People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 685 Delicious And Interesting Ingredients, The Justice Of Keng Ruiwen (Please Subscribe~)

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu also quickly adjusted his state and continued to code words. With this incident, Shiyu is now extraordinarily sober.

Asachel's food was quite delicious. One mouthful of fish, one mouthful of rice, another sip of wine, and smacking his lips. The whole person was relaxed. Asachel suddenly wanted to quit his job and learn cooking skills.

Bai Yu looked at Asaker's current appearance and said with a smile: "If you resign casually, things may not be so simple."

"That's right, then I have to have one more part-time job."

"You are really sorry for your identity."

Asachel smiled and waved his hands and said: "It's really delicious, I'll catch another one another day, hey, store manager Bai Yu [Do you have any recommended fish? Maybe I can catch it."

Bai Yu thought about "April 17" and said, "Do you mean delicious or more interesting?"

"Isn't there something delicious and interesting?"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "There are indeed, but you may have to go to three places to look for these three fish..."

Little Lin Long and the others were also very curious. As a fishing enthusiast, Asachel directly said expectantly: "Oh? What kind of fish? Where is it?"

Bai Yu said in a warm voice: "The first type is probably more common for you, and it is the dragon fish. You should have eaten this."

Asachel nodded and said: "Of course, hot pot is very good, what are the other two?"

"The second type is also very common, but you may also need to prepare a rain boot to go down and grab it with your bare hands.

"Huh? What fish?"

"Loach, haven't you eaten it?"

Asachel and the others were all taken aback, and Lin Long clapped his hands bravely and said: "Mmm! The meat of loach is indeed very delicious, and the taste is different from ordinary fish meat!"

Asachel thought for a while and said, "I've seen it before, but I haven't eaten it yet. If I have a chance, I'll catch some. It seems that this thing is easy to catch. What's the third one?"

"The third type is salamander, but remind you, don't touch wild ones, you can only buy artificially raised ones, wild ones are protected animals, and this one is just called a fish, it is actually an amphibian.

"This thing really hasn't happened.

"Many people didn't eat it. When there was no artificial breeding, they could be squatted in prison if they touched it. Now that there is artificial breeding, they can buy a few artificial breeding."

Asachel was stunned for two seconds and said: "It's really stressful, I don't dare to touch it... But amphibians... I really haven't eaten much."

"You can also try bullfrog, bullfrog meat is also delicious, and it can be made into saliva baby, hot pot and so on, and the effect is very good.

Asachel's mouth twitched for a long time before he said helplessly: "You really opened up my curiosity, okay, it looks like the governor, I should buy a set of rain boots and gloves

"So you are really sorry for your job."

"Huh? It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Those few houses are in a mess now. On the contrary, our side can't relax. It's good to take the time to experience life. Okay, how much is it?"

"One thousand and three."

Asachel sighed and said: "I really admire you, you are really no different from a treat, but this wine is quite delicious, sell me a bottle, and drink it with you when you go fishing in a few days."

"That's two thousand."

"Good guy! This dish of yours is only 600 yen?! I can buy black fish alone for more than this price."

"Appropriate friendship price reduction or exemption, but the wine price should still be charged."

Asachel shook his head helplessly, and after putting down the money, he stood up with the incubator and wine handed over by Bai Yu and said with a smile: "If I bring someone with me later, I will try that bullfrog you mentioned again." Hot pot.

"Welcome to visit next time."

Asachel suddenly thought of something, gave Bai Yu a smirk and said in a low voice: "Hey, what I said last time was serious, and if I reward my subordinates then, I really plan to come to your place for dinner, maybe I will pay you back." If my female fallen angel can become the proprietress, then I will save money on meals.

"What you said later is the truth."

"It's all a little bit, that's enough, don't talk about it, let's go back."

Bai Yu sighed only after Asachel left, he could feel that what Asachel said was serious, the purpose was first to have a big meal for himself, and secondly to get closer to each other. It's because he really wants to eat cheaper..

Ichihara Yuko said suspiciously: "What did Azazel tell you just now? It's mysterious."

Bai Yu thought for a while and said: "Asachel said that a man like me should have more excellent women, so he wants to bring his excellent employees over for a blind date.

Ichihara Yuko and Xiao Lin Long's expressions changed, and they put their hands on Bai Yu's waist and said angrily, "What did he say?"

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Just kidding, he only said that some employees who perform well will be rewarded to come here for dinner."

Ichihara Yuko said angrily: "That's about the same, but Asachel was unexpectedly very conscious of the overall situation and didn't connect."

"Isn't that good? Speaking of which, Yuko, you seem to be very honest all of a sudden."

"Didn't I say it all, it's just to look forward to the future and feel sorry for the past."

Little Lin Long said angrily: "You are really outrageous, why didn't Riven come down today?"

Alice thought for a while and said, "Riwen seems to be learning what Miss Zhengyi gave her, and she doesn't know what she's talking about with the door closed.

Bai Yu thought about it for 4.8 and looked at Yuko Ichihara and laughed aloud, Xiao Lin Long said in doubt: "Bai Yu, Yuko, you two know that justice wrote to Rui Xun


Bai Yu shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I can almost guess the category, Yuko, I personally feel that there may be some unexpected effects."

"I think so too. I'm looking forward to it. Captain Carrot is about to be ready, pfft...I'm really looking forward to it."

"Calm down, but Riven's cute look may make Zhengyi feel that this is very reasonable."

"But it's true that women's power is overwhelming, isn't it?"

"That's true."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

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