People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 727 Tony's Indispensable Two, Crouch's Arrangement (Please Subscribe~)

Tony's eyes lit up when he saw the dinner that Akakubo Momo and the others brought to him who had been run down halfway, and Tony said with some emotion: "I thought you would give me a steak, but you really surprised me."

On Tony's table is a small creamy vegetable soup, followed by a steak baked rice, Bai Yu turned the steak that was supposed to be grilled into an ingredient in the baked rice.

But Tony is happy like a child weighing more than 100 pounds. This looks too appetizing, and he doesn't have the demeanor of a big boss. Eating risotto, baked rice and fried rice doesn't have the sense of demeanor.

"Oh! Sirloin! Oh! This fat distribution is so delicious."

“This is the taste of cheese, Nice!”

"Hey! This lettuce is unscientific, and it tastes like this when it is put together with cheese?"

Tony was like a child, and Bai Yu just shook his head with a smile. After eating, Tony picked up the warm water that Bai Yu gave him aside, rinsed his mouth, and then picked up the chewing gum and started chewing. Everyone slumped on their chairs and patted their bellies.

"Bai Yu, how do you make vegetables so delicious?"

"You have to ask cheese and cream for that."

Tony smiled for a while, then stretched his waist and said: "Every time I come to eat at your place, the employees of Stark Industries will have one or two more dishes for lunch, and they are very cheap."

"So including vegetable broth saves you money again?"

"You know me, how much? Oh! Potts isn't here! That's all. See you later."

Tony put down a hundred dollars that Potts gave him before, and then left with his clothes on his hands. Bai Yu sighed and said, "So if Potts is not around, Tony is really easy to mess up."

"Tony can't do without Potts, and he can't do without Jarvis, a good wife and a housekeeper, without these two, Tony might be in a hurry.


Erina thought for a while and said, "Shop Manager Bai Yu, snow mountain? Does that mean he can climb it?"

Little Lin Long dared to say: "Of course not! There are a lot of things to prepare for climbing the snow mountain, and you need to keep healthy, otherwise it is easy to have accidents. Didn't Bai Yu also climb Mount Everest?"

"Well, I did prepare a lot of things."

Ichihara Yuko was taken aback and quickly said, "How do you know that Bai Yu climbed Mount Everest?!"

"Me? Just because I'm the first is enough."

Ichihara Yuko sighed, big sister and the others didn't make any money anymore, it's still good to fight wits and courage like this.

Upstairs at this moment, Claki and Dekla finished all the work with full firepower, which shocked An Du. This is the power of a girl in love... secretly in love huh? That's outrageous.

"Huh... Crouch, have you pulled all the selected people into the discussion group?"

Crouch nodded and said: "That's right, I've already found everything, let me make some words first."

After glancing at the phone, Dekla said suspiciously: "Eh? Crouch, you just found eight people? Is it a little less?"

Crouch said angrily: "They're all executive officers. In the future, when Bai Yu goes to class, he will recognize them immediately. One or two are fine, and dozens of them." Those who don't know think they were built by the Guanggong Group.

"Oh! Makes sense, did you choose these people at random?"

"Of course not. First of all, you have to choose someone who is good enough, so that when you meet them, you can say that you are given a day off because of work rewards. Second, you have to choose smart people. Finally, you have to choose honest people."

Dekla nodded and said: "That's right, some people are too talkative! Maybe just as soon as they know what's going to happen tomorrow, they want the whole world to know.

"That's what I said, so I chose a few reliable ones."

Dekla looked at the selected people and nodded. There are men and women who are second-class and third-class executives. The chances of running are too low.

Crouch breathed a sigh of relief before picking up her phone and sending a message in the discussion group: "Is everyone in place?"

After the eight people responded, Crouch nodded, and continued to send a message saying: "I have an important task for you to come to the discussion group today, but as a reward, you can watch a movie for free tomorrow, and the rest of tomorrow All time is free time, which is vacation time."

The eight people on the other side of the screen cheered, and Crouch continued to type and said: "However, I can only say that I am going out for vacation until after the movie is over tomorrow.

An executive officer with a long name typed and said: "`"Don't worry, Mrs. Crouch, we will absolutely keep our mouths shut, but Mrs. Craki, what mission do we have?"

Dekla nodded, and sure enough, it was a group of reliable executives, Craki blushed and typed: "You should all know the rumors during this period..."

Yi Stedal and Sharum looked at each other, and Yi Sededar quickly sent a message saying: "Is it...the rumor that Master Craki and Master Dekra are pursuing that Lord Bai Yu together?"

It can be said that it is too bold to say this. If it were not for this matter, it would directly offend the two first-class executives. Claki sighed and only replied yes.

Yi Sitdal also breathed a sigh of relief, and Kraqi typed and said: "Tomorrow your task is to go to the movie theater in advance, go in batches, the tickets will be prepared for you, your task is to boo, understand what it means..."

Everyone understood what it meant. It seems that these two people (Li's Zhao) will confess their love tomorrow, no wonder they need to keep it secret, but they are quite proud in their hearts, because no matter how many people chose eight of them .

Isn't this the trust in myself! And there are free vacations, and you can watch a movie for free. The key is to witness the confession of these two flowers of Gaoling and participate in it in person. This is such an honor.

Crouch typed and said: "Everyone was carefully selected by Dekla and I, and we usually have a liking attitude towards movies, so please be serious about this time!"


After finishing talking, Clara talked about their arrival time tomorrow and other things, and then ended. After putting down the phone, she said with a sigh of relief: " brave tomorrow!"

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