People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 567 Completely Defeated Chu Jianquan, Beating Wu Lei'an Violently (For Subscription~)

Wu Lei'an was also a little surprised when he saw Bai Yu's figure. He originally thought he was a weak guy, but unexpectedly, there was something unexpected, and he didn't look so boring.

Wu Huiliyang turned his head back slightly, a man in a suit with a smirk came over, and the guards didn't stop him, Katahara Mietou said with a smile: "Nagi! You can make Chu Jianquan's The guy showed up in person! Looks like you're afraid of losing!"

Hideki Nogi said with a smile: "Chairman Katahara was joking, you haven't paid attention to such a small boxing competition for a long time, this man named Bai Yu can be said to be as strong as a monster."

Wu Huiliyang smiled and said: "Monster? Say monster in front of us?"

Garuda didn't care at all and just looked at the two fighters who were still chatting. Wu Lei'an also had a look of disdain. Nogi Hideki said with a smile: "He knocked Guan Linchun down three seconds ago."

Wu Huiliyang was about to say something when he heard Hideki Nogi said with a smile: "A total of three seconds including the moving distance."

Wu Huiliyang was also slightly taken aback. Guan Linchun, the prison angel, they have heard of before. It can't be said that he is very strong, but he is not weak. He completely lost his fighting power in three seconds. What kind of existence is it?

While talking, Chu Jianquan also smiled and said: "Hahahaha! What are you talking about? Your main business is to open a restaurant? Hey, hey, where is it? I'll visit it when I have time.

"Let's talk about it after typing, I still have a courier to pick up."

The people around are also familiar with Bai Yu's character, Chu Jianquan is also very satisfied with Bai Yu's character, such a fighter is really interesting, so he rarely took off his shirt, twisted his neck and said: " let's start!"

Bai Yu nodded, and the next moment he saw Quan for the first time, his pupils shrank suddenly, Bai Yu disappeared, and when he reappeared, he only saw a leg kicking towards his neck [Junior Quan immediately raised his hands to resist.


A very unscientific sound sounded, Chu Jianquan flew out, his arms were congested with blood, Wu Lei'an also smiled slightly and said: "Hey, hey! Is this strength serious?! Hahahaha! Interesting, 々!"

Chu Jianquan was also a little surprised and said: "You are really powerful, if this is the case... what?!"

Before Chu Jianquan finished speaking, he saw Bai Yu directly appearing in front of Chu Jianquan, and there was a set of combos with no gaps at all. Chu Jianquan had been waiting for Bai Yu to take a breath, but he was surprised It was found that Bai Yu hadn't breathed, and his expression was always calm.

Chu Jianquan finally discovered the changes in the joints, and when he was about to use his favorite technique, Cong Yun San Lian, he found that Bai Yu directly emptied one hand and moved Chu Jianquan's arm to the On the other hand, it was unbelievable to see Bai Yu directly using his Cong Yun Sanlian.

At the moment when Chu Jianquan lost his mind, Bai Yu directly kicked Chu Jianquan into the air with a whip leg. When Bai Yu was about to raise his leg and chop down, Chu Jianquan directly grabbed Bai Yu's leg, and Bai Yu remained the same. With a blank expression on his face, he bowed his waist and threw Chu Jianquan into the sky, and took advantage of the momentum with a roundabout kick to Chu Jianquan's chest.

There was no kick, but Bai Yu caught Chu Jianquan, and then threw it aside. If Chu Jianquan was kicked just now, he might have to go to rescue him.

Katahara Sheaka said dumbfoundedly: "Art...this is an impeccable fighter! Speed, strength, skill, all are excellent!"

Wu Huiliyang was also surprised and said: "Hey! This kid..."

Katahara Mietou also had bright eyes, because they all noticed that Bai Yu didn't even break a sweat, Nogi Hideki sighed and said, "Fortunately, he kept his hand!"

Katahara Mietou said with a smile: "Hahahaha! Nogi! Even if he keeps his hand, it's almost the same!"

Nogi shook his head and said: "No...Until just now, Mr. Bai Yu was completely playing around. He once said that only by making him sweat can he be regarded as a little serious in front of him.

Katahara Mietang was also shocked, Wu Huiliyang was about to speak when he suddenly found that Wu Lei'an was gone, Jialou Luo quickly shouted: "Grandpa! Lei'an said to kill fte!"

Wu Huiliyang was about to speak when he heard Naigi Hideki sighed and said: "Mr. Wu, you can arrange for that Mr. Wu Lei'an to be rescued. It will be very miserable to kill Mr. Bai Yu.

Wu Huiliyang didn't speak but looked at the field. Wu Lei'an didn't say anything and directly hit Bai Yu, but Bai Yu blocked it casually.


While backing away, Bai Yu casually dodged Wu Lei'an's fist. Wu Lei'an was also very angry when he couldn't hit him all the time, so he rushed over, but Bai Yu directly reached out and grabbed Wu Lei'an's face, smashing it to the ground. Said loudly: "Which mental hospital didn't favor you?"

Wu Lei'an didn't move, but Wu Huiliyang shouted directly: "Lei'an! How can you show your secret skills casually! Lei'an!"

Bai Yu looked at Wu Lei'an's appearance, tilted his head and said, "It's a secret technique to release the potential of the body."

Hearing Bai Yu's words, Wu Bianzao and Jialouluo were all taken aback for a moment, and they could tell at a glance? Wu Lei'an was also taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile: "So [Go to hell!"

Bai Yu sighed and said: "The boss over there, will there be overtime pay soon?"

"There are crimes!"

"OK, why do you think the combat power of a few tenths multiplied by one hundred can become one?"

Bai Yu twisted his neck directly, and met Wu Lei'an's fist head-on. The next moment, everyone was stunned. Wu Lei'an's entire arm was broken, and it drooped limply.

Bai Yu squinted his eyes and said, "Your murderous aura is a bit strong, so I'll teach you a lesson..."

As he spoke, he made a movement that no one had reacted to. Bai Yu's ankle moved twice, and everyone (Wang's) heard two cracking sounds, and saw Wu Lei'an kneeling on his knees. On the ground, Bai Yu directly grabbed Wu Lei'an's face, and pressed his knee against the stunned Wu Lei'an's chest. In an instant, he lifted it up and then put it down, just like Juhe, but Wu Lei'an suddenly spat out a A mouthful of blood.

Bai Yu turned his head and said to Wu Huilifu and the others in the stands who hadn't noticed, "Why don't you go and rescue him? The bones in his upper body are broken and clean, and the bones have pierced the internal organs.

Wu Huiliyang looked at Bai Yu in disbelief, Bai Yu turned to look at the boss with a smile and said, "Remember to call me for overtime pay of 10 million, that's it, see you all."

Wu Huiliyang just said hello, and Katahara Mietou and others hurriedly chased after him for the first time in his life, Nogi Hideki sighed and said: "Monster...

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