People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 638: Tsunade's Wish, Tsunade's Request (For Subscription~)

Tsunade didn't eat either, he just asked for a jug of wine, and just held it in his hand without drinking, sitting next to Bai Yu the whole time, chatting with Bai Yu all the time, but basically Tsunade was talking alone .

Bai Yu always sat on the side and listened quietly, Tsunade didn't stop, and he looked excited throughout the whole process. She has experienced this kind of scene too many times.

It’s like this every time in a dream, you can safely talk to that vague figure about anything, and that figure will listen quietly, Bai Yu said with a smile: “It seems that Tsunade is quite attractive what."

Tsunade gave Bai Yu a glance and said, "It's very attractive! Am I not pretty?"

"It's pretty."


Tsunade just wants to say a word now: "I'm still in the growth period, look at what I've been in for two years! I'm so fascinated by you, a big radish! How many people beg me to like me, but I still don't like it! Go burn incense and pray to Buddha Thank you!"

But Tsunade still didn't say a word, looked at the time on the computer and said with some frustration: "It's been an hour, I should go..."

"Well, I'll take you to the door.


When Tsunade reached the door, he breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly turned around and said to Qing Bai Yu: "Bai Yu Bai Yu, pay me back."

Bai Yu didn't refuse, walked over and squatted down, Tsunade smiled and leaned into Bai Yu's ear and whispered: "I calculated the time, I can rest for a few days when you are 363 during the day, come to me Let the world see.

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Sure, but are you sure you didn't find someone to listen to your nagging?"

Tsunade said angrily: "There is no chance for others to listen to my nagging. Please be content. I will take you shopping and see grandma! Grandma knows about you too!"

"Why do you feel like meeting your parents?"

Tsunade blushed and didn't say anything. After a long time, he smiled and said: "You have a special identity this time, so your task is also very difficult!"

"Huh? How difficult is it? If it is too difficult, I dare not go."

Tsunade smiled and patted Bai Yu and said, "No matter how difficult it is, this is a task that you can complete!"

"Huh? What is my identity? I still have to come? Could it be your three..."

Tsunade said with a smile: "If you say that name, I will definitely punch you with a strange force. I always like to bully people. It's not the same as in the dream."

"Is it better in a dream?"

"Hmmm...the reality is better, I'm telling you something serious, listen carefully."

"Well, tell me, I will listen carefully to whatever you say (acda)."

Tsunade smiled. Compared with the dream, the reality is more vivid and more satisfying to her, and this quiet listening is more gentle than the dream.

Ichihara Yuko looked at the appearance of these two people and whispered: "Hey, Lucifer, to be honest, Tsunade is pretty good."

"Of course, no matter what, Tsunade grew up with Bai Yu, and he is very obedient to Bai Yu."

Ichihara Yuko nodded and said with a smile: "She has worked hard enough, she is really good.


While everyone was watching, Tsunade also whispered in Bai Yu's ear: "I knew that Jiraiya also liked me a long time ago, but I didn't have any other thoughts, and then one day I said something..."


Tsunade blushed slightly and said: "That...that is... I said something when I was a little drunk... I have someone I have always liked, and I have a boyfriend Gonggua"

Bai Yu also knew what it meant, just smiled, and Tsunade said in a low voice: "So this task can only be done by you! This difficult task is entrusted to you...don't lose the chain.....I ...I will cooperate with you...and I always have only one choice..."

As Tsunade was talking, he could barely hear him, Bai Yu said softly, "Okay, I've been with you in my dreams for so many years, and it's fine during the day..."

Tsunade smiled, and said softly: "I am different from grandpa, the bond between you and grandpa is friendship, but the bond I received from grandpa is also friendship, yes, but I know very well that I am not grandpa. Grandpa, so I have more than just friendship...."

"I don't believe in my luck in this matter... I'm fed up with a life where I can only see you in my dreams, how should I come here again?"

"At night, as long as you think about the appearance of the store, find a door, you can come through any door, but you can't come every night, because your world time is not synchronized, if you come here It may be equivalent to you coming back after you left, in fact, you have disappeared from your world for a long time, once or twice is okay, but if you go too many times, you will be useless.”

Tsunade nodded, that's true, that's right, Bai Yu was about to say something when he saw Tsunade kissed her on the face, and said with a smile: "I wanted to do this in my dream, but I don't even look like that. It’s vague, but now it can be considered as fulfilling one of my wishes, so I’ll go first.”

Bai Yu nodded, Tsunade didn't look back this time, opened the door and saw the light in front of him, just said "don't forget" and walked in.

After Tsunade left, Bai Yu smiled and shook his head. He never thought that Senju Hashimama said when he left: "Even if he can't come, our bond will not be broken."

Maybe it will be more complicated! Hahahaha!"

Bai Yu only now knows what this sentence means. Senshou Zhujian really has a good intuition, but the people who have been to the store have already died three times, and they are all three people who died willingly. Bai Yu was also a little sad.

Lucifer smiled and said: "You are really outrageous, Hashirama is the same, anyway, what did Tsunade tell you?"

"She asked me to cooperate with her, it seems that I can't leave with you tomorrow, but I should be a few minutes late.

"That's hard to say, just wait until you come back."

"Alright, why don't you go?"

Ichihara Yuko rolled her eyes and said: "Tsunade is too dependent on you, you can be considered to have grown up with her, and finally I can see you in the daytime, so we won't bother you."

"Awareness is very high."

"How could I fall in love with a big pig's trotter... Forget it, I'm not going to look at the store tonight, I'm going back to rest, Riven, are you still downstairs?"

"Me? After a while, I want to see if I can have a guest who might learn something.

"Then I'm leaving!"

After speaking, he went back upstairs, Yuko Ichihara's speed made Lucifer smile and said: "If nothing else happens, Yuko, that idiot, wants to go back and smoke a cigarette.

"Let her continue to hide, what are you thinking behind the frame?"

"Eh? How do you know?"

"Because she ran to the bookstore to buy books as soon as she came back that day.

"Pfft... stupid enough.

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