People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 668 Shi Yu And Her Mother's Cross-Frequency Chat (Please Subscribe~)

At this time, in a normal re-examination residential building, a beautiful black-haired girl went downstairs with her computer bag after changing her clothes.

A woman downstairs said suspiciously: "Eh? Shi Yu, what are you doing so late?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu took a sip of water and said in a warm voice: "I'm going to have dinner with my friend, and thank you by the way."

The woman was taken aback, and said doubtfully: "It's so late to go to a friend's house for dinner, thank you very much? What are you thankful for? Shi Yu, when did you have such a friend?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu thought for a while and said, "I personally feel that they should be friends."

"Huh? Shi Yu, your child speaks very strangely today."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu sat on the chair and said in a gentle voice: "He runs a restaurant, isn't my grade in the novel not good before, and then I went to his restaurant for a meal by chance, and he happened to read my book before, But his evaluation is very good, but there is a lot of room for improvement."

"Then you two discussed it? It turned out to be very beneficial. I heard from you that your book is doing very well now."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu nodded and said: "Well... In short, I would like to thank him for his encouragement and some teachings... I always wanted to go there when I had a score of 853, but now I can go.

The woman smiled playfully and said, "Eh? Shi Yu, the store manager's restaurant is already closed at this time, it seems that you two have a good friendship."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was taken aback and said angrily: "No, no, no, the store manager Bai Yu's restaurant is a night food restaurant. It didn't take long for it to open at this time, and it didn't close until the next morning when I was in class."

"Eh?! There really is such a night restaurant! Oh... Ah! I thought of it! One day, Shi Yu, you came back very late, and you said you ate outside, so it was that day! is not it?"

Kasumigaoka Shiwa nodded, and the woman smiled and said, "That's great! Is the food delicious? How does it compare to mom's food?!"

"Uh.... Bai Yu's food is the best food I've ever had..."

The woman froze for a moment, then covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Eh? That's really good... Hey, Shi Yu, that store manager Bai Yu should be a very special person! How old is he this year? Thirty Age? Forty (aced) years?"

"Why do you think he's so old?"

"Because there is a restaurant of its own in Tokyo, no matter how you say it, you are not an ordinary person, and can give you so many suggestions, no matter how you say, you are a very experienced person!"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said helplessly: "No...he is not that old, he looks like he is at the age of a university or a graduate student.

"Eh?! That's really amazing! Hey... Shiyu..."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's mouth twitched, and she said vigilantly: "So... what do you want to say?"

"It's nothing, I just want to ask if your store manager is handsome."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu struggled for a while and finally nodded, the woman showed a smile like that and said: "Well...that's great, it really feels like youth, Shiyu, what do you think of that store manager?"

"Huh? He's a nice person. Compared to those boys out there who only pay attention to their appearance and have barely evolved from a single-celled organism to a bedbug level, the store manager Bai Yu is a nice person." 11

The woman nodded and thought for a while before she said softly: "So what does this store manager Bai Yu mean to you?"

"You are so strange... what does it should be a special person to me..."

The woman didn't speak, and after a long time, she sighed and said, "Okay... If that's the case, Shi! I support you!"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, by the way, are you coming back tonight?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was stunned for a moment, and said suspiciously: "Where will I live if I don't come back, but I may come back later, I have the key."

The woman said in a deep voice: "Wait! Don't move, I'll go find something for you.


Seeing the woman running upstairs, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked puzzled, but she stayed behind for the time being. She must go to the store today, because she had thought about it a long time ago.

At the very beginning, she wanted to pass it when she made progress, but she thought it was inappropriate to pass it this way, so she held back. She felt that if she passed with a small achievement, it would be too embarrassing if she regressed again, so she continued until She decided to pass it only after she succeeded.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu is planning to go there today to reward herself with a big meal, chat with Bai Yu, and then use the quiet atmosphere in that shop to have a cup of coffee and code quietly until the early morning. It's very refreshing to think about it.

Just as he was talking, he saw the woman coming down, and he was relieved when he saw that Kasumi Hills Shiyu hadn't left. He directly took Kasumigaoka Shiyu's computer bag, opened it and threw in a box of things.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was stunned and said doubtfully: "Huh? What did you put in it? Money? I'm not short of money, and Bai Yu's food is very cheap.

The woman smiled and waved her hands and said, "It's nothing, just a little medicine and other things."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu thought it was a medicine to promote digestion and nodded without saying anything. After all, he must take some medicine to help digestion when he eats at night. Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked at the woman and said: "If there is nothing to do, I will go out ?”

"Go, go, if it's too late, you can come back tomorrow morning, anyway, Shiyu, it doesn't matter if you take half a day off for your grades, the day after tomorrow is Saturday.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu tilted his head and glanced at the woman suspiciously. He always felt that something was wrong today, but after thinking about it carefully, there was nothing wrong.

"Well, let's talk about it, I plan to write until the early hours of the morning."

"Early morning?! Hmm! It's nice to be young...Shiyu, hurry up, it won't be safe to go there if it's too late."

After Xiazhiqiu Shiyu left, the woman said with some emotion: "I didn't expect Shiyu to have a boy he likes? But young people are really...I have to think about it. This invite her tomorrow Fake it."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu walking outside feels a little bit wrong, it seems that the two of them are talking about two different things today...

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