People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 591 Pointing To Shinomiya Kojiro (For Subscription~)

When Bai Yu and Ichihara Yuko came to the commercial street by car, they both immediately attracted everyone's attention. Ichihara Yuko smiled and said, "Do you feel lucky?"

"Lucky what? Lucky my servants like little butterfly blue slippers?"

Ichihara Yuko said angrily: "It's not over, is it? You wait for me to buy a new pair of slippers, and put them in front of you for you to take a good look at."

"You son, you are so strange, you actually like to let others see your slippers."

"No...I...I'm going to die if you're not angry!"

Bai Yu smiled and said: "With your contract, I have to live well, right?"

Ichihara Yuko was stunned for a moment, and then whispered: "Even if you can speak, I won't be against you..."

Ichihara Yuko feels that her current skill has not recovered, otherwise she will definitely rebel, although she will be taught to be autistic, and there was another time when Bai Yu directly broke her alcohol, Ichihara Yuko felt that the sky was falling, and she should love her That's right, it's a strategy.

After Bai Yu and the others walked for a while, they finally came to a very special store. When Bai Yu02 saw this store, he nodded and said, "I didn't expect to open such a store....SHINOS... ..”

Ichihara Yuko asked suspiciously: "French restaurant? What do you mean? Come here to eat?"

The French meal in Yuko Ichihara’s impression should be a candlelight dinner, with red wine and music, and chatting with two people in a private room eating food that is not enough to eat. eat in her eyes


Bai Yu said with a smile: "His cooking should have improved a bit..."

"Huh? This shopkeeper's cooking is poor?"

"No, on the contrary, his cooking skills are quite powerful, let's go in and have a look."

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a man with short red hair and asked suspiciously, "Sir, miss, do you have an appointment?"

"No, is it full?"

The man took a look and went to check it. Not long after, he saw a red-haired man with glasses coming out. He originally wanted to say that there was only one of the most expensive private rooms left, and no one made an appointment at three o'clock in the evening. .

But when he saw the person coming, the man was stunned and said in disbelief: "Why did you come?!"

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Mr. Sigong, long time no see."

Kojiro Shinomiya was a little surprised and said, "Are you here for dinner?"

"That's right, I heard Miss Qian said that you also opened a store in Tokyo, so I came to take a look. Is there a location?"

"Yes, there is the most expensive private room left. Mr. Bai Yu, if you have a meal, there will be no charge for the private room."

The few waiters on the side were stunned. Is this still the proud chef? How can he still be so respectful?! Don’t be outdone!

Bai Yu waved his hand and said, "I'm not short of this little money, just the private room, really ran back to Tokyo to develop and hit the stars?"

Shinomiya Kojiro nodded and said: "Start from the beginning, this way the progress will be faster. I originally wanted to have time to visit your store when I moved here. I can't reproduce the French vegetable jelly you made. ."

The waiters and chefs on the side were almost scared to death. What the hell, this man turned out to be a chef, and he was a much better chef than Shinomiya Kojiro.

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "I'll know if I ask you a question."

Kojiro Shinomiya said expectantly, "What's the question?"

"French vegetable jelly, what do you think it is essentially?"

This question made everyone stunned. Kojiro Shinomiya thought for a long time, but he couldn't make up his mind about the crisp taste, plump vegetables and so on.

Bai Yu shook his head with a smile and said, "You have already read the answer."


"The answer is French vegetable jelly. Vegetable jelly is essentially vegetables. This is a cold dish, so the key lies in the vegetables themselves. It is useless to think about how to reproduce the appearance. It is impossible to say The carrots I use are of a higher bloodline than the carrots you use, you can eat them too, can’t you?”

Shinomiya Kojiro nodded and said with some doubts: "You mean...."

"If there is no accident, you should ignore the taste of the ingredients themselves in order to pursue the final appearance and aroma, or you ignore the state of the ingredients themselves. Vegetable jelly is just vegetable jelly, it's not that complicated."

Kojiro Shinomiya asked suspiciously: "But why does your vegetable jelly have that aroma?"

"How do you think the juice of vegetables can make its aroma waft out?"

After thinking for a while, Shinomiya Kojiro smiled and said: "You are really good, do you want to try the newly improved new dishes today?"

"Okay, give us another bottle of red wine, ordinary ones are fine, otherwise your idea of ​​discounting is not to make you lose money, we both know wine, so is the private room that one?"


Bai Yu nodded and walked over with Yuko Ichihara, Kojiro Shinomiya sighed and said with a smile: "If this guy is a teacher in Tōtsuki [How tall is Elite Ten?

A woman at 143 said doubtfully, "Chef Sigong, who are that gentleman and lady? Do you know each other?"

"He is a real chef, he is proficient in all dishes, he can cook anything with ingredients, if he wants to give stars, he can get it at will, and he is the most powerful chef I know.... "

Several people were very surprised, and one of the men said with a longing face: "His store must not be simple!"

"Well, there are any ingredients in his store, but the price is very low. He opened the store just for fun, and there are no customers. It's ok! It's almost time for business, and there is still half an hour and twelve o'clock, everyone! Take action !Ground!Table!Settings!Ingredients!Move!”


Bai Yu in the private room looked at it and then nodded, "Well, it's a classic French style, very nice and clean, it seems that he really plans to give a star rating.

Ichihara Yuko said lazily: "I remember that the star rating is not..."

"Yes, it's conducted by WGO, which is the level that Crouch and the others come to evaluate.

"That's really amazing."

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