People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 706 Ah Li Arrives, Everyone Infected By Love Poems (Please Subscribe~)

At this time, because it was still midsummer on the coast, it didn't feel cold, but just felt a burst of coolness, which made Qing Xingdeng slowly come back to his senses.

Qingxingdeng's paper lantern exudes a faint blue light, and it doesn't feel scary, but it looks a bit beautiful under the moonlight. This is how Qingxingdeng looks at the horror story in his hand through the light.

"Well... um..."

When he heard this sound, Qing Xingdeng smiled and said: "A Li, you're awake, do you feel cold?"

Ah Li sat up and shook his head and said, "It's not cold, it feels very cool. This kind of weather is the most suitable for having some snacks and watching the moon. Qingxingdeng, you have been here all the time."

"Yes, I said I would take you to the store."

A Li was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and said expectantly: "Ah, it's already night, can we go? Do you need to prepare any ceremony?"

"No, just need to find a door."

"Door? What kind of door?"

"Any door is fine. 02 Ah Li, you should go to your own room. It's easier to deal with it. Just use the door of your bedroom."

A Li nodded and said: "Okay, if this happens, it won't worry everyone, but Qing Xingdeng, if he forgets to come back during the day, then it will disappear? If this happens, there will be problems."

Qing Xingdeng waved his hand and said: "No, no, no need to worry at all, I have the little magic given by Pender that can make everyone ignore me or the small space it works in, the range is not big, but your room is enough. "

A Li nodded, Qing Xingdeng and A Li came back, so it can be said that no one dared to stop him, when Qing Xing Deng arrived at A Li's room, he smiled and said: "As expected of the best singer, A Li, your treatment is not good. It's really good."

"It's okay... I don't think I need such a big house... Who is it?"

"Miss, dinner is ready, is it for you?"

"Oh, no need, I'm a little tired, I'll rest first, I don't need breakfast tomorrow, I'll tell you when I need it.


Qing Xingdeng said with a smile: "I can't see that you, a diva, are really treated the same as the eldest lady."

"Qing Xingdeng, to be honest, I don't think I should enjoy these things. I'm just an ordinary singer with a little talent. I don't think I have anything superior to others.

"Well, let me shield this room first..."

A Li just watched Qing Xingdeng put his hands on the wall, then put down his hands and walked towards the door of the bedroom. A Li watched silently the whole time. She didn't know what happened, but it felt very interesting.

"A Li... come here, let's set off."


Qing Xingdeng put his hand on the door, after thinking for a while, the door emitted a white light the next moment, Ah Li exclaimed directly, Qing Xing Deng smiled, stretched out his hand to hold Ah Li's hand and said with a smile: "A Li, don't be afraid, this light is very warm."

A Li nodded, and when the Qingxing Lamp opened the door, the light was even brighter, and A Li couldn't help reaching out to touch it, the warm light made her feel warm in her palm.

"Qing Xingdeng, let's go."

"it is good."

And in the store on the other side, everyone looked at Bai Yu with reddened faces at this time. There was no way, Bai Yu could be said to be telling them poems and songs like coaxing children.

And the theme... is naturally a poem about the confession of love. The reason is that Bai Yu asked them what kind of songs they wanted to listen to, and all the members voted for love without even thinking about it.

Bai Yu recited a lot for them, and they can guess the general idea of ​​some poems without explaining at all, so now everyone is in a very shy state.

"The ancients of the Celestial Dynasty are too romantic..."

"Yes, yes! I feel that such love poems are very touching!"

"I already have that picture, how did I come up with this!"

Seeing everyone chattering, Bai Yu was about to say something when he saw the store door light up. Medis had already canceled the effect of Gendan's magic, so Gendan could also notice the white light.

Although Bai Yu told her about this matter, she still had to admit that she was surprised by the white light in front of her, but when she was about to say something, Yuko Ichihara held her hand.

"Ah, here comes the guest."

When they heard this sentence, everyone turned their heads, and then saw a silver-haired girl walking in with a lamp. As soon as they entered, everyone said in surprise: "Qing Xing Deng!"

Qing Xingdeng smiled and waved his hand, Ichihara Yuko said doubtfully: "Ao Xingdeng, what are you holding in that hand?"

Qing Xingdeng smiled and immediately pulled in A Li who was being followed by her, and when he saw A Li, everyone except Bai Yu exclaimed: "It's so beautiful!

A Li was also a little stunned, and when he came to the store, A Li was surprised, the clean and tidy shop, the faint fragrance, the soft lighting, every place was full of warm feeling.

A Li also noticed Yuko Ichihara and the others very quickly, and was also amazed by the appearance of Yuko Ichihara and the others, but it was more about the clothes. Yuko Ichihara’s clothes were okay, but the clothes of other people looked very strange, but They all look good.

Ah Li was about to speak when Qing Xingdeng said with a smile: "This is Ah Li, a new friend I made in my hometown. Ah Li sings very well."

A Li said politely: "Excuse me...I'm A Li..."

Bai Yu said in a gentle voice: "There is nothing to disturb, I am a restaurant here, if possible, I would like to have more customers to disturb."

A Li looked at Bai Yu in a daze for two seconds, and then said softly: "Are you the manager of the Bai Yu store that Qing Xingdeng told me about? You really are a handsome man..."

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Thank you for the compliment, what do you want to eat?"

"Uh...I don't know, Qing Xingdeng..."

"I am also a old appearence."

"Then I want the same as Qing Xingdeng."

Bai Yu nodded and said warmly: "Okay, please wait a moment, Qing Xingdeng, take Miss A Li to find a place to wait for a while, I will prepare the dishes.

"Okay, but what were you doing just now?"

"Lucifer and the others wanted to listen to poems and ballads, so I recited some for them."

"Oh, that's it, it's a pity that I didn't catch up because I came too late."

Ichihara Yuko said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, your cooking is done quickly, and everyone is still in good spirits."

A Li also looked at Bai Yu with some expectation. She was also curious about what Otherworld's poems looked like. Her first impression of this world was this store, and this store gave her a very good impression.

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