People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 582 Yuko's Longing Embrace, Yuko's Longing (Please Subscribe~)

On April 1, Jun Xun still chose to stay, he didn't intend to stay here forever, he knew that Yuko Ichihara would not come back, she took away all traces of herself, even the bong she couldn't put it down.

But he still plans to come and stay for a few days to clean up. For him, this place has changed his life, and he will not give up easily.

On April 1, Jun Xun put the letter left by Ichihara Yuko on the table, stood up and went back to the kitchen, looking at the gurgling soup, Jun Xun's thoughts drifted far, far away on April 1.

It was so far away that he didn't even know how he came to the door with a bowl of hot soup, sat at the door and took a sip of the hot soup. The fragrant and warm soup brought him back to his senses.

"The snow has stopped..."

Miss Yuko left, everything seemed to be still, the wind stopped, the snow stopped, "there was a piece of red sky shining on the snow, which looked very beautiful.

Miss Yuko will never appear here again. On April 1, Junxun once heard Yuko Ichihara say: "She is a fragile woman, and she will also be homesick.....

Needless to say now, I know what Ichihara Yuko is doing. On April 1st, I know that Ichihara Yuko will not come back, but this does not affect him staying. This is also his debt. It is not heavy, but it is not easy.

The scenery outside the window has gradually turned blue, which is the proof that it is almost daytime, the mixture of dark blue and a little white, it is the time when day and night alternate.

But at this time, everyone was looking at the position of the store door. The door was lit, but no one walked in. This situation was already considered normal, but everyone still felt an inexplicable heartbeat, as if something was going to happen. same as the people who got it.

Especially Bai Yu, Bai Yu's state at this time should belong to the category of anticipation, he has not felt anticipation because of a guest so far.

Finally the store door opened, Bai Yu smiled, and the next moment a slender, slender leg wearing high heels stepped out, Lucifer stood up the moment he saw this leg.

One step, and the next moment a delicate, beautiful woman in a black evening dress walked in. That temperament was not what a human being should have, that nobility and elegance seemed to be born with her, and her appearance was also extraordinarily delicate and proud. With a tall and slender figure, her calm red eyes look like a red sun in a beautiful ink painting.

Even Yakumo Zi and the three of them were slightly taken aback, and the corners of Kazami Yuka's mouth twitched. She knew this person, and Riven said blankly: "What a beautiful woman...~."

After Lucifer looked at it for a while, the woman didn't speak, and Lucifer didn't speak. After a long time, Lucifer directly said angrily: "Are you comfortable standing at the door? Come die!"

Lucifer's words made Yakumo Zi and the others startled, and Ichihara Yuko said with a smile: "Lucifer, I haven't seen you for so long, you just treat me like this!"

"How long has it been? It's been less than a month here!"

Even though he said that, Lucifer still walked over and hugged Yuko, and Yuko Ichihara sighed and said: "Still talking...I'm bored to death over there!"

"Who told you to hold on? Pretending to be a savior, who doesn't know about yourself? You say you save the world and you save the world. What does that have to do with you coming back for dinner at night? You just have no brains."

Ichihara Yuko was a little happy looking at Lucifer's nagging for no reason. Ichihara Yuko also noticed Kazami Yuka's gaze, smiled and waved and said, "Youka! I'm back! Miss me?"

"No, if it's possible, I hope you won't come back in this life if you have an accident at the door.

Kazami Yuka's words made Ichihara Yuko's mouth twitch, but she still has a familiar taste, but she hasn't been a bad-bellied person for a long time, she's a bit unfamiliar, wait for her for two days, don't let you Kazami Yuka say that she is not a small shopのCommander-in-Chief of the Rebel Army.

Yuko Ichihara turned her head very Tsundere when she said that, she is a goddess today, how can she break through the defense easily, but she turned her head and saw the man who was still sitting there with a smile and didn't get up or speak.

Ichihara Yuko looked at the man in front of her with a sense of belonging for no reason, and felt sore in her heart. She had a lot of loneliness and unhappy things there, but when she saw the man in front of her, she suddenly wanted to talk to him One said.

Thousands of words can be combined into one sentence: "I'm back..."

Bai Yu smiled and nodded, Ichihara Yuko didn't care that there were outsiders here, she did the same thing as when she was leaving, she stretched out her arms to Yu again.

Bai Yu shook his head with a smile, stood up and walked over. When he was about to reach it, Yuko Ichihara also took two steps forward and hugged Bai Yu tightly and said in a muffled voice, "I'm homesick..."

Bai Yu whispered in Ichihara Yuko's ear, "Welcome home, Yuko..."

Yuko Ichihara feels her nose is sore and wants to cry. She is a person who has lost her real name and is alone in a small corner of a world that does not belong to her. She is watching alone, wandering, waiting, and she has a home. Whenever I am quiet, I always feel homesick.

It was a sense of belonging, that world rejected her, she had many friends in that world, but she seemed to be unable to remember, she no longer belonged to that world.

She was really scared when she put her hand on the door before, she was afraid that she was just having a long, beautiful dream, she was afraid that she could not remember what it looked like in the store, she was afraid that the white light would not appear, She was so frightened that she lost consciousness.

Only at the moment when the white light appeared, did she feel that she was not dreaming, and only when she hugged the man who was the closest and most important to her now, did she feel at ease.

She is a witch, but she is also a girl, she is also afraid, and she also longs for a warm embrace that can accommodate her, fortunately, what she longs for is by her side.

Bai Yu said softly, "Are you scared?"

"Hmm..." (Good Zhao)

"Are you still afraid now?"

"No... Miss me?"


"I miss you.……"

Bai Yu was taken aback by these words, it seemed that Ichihara Yuko had experienced a lot over there, Bai Yu let go of Ichihara Yuko's waist and said with a smile: "Hungry?"

"Huh? It's early, I thought I could just have breakfast."

"It's almost there, okay, I'll get your suitcase for you."

Yuko Ichihara looked at the man carrying her suitcase and smiled, but at the next moment she suddenly thought of something, ran over and said with a smile, "Well... I'll just do it myself~ ahaha... .”

Bai Yu frowned and said with a smile: "Yuko, you really are..."

"Ah! So sleepy! I'm going upstairs!"

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