People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 69: Alice Cried (Please Subscribe~)

It was the first time for Alice to see Erina, the proud little princess with the tongue of God, commenting on a chef like this, but she knew that Bai Yu was indeed worthy of this assessment.

Time passed by, and the dishes ordered by Xiao Lin Long and the others were served one after another, and Alice was almost drooling just by smelling the smell.

A dish is all about color, fragrance, and flavor. Alice doesn't know how it tastes, but just the color, appearance and aroma are enough to arouse one's greediness.

Lucifer's stomach seemed to have just realized it at this time, leaning on the chair while playing with her mobile phone while rubbing her stomach, she only now realized the embarrassing fact that she ate too much.

Erina looked at a white coffee cup-like bowl in front of her, and she became more awake. She took a sip of the aroma that wafted out together with the heat, and her brain got a signal that she should eat up this dish at this time .


After taking two breaths, Erina tasted a spoonful of this borscht, but Erina didn't speak but just kept this posture, her eyes lost focus, and she just sat quietly.

"Hi! Erina!"

"it is good"

"it is good?"

"Delicious! Why is this sweet taste so fragrant, and what's the matter with the stomach-satisfying taste!"

Alice looked at the intoxicated Erina and swallowed her saliva. She was also looking forward to her cooking. Not long after Bai Yu entered, she came over with a pot and put it in front of Nakiri Senzaemon.

Senzaemon looked at the slightly blackened but very clear soup in front of him, took a breath and said, "Mm~ it tastes very fragrant, it seems that this is a very delicious pot bottom~"

"This pot bottom is made of black-bone chicken and pork belly, with soy sauce and some other condiments~ It's enough for you to enjoy alone~ Would you like to warm up your wine?"


Bai Yu turned his head and was about to enter the kitchen when he saw Cerberus sleeping on the table. He sighed and turned to Senzaemon and the others with a smile, "I'm sorry~ I have to send this girl up first~"

Senzaemon and the others said they were fine. Bai Yu carried Cerberus, who was still clutching the hot water bottle, back to the room, covered her with a quilt, and walked out. Cerberus didn't wake up this time, she was really uncomfortable. too tired.

A few minutes later, Alice watched Nakiri Senzaemon bring various ingredients into the pot from the dining car on one side, while waiting while drinking a sip of wine from time to time, Alice was about to cry, she ate them all, and she could only watching.

When Bai Yu came up with Alice's (acfe) open sandwich, Alice felt as if she saw a life-saving straw, Bai Yu looked at Alice and said with a smile: "I made two kinds for you, one should be suitable for you Taste~”

How could Alice hear so much, pick up the unconventional and neatly cut ingredients, and at a glance you can see the ingredients inside like layers of treasures.

"Well! That's the taste! Manager Bai Yu, how did you make this sausage! It's almost as good as our most authentic smoked sausage!"

Bai Yu said with a smile: "I read this magazine before and tried to make it~ It's not difficult~ But I thought you would like the other one~ After all, the book said that many children don't like to eat this smoked sausage It smells like smoked salt~”

Alice shook her head and said: "No! I liked eating this very much when I was a child, but I would like the other one you mentioned, the store manager. Could it be... eh?! What kind of meat is this... The meat is as soft as a soufflé, But the meat is as high-grade as cod, this is not fish! Why is there no umami at all, only fragrance and sweet taste.

Bai Yu smiled and said: "Then congratulations, you got the wrong answer~ This is silver cod~ But it is worthy of praise, it seems that the class was not in vain, there are diced white mushrooms in it~"

"Oh oh.․. I said why the taste is so wonderful...Wait?! White mushrooms?!"

Bai Yu said casually: "It's not something valuable to me, so you can eat first~ I'll deal with the rest of the dishes~ Lucifer~ Do you want hawthorn juice?


Lucifer didn't have Tsundere this time. First, she was having a good time chatting with people, and second, she really needed that thing. Although she also wanted to experience Bai Yu's massage, she didn't say anything when she saw that Bai Yu was so busy. what.

After more than 40 minutes, everyone's dishes were ready, Bai Yu stretched out sitting beside Lucifer and said, "I'm really busy~"

Lucifer was playing with his mobile phone while drinking hawthorn juice and said: "For other restaurants, this is already very easy for you~"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "It makes sense, by the way, what are you looking at?"

"Watching Qi Luoli and Yuanzi fighting wits and courage in the group..."

The corner of Bai Yu's mouth twitched and said: "Yonzi...will be hit hard by Qi Luoli... If my impression is correct, Yuanzi is always surrounded by Qi Luoli every time~ "

Lucifer nodded, Yuanzi knew that Qi Luoli was very angry just by reading the news, and the reason was just that Yuanzi said when Bai Yu would come to Didan as a teacher

Then the fuse was ignited by Qi Luoli, who was bored, so Lucifer and the others watched here with gusto, even little Lin Long dared to watch while eating.

Compared with little Lin Long, Erina and Alice are simply immersed in the world of food, and Erina is the first time to eat such delicious food because of the tongue of God "Alice


God knows what kind of mood Alice felt when she cut up her steak Wellington, her eyes were almost green, with distinct layers, the outermost circle of puff pastry, and then a thin layer of ham, followed by runny A layer of mushroom sauce in the soup, followed by a large piece of filet mignon with a reddish center and a beautiful marble texture.

Let’s take a bite, let’s not talk about the taste, just the perfect taste is enough to make people irresistible, the crunchy sweetness of the puff pastry, the savory flavor and softness of the mushroom sauce made of mushrooms and other vegetables and foie gras Without losing elasticity, this is the unique taste of mushrooms. Finally, the baked steak makes the steak tender and juicy, exuding a special aroma.

When crispy, springy, soft, tender, and slippery multiple textures are combined, you will slowly discover that the real soul is the essence and taste of the cuisine, which is an afterthought delicacy.

Senzaemon also didn’t put on his shirt, and ate the most free food with his shirt on. Hot pot, no matter what kind of hot pot, is the most free food. The ingredients rolling in the boiling soup are exactly the food he likes. For people who have been busy all day, enjoy a hot pot meal for one person, enjoy a party for one person, and have a sip of fine wine or drinks while waiting.


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