People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 66 Cerberus, Who Ate Chocolate, Is Dangerous! (Please Subscribe~)

At the gate of Tōtsuki Academy, Xiao Lin Long and Akakubo Momo are waiting at the door, they are waiting for Erina to come over, Xiao Lin Long said with a smile: "Erina is really conscientious~"

Akane Kubota hugged Butch and said disgustedly: "Gentian, not everyone is as leisurely as you!"

"Aren't you too?"

Akane Kubomomo stopped talking. Although she was very good, she was a bit willful when she was led by Xiao Lin Long, and she often absented from work, but she didn't want to fall in love because of absenteeism.

"Eh? Why are you here so early?"

When Erina came, she saw that the two people waiting at the door were a little strange. Xiao Lin Long and Qian Kubotao looked at each other and didn't say anything. They just opened the car door and got into the car very consciously.

Erina sighed, she always felt like she was about to become a taxi driver...

"Erina, what were you doing? Why are you here so late?"

Eri "297" Nai said solemnly: "Taking notes, what the store manager Bai Yu said today is very useful, and almost all of them are things I don't know, so I sorted out the notes, thanks to the What about Hisako~"

Hisako scratched his head and said: "Miss Erina, it's okay, I'm not as good as Miss Erina and you guys don't understand a lot of things, so I can only take notes...

Akane Kubomomo looked at Hisako and said: "I remember, Hisako's cooking is still very good... It should be because he specializes in medicinal cuisine, so the progress is a bit slow, you can try other fields.

Hisako said suspiciously: "But, Akakubo-senpai, aren't you also good at desserts?"

Akakubomomo rolled his eyes and said, "Little Momoko is just the best at making desserts, and he also loves desserts, but it doesn't mean that my other dishes are worse than ordinary students.

Hisako nodded, Erina thought for a while and said: "Hisako, or you can come to store manager Bai Yu during your field study!"

Hisako quickly waved his hand and said: "Miss Erina! No way! Not to mention that I am far inferior to my seniors and Ms. Erina, I can't just go to the Elite Ten store where Manager Bai Yu is!"

Erina nodded and felt it was a pity. She still hoped that Hisako could go to study with Bai Yu with her. After all, although Hisako is a secretary, in Erina's heart, Hisako is also her best friend.

While we were chatting here, Bai Yu also prepared the food here. Because he wanted to make chocolate pancakes for Lucifer, Bai Yu chose Western food instead of Chinese food.

"What is this?"

Lucifer pointed at the strange looking dish in front of him and looked at Bai Yu suspiciously, Bai Yu looked in the direction of Lucifer's finger and said with a smile: "This is baked wonton

"Baked wontons? What is! This cheese?!"

Bai Yu looked at Lucifer who seemed to have discovered a new world and said with a smile: "Yes~ it's baked wontons with cheese~ the taste is not bad~ it's one of the classic western dishes~"

Lucifer nodded, obviously she was still very interested in this thing called cheese, and Cerberus, who was watching on the other side, was holding a large piece of Tomahawk steak and gnawing there.

Even in human form, Cerberus still has a natural liking for meat, Bai Yu put a colorful thing on Cerberus's plate.

Cerberus was taken aback, holding the steak and said suspiciously: "Master, master, master! What is this? It's colorful! It's so beautiful!"

Bai Yu smiled and said, "This is French vegetable jelly~"

"Oh oh wait...vegetables?"

Bai Yu said with a helpless smile: "Although it's true that dogs like to eat meat, they should also pay attention to a balanced diet~ eat some vegetables~"

Cerberus looked at the vegetables in front of him as if he was facing an enemy, which made Bai Yu feel helpless, he was really a serious partial eclipse~ In the end, the master's words outweighed his thoughts on the meat, and he picked up a fork and picked up a whole piece of vegetables Dong pinched his nose and sent it directly into his mouth.

At first, Cerberus was very uncomfortable, and she didn't even dare to think that she was a vegetarian! But when she took a bite, she was stunned, and then she chewed it twice.

"Wow! Master! Is this really a vegetable?! It's delicious! Sweet!"

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Then eat more~ A combination of meat and vegetables~"

Unlike Cerberus, Lucifer eats every dish, but she is still more interested in this French ravioli, to be precise, she is more interested in cheese.

"Eh? What are you going to do?"

Halfway through the meal, Bai Yu suddenly stood up, Lucifer asked in confusion, Bai Yu smiled and said, "Go and get the main character tonight~"

"main character?"

Lucifer suddenly became interested, and Bai Yu named the dish as the protagonist must be delicious. The baked cheese wonton just now made her fall in love with this cheese thing

Not thick or thin, the hardness is just slightly crispy, and the wonton skin with a little burnt edge is filled with meat filling soaked in fragrant gravy. The feeling of rejection from the teeth told her how addictive this thing is. taste..

The melted cheese wrapped in the wontons brings the icing on the cake to the wontons, which enhances the texture and taste. After one bite, the whole person has no other words in his mind except satisfaction.

Now that Bai Yu is going to present a food that is even more impactful than this, Lucifer must admit that her heart is moved, she is really moved, but her heart will not move soon...

Lucifer smelled a familiar smell, to be precise, a familiar ingredient, the smell of chocolate.

When Bai Yu came out with a plate of chocolate pancakes, he saw Lucifer staring at the pancakes with displeasure, Bai Yu said with a smile: "Well~ Lucifer, let's try it~

Lucifer snorted, then picked up a pancake in front of him and bit it down, his pupils shrank. The mellow chocolate sauce, the pancake with a unique fragrance, although simple, but one bite, this kind of enjoyment is not as good as one plus one Simple.

Cerberus looked at the chocolate pancakes in front of him and whispered, "The chocolate pancakes made by the master are delicious..."


Cerberus immediately stopped talking, and impatiently took a pancake that ordinary dogs couldn't eat, and then bit it down.

Bai Yu looked at Cerberus nervously, because chocolate would poison the dog with theobromine, causing the dog to die. Cerberus would not die, but he was afraid of something else.

"Wow! This is delicious! Master master master! Can I still eat it?" 2.2 Bai Yu was also relieved to see that Cerberus was fine. It seems that chocolate is useless to Cerberus, so Bai Yu nodded Said: "Okay~ If you don't feel wrong, you can eat~"

Cerberus just had a chocolate pancake in one hand and a tomahawk steak in the other, eating happily, the smile on his face never stopped, but when the third pancake was finished, Cerberus Rose's smile froze.

Bai Yu and Lucifer watched Cerberus eat like this after they finished eating early, and naturally found something strange, Bai Yu asked suspiciously: "What's the matter? Cerberus, are you choking?"

Cerberus frowned, some cold sweat appeared on his face, he put down the steak and said in a trembling voice: "...Master, stomach hurts | I need to go to the bathroom!"

The corner of Bai Yu's mouth twitched, he couldn't die, but would he have a stomachache....

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