People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 646 The Wise Man Seeks Strength Inwardly, Meet The Parents (Please Subscribe~)

Nakoki is very satisfied with this brother-in-law, he looks very handsome, and has a gentle temperament, but such a person is still a strong person, and he talks very interestingly, Nakoki is so satisfied, Tsunade looked at Kazuna Bai Yu who chatted with the tree also felt very at ease.

Bai Yu smiled and said: "Shengshu, you just asked me if I was very good, right?


"So what is your dream?"

Sheng Shu shouted without thinking: "I will definitely be Hokage in the future! Be the most powerful ninja!"

Bai Yu tilted his head and said, "Then Shengshu, let me ask you a few questions."

"Hmm! Brother-in-law, you can ask! I can definitely answer!"

Tsunade was also very curious about what questions Bai Yu would ask, and he was also listening attentively. Bai Yu said softly, "The first question, Roki, what will happen after you become the strongest ninja?"

Sheng Shu was taken aback, scratched his head and said, "" 02 Bai Yu shook his head with a smile and said, "Second question, how do you understand the word powerful?"

Tsunade thought for a while and said, "It's power."

Zhishu also nodded, and Bai Yu said with a smile: "Then the third question, which one do you choose, the strongest ninja or the strongest powerhouse?"

"Uh...the strongest....tolerance...not right...strong...not right..."

Bai Yu rubbed Naoki's head and said with a smile: "The last question, why do you want to be the strongest."

"To protect the village! Protect the people I want to protect! Like my sister!"

Bai Yu nodded with a smile and said: "I can barely give you full marks for your last question, because only when you have something you want to protect, you don't dare to lose it easily, you have to make yourself stronger."

Nakoki nodded, Tsunade said with some doubts: "What do you mean by the previous questions?"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said in a gentle voice: "The first question, what should you do after you become the strongest ninja? People live to constantly transcend and improve. Even Hashirama didn't say anything and stopped doing it. Bar."

Sheng Shu nodded and said: "So, brother-in-law, what do you mean, tell me not to be proud, but to keep improving?"

"That's almost what it means. After all, no one will feel that they are strong enough. This is the same as that no one will feel that they have too much money. The second question, the so-called


"Strength doesn't just refer to your combat power, but also your mind. A wise person seeks strength from within, while an unwise man seeks strength from outside. Sometimes a person with perseverance "a humble and prudent mind is much worse than so-called strength."

"Consider more when things happen, think about all the results, control the overall situation but not be anxious, this will increase your winning rate a lot, after all, there will always be people who are similar to you and stronger than you, study with an open mind and observe carefully It's not weakness, it saves your life sometimes."

Nakoki nodded, Tsunade thought for a while and said, "Sawaki shouldn't be that stupid, Nakoki, if Bai Yu doesn't say anything, what should you do if you go to carry out the mission?"

"Speed ​​solution!"

"Uh... Then what if a war breaks out!"

"A man should lead by example!"



Bai Yu smiled and shook his head and said: "Shengshu, you have to remember that war is dirty, no one will fight you fairly, assassinations, traps are all possible, don't rush to the front just because you are young and energetic Observe, sometimes what you call bravery is just recklessness, and recklessness kills in war."

Tsunade nodded and said, "Did you hear that? I'm sorry I asked you, otherwise you kid... you... idiot!"

Shengshu scratched his head and smiled, then reacted abruptly and said with a smile: "So, the third question is to be the strongest, right?"

"Almost, Nakoki, always remember that you are not alone, you have family members, just like what Tsunade said, if a war really broke out, would you be injured if you walked into the enemy's trap because of your so-called bravery?" it is good."

"If you sacrifice, you may feel very free and easy. Being a hero is good and handsome, but you have to remember that you will get nothing but a grave. It will only make your family members who care about you sad and sad. Take away your chance to enjoy life."

After thinking about it for a while, Nasoki nodded solemnly, Tsunade also breathed a sigh of relief, and after a long time, he smiled and said, "Bai Yu, are you going to see grandma?"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Okay."

Tsunade was about to get up when he thought of something, struggled for a while and said: "Bai Yu, if a stranger suddenly appeared in the village..."

Bai Yu waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, it's been resolved."

"Eh?! How did you do it?"

Bai Yu whispered in Tsunade's ear: "With their protection, no one will think that I am a stranger when I walk on the street now, but it's just that they don't know me. I can go to the meeting of your current residents Let's get involved."

Tsunade said with a sigh of relief: "This is great, then let's go now, today depends on your performance!"

"Huh? You mean meeting the parents?"

Tsunade blushed and said softly: "It's not just this's dinner is up to you! 670 I haven't eaten your food yet, is it really so delicious?"

"It's unpalatable and can poison many people to death."

"Fuck you, I don't believe it. How can a person who can brew such wine be able to poison people to death? At least it is edible!"

"I know you still ask?"

"This is the normal process for me!"

Sheng Shu looked at these two guys who left themselves aside and chatted on their own. He didn't have the consciousness to be a light bulb, but he was very happy watching. He had never seen such a Tsunade before.

Bai Yu stood up and said, "Okay, let's go quickly."

"Huh? You don't seem nervous at all?"

"Why am I nervous?"

In a room at this time, an old man sat quietly by the bed, raised his head when he felt someone was coming, Sheng Shu ran in directly, the old man said softly: "Why are you here?" ?"

"My sister brought her brother-in-law to see you!"

"Hmm? Brother-in-law? What brother-in-law?"

After Shengshu explained, the old man suddenly nodded and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that legendary existence really existed..." (Bai Yu: Am I really a legend?)

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