five hundred yen?! So cheap?!"

Shenlie Huori was a little frightened. You can eat such delicious food at this price, and there is also a cup of flower tea that is more expensive than this alone. This...

Bai Yu sat on the chair and said softly: "This question, because there is no reason~ I can accept it if I want to, here I can exchange stories for food, and I personally feel that everyone who comes here is very suitable to be friends, Naturally, it's a friendly price~"

"The manager is money..."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left. When Shenlie Huozhi left and stepped into his own world, a red-haired man came over and said, "Where did you go?"

"Have a meal."

"Let's go, there's still an hour left..."

"Steyer, I think we may have been deceived by the church. You don't need to ask anything, just leave it to me. If it doesn't work, we can complete the ceremony in an instant."

Stiyl glanced at Arakori and continued to walk forward without saying anything, but his calmness at this time was the best trust in Kanzaki Kaori, and Kanzaki Kaori was also relieved by this, looking at himself A trace of firmness flashed in his right eye.


ps: The second update! The new guest arrives, and it has something to do with the dragon!

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