People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 573 The Arrival Of The Four Gandalfs, Hancock's Steadiness (Please Subscribe~)

Hearing this aged voice, everyone was stunned. For some reason, Bai Yu thought of Dumbledore. He could feel that this was also an existence comparable to Dumbledore.

Hancock was also taken aback, she didn't know what the old people who came here looked like, but she could feel that the guests who could come to Bai Yu's place were not ordinary.

Just as they were talking, everyone saw a man with mid-length hair in neat clothes walking in. Lucifer and Bai Yu were taken aback when they saw the person coming.

The man stood at the door and looked at Bai Yu who was sitting there, showing a gentle smile and said with a smile: "My friend, we meet again."

Riven was stunned and said in doubt: "Bai Yu, do you know him?"

Bai Yu also stood up and walked over, the two men with temperament stood together indescribably seductive, Bai Yu said with a smile: "Congratulations, Aragorn.

Aragorn smiled and said: "Congratulations, my friend..."

"Looks like you've brought me a new guest."


Having said that, two more people walked in, both neatly dressed, but one was more handsome and the other looked a bit rough. They were Legolas and Gimli.

Legolas stared blankly at everything in the store, and after a long time he said in surprise: "757 can't believe that such a place actually exists, you must be the store manager who helped us, right?"

Bai Yu nodded with a smile and said, "Let me guess, you are the vegetarian, right?"

"Yes, it is an honor to meet you, Legolas."

"Bai Yu."

Jinli looked at it and said with a smile: "This is much more beautiful than the banquet hall in Gondor. I'm not exaggerating. I'm very glad to meet you, Jinli."

Bai Yu nodded, and just as he was talking, he saw Gandalf walking in in a white robe. As soon as he walked in, Gandalf exclaimed: "Oh! I can't believe it, I can't believe it

What is this bright room?"

Aragorn smiled and said: "Gandalf, how is it here?"

Gandalf looked around, the room was clean and tidy, with a faint scent of flowers, and an unknown thing was shining (electric light), but the light was very bright, and the tables and chairs were clean and beautiful

The ground is not gravel.

Gandalf smiled and said: "Miracle, all I can say is this, are you the owner of this shop?"

Bai Yu nodded with a smile, Gandalf said with a smile: "It's an honor to see the appearance of another world, the human beings in another world, I am deeply honored, I am Gandalf."

"Hi, it looks like there are only four of you."

Aragorn smiled and said: "Yes, but this time we don't have to hurry."

When hearing this, Legolas and Jinli both laughed, and Bai Yu said with a smile: "Then you four, please find a place to sit."

Aragorn and the others didn't have that much etiquette. After finding a table and sitting down, Jin Li said with a smile, "Hahaha! This chair is much more comfortable than I imagined."

Gandalf also nodded, and Bai Yu said with a smile: "Then what do you guys want to eat? Last time it was convenient to pack, this time you can eat here more formally."

Aragorn said with a smile: "You can order, but we still have a vegetarian here."

Legolas smiled and said: "Don't worry too much, have you forgotten? Elves also like hunting, as long as it is not too greasy and bloody.

Bai Yu nodded and said, "It will be much easier this way. Let's cook with meat and vegetables. What do you want to drink? Dessert?"

Legolas said directly: "Do you have wine here? Or fruit wine?"

"Naturally, do you want to ice it for you?"

"Ice it?"

Bai Yu said with a smile: "It will be more refreshing."

"It's time to work."

Jinli smiled directly and said: "Then what are you talking about, it must be the strongest wine, you can't (accg) drink water, right?

Aragorn shook his head with a smile and said, "Of course not, I want wine too, how about you, Gandalf?"

"I'm also more into wine."

Jin Li immediately rolled his eyes and said, "Oh! You guys are really...but it's the best if no one drinks water. Dessert? Is bread dipped in honey count?"

Legolas also said something like jam, and Bai Yu smiled directly and said: "Okay, it seems that I should also decide the dessert for you, so please wait a moment."

Aragorn smiled and nodded at Bai Yu. After Bai Yu left, Gandalf said in disbelief: "I used to doubt it, but now I believe it. I have also wondered what the other world would look like. But it's better than I thought it would be, I don't know how much."

Legolas also nodded and said, "That's right, it's even more beautiful than I imagined, and it has a warm feeling."

Aragorn said with a smile: "So I hope that the new era will be the era of mankind... that one day everyone's home can be like this."

Legolas and others nodded, and Gandalf was also somewhat relieved. Lucifer smiled and said, "Aragorn, congratulations to mankind for their final victory."

Aragorn nodded and said, "Thank you for complimenting this lady..."

Lucifer waved his hand and said, "Although I'm glad you call me madam, let me introduce you. I'm Lucifer, one of Bai Yu's lovers, and the queen of hell."

"What?!" x4

All four were taken aback, and Gandalf said in disbelief: "Hell?! Is it the hell I imagined?!"

After Lucifer explained, the four breathed a sigh of relief, Gandalf sighed and said: "I used to think that hell is full of evil spirits, didn't I expect it to be like this...

Pender said softly: "The hells in different worlds must be different, at least our hell is different from yours.

"You are?"

"Pandemonica, one of Bai Yu's lovers, hell's customer service, in your terms is the receptionist."

The four nodded. Riven also introduced her but didn't say they were lovers. Hancock just raised his hand and shouted: "I am also Mr. Bai Yu's woman!"

When Pender's hand was about to be raised, Hancock turned his head and glanced at Pendermonica, and then Pendermonica put his hand down. Hancock smiled, but she still decided to hold on , Wait for Baiyu to come out and then peel it.

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