People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 732 The Heartbeat Of Small Details, The Beginning Of Confession (Seeking Subscription~)

Because it is a working day, there are not so many people on the street at this time, but there are always some freelancers or idlers, and people who are on vacation after completing tasks walk on the street.

Bai Yu, Craki, and Dekla can be regarded as a rare good-looking combination. Craki and Dekla watched the ground and walked forward the whole time, not daring to look up.


Finally Crouch's head hit Bai Yu's hand, and when she looked up, she saw that she almost missed the sign, if Bai Yu hadn't stretched out her hand to block it, she would have definitely hit it.

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Kraqi, is there anything extraordinary on the ground?"


"Then raise your head up, and Dekla, those who don't know think you two are very lost now, eh? Are you very disappointed?"

Crouch and Dekla shook their heads again and again, Bai Yu said with a smile: "Then let's go.


Crouch also felt that it was a bit outrageous, it didn't seem like her character, it was really because she was too nervous, thinking of this, Crouch immediately thought of a way to relax.

Crouch looked around and said with a smile: "Bai Yu, what do you think will happen if there are more people suddenly under the current situation?"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said: "To be honest, I prefer this to being so lively. It's better to be quiet and leisurely."

"So Bai Yu, do you prefer quiet?"

"It can't be said that. Lively has its benefits, and quiet has a quiet atmosphere. Generally speaking, they are all good. You can't stop attending the usual small gatherings because of this."

Crouch nodded, and was about to say something when she saw Dekla smiling and said: "Here, it's the first time I've been to the cinema since I came here, and it feels okay."

"But it's okay, let's go in and see if there are any snacks and drinks for sale."

"Good!" x2

The three of them were stunned as soon as they entered, Bai Yu picked it up and said, "It's not easy, what's the origin of this movie, there are so many people?"

Crouch also nodded blankly, but more surprises, the more people there, the greater the chance of her success, although she knew she would succeed, but the more people there were, the more lively the atmosphere would be, and she would be more excited. peace of mind.

Bai Yu glanced at the counter selling snacks and drinks and said, "Let's go, go shopping, otherwise it might be boring."

"Hmm! So you think it's appropriate or inappropriate?"

Naturally, Bai Yu knew that what Dekla was talking about was what the two of them told Bai Yu when they were in the store before. They bought tickets, and Bai Yu bought snacks and drinks.

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "It depends on whether the price is expensive. If it's too expensive, I think it's very suitable. If it's cheap..."

Crutch said with a hint of a smile: "Will it feel inappropriate and pay?"

If it's too cheap, I feel like I can't afford it, so naturally I won't buy it. "

Crouch covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Generally speaking, you don't need money! Are you rich people oppressing poor people?"

Although Bai Yu said so, he still walked towards the counter, Bai Yu thought for a while and said: "I am the one who runs the shop, and you two are Bai Fumei... Um... Dekla may be a little darker, but This is Beauty Black."

Dekela smiled and said, "So, we're at the counter, have you decided?"

"Hello, please give me two medium popcorn, one with cream, one with cantaloupe, and... um... this mango drink with grapes, and a glass of lemon Water, all normal ice."

Bai Yu's order stunned the two of them, and Clara said suspiciously: "Bai Yu, why don't you ask us what we want to eat?"

"It's like buying perfume. I also understand this matter very well. You and Xiaoqiong said that eating chocolate popcorn is not as good as eating cream [Dela, you also said that it is better to watch movies with cantaloupe popcorn.] have a feeling."

Both of them felt warm and didn't speak. After waiting for a while, Bai Yu got his own snacks and drinks, but they both took their own, so Bai Yu only had a glass of lemonade in his hand.

Crouch hugged the popcorn and said, "Bai Yu, there are three of you, and you just bought two buckets of popcorn, what do you mean?"

"First of all, I don't like sweets very much, and secondly, I think you two must have leftovers..."

Bai Yu didn't continue after he said this, his eyes were full of helplessness, the important thing to eat with girls is not the right amount, but a little bit too much, there is no need to say more about the reason.

"Hey, it's Mrs. Craki and the others. Mrs. Bai Yu is really a role model for men." "

"I saw that we will be the second batch to enter in a while, we must watch the time slot, but this movie seems to be very powerful, I watched the trailer very interesting.

"So it pays to work hard."

While several executive officers were talking, they also started to check the tickets. The eight executive officers were divided into four groups to enter the arena, with Bai Yu in the first two groups and the latter two groups, which was more natural.

As soon as Crouch and Dekla sat on the chairs, their hearts felt like they were about to jump out. The other executives were more calm, but they had some expectations. After all, these are the two high-altitude flowers of WGO.

Crouch and Dekla are sitting next to Bai Yu, one on the left and the other on the right. Although they also think the movie is very good, they still cannot meditate.

As time went by, Craki and Dekla only felt that their palms were full of (Nuo's Zhao) sweat, and they were a little restless, but Bai Yu kept watching the movie calmly. His appreciation ability felt that the movie was a little It's exaggerated, but it's really good-looking, especially as a love story.

When the last scene of the hero and the heroine kissing goodbye appeared, the audience was relieved, but Craki clenched her fists and stood up directly. After shaking his head, some of the executive officers noticed, and they were all ready to fight.

Bai Yu also came to his senses, the corners of his mouth twitched, a little curious about the next move of these two people, Klaqi took a deep breath and Dekla also stood up, the two stood side by side in front of Bai Yu, with a look of saying no Be firm.

At this moment, to be honest, Bai Yu was also a little surprised...

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