People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 746 Naming The Ghost, Dumbledore And The Gates Of Hell (Please Subscribe~)

Crouch and Dekla now feel like curious babies, and also like elementary school students who have just transferred from another school, silently remembering the sisters who introduced themselves.

Matryoshka of Hell: "That's why the names of Craki and Dekla are very characteristic."

Gentle Miss Bai: "I'm alright! Because Bai Yu said that Dekla and I are characterized by one white and one black, so we are called Miss Bai! Dekla's is outrageous!"

Reliable Ms. Hei: "Huh? What's wrong with me? Am I unreliable? It's just that I'm not as quick as you in love. This is my reason to cater to you!"

Hell CEO: "You are all named ghosts @地球の曼娃, aren't you called Hell Matryoshka? Why did you add a の?"

Matryoshka of Hell: "Because it feels more handsome this way!"

The group is full of name ghosts: "You guys have a problem! You guys are actually chatting on your cell phone face to face?!"

Seeing this news, Lucifer02 looked at Yuko Ichihara, who also twitched the corner of her mouth and said angrily: "I'm right! It's face to face, and you still use your mobile phone! What do you think? !"

The corner of Lucifer's mouth twitched and said: " are also a genius at naming..."

"Uh...I'm fine...Pender and the others are even more outrageous..."

Lucifer hurriedly looked for a group of business cards, the next moment she was dumbfounded, what was it all about?

"Your ability to choose names is really unique. I didn't recognize them at first glance, but I still can't recognize who they are after a closer look! Even Yumiko changed her name!

Ichihara Yuko thought for a while and said: "It's easy to recognize...Forget it, it's not important, you know last night...does anyone come here this morning?"

Everyone shook their heads, and Xiao Lin Long said in surprise: "I don't believe it myself! Bai Yu is still friends with Echizen Nanjiro!"

Most of the crowd looked bewildered, but An rarely exclaimed: "Oh my God! It's the Echizen Nanjiro known as the Samurai who broke the world record just one game away?! He's a legendary player! "

Crouch was also a little surprised and said: "I've heard about this person. Other players focus on a certain direction, but Echizen Nanjiro seems to be an all-rounder. Some people say that he retired because he was afraid of losing, while others said he didn't." The opponent retired because he was too bored, I am more inclined to the latter statement."

Little Lin Long sighed boldly and said: "It's a pity that I am an unscrupulous uncle. I have a son. I seem to be cultivating him. I can't imagine that it is a legend."

While everyone was chatting, an interesting event was happening in a place on the other side that seemed to be looking like a castle from a distance.

At this time, in a room full of wizard atmosphere, but still gorgeous, an old man pushed the eyes on his aquiline nose, and a magic book on the table was full of obscure and incomprehensible things.

boom boom boom

There were a few knocks on the door, and the old man raised his head. The door opened, and three teenagers walked in, obviously a little nervous.

The old man smiled and said: "I know you are nervous, don't worry, it's fine."

The old man's kind smile relieved the three of them, and one of the teenagers wearing glasses swallowed and said, "Principal Dumbledore...I want to know why you called us here?"

Albus Dumbledore said with a smile: "Do you know what you did this time? Potter, you all talk about it. It's okay. In a sense, I care more about your interesting experiences."

Harry Potter struggled for a moment and said, "I...we... violated the school rules..."

Albus Dumbledore said suddenly: "Oh! This is an interesting thing, so is there any more?"

The blond boy on the side also puffed up his face and finally said nervously: "We also destroyed a lot of things...."

In the end, the brown-haired girl also said nervously: "And...and we also saw the gate of hell..."

When Harry Potter and the blond boy beside him heard this sentence, their complexions changed and they winked wildly, but the brown-haired girl still sighed and said, "Then...we opened that door out of curiosity... But! Headmaster Dumbledore! There's nothing behind the door!"

Dumbledore said in confusion for a moment: "The gate of hell? What gate of hell?"

Now the three little guys were stunned, and Harry Potter also knew that there was nothing he couldn't say under the current situation, and he was not someone who dared to act or admit it, so he directly raised his head and said: "It's Principal Dumbledore That door you said was in the forbidden place, you said it was the door to hell."

The blond boy also nodded and said: "Well... I happened to see you coming out of the door..."

Dumbledore was taken aback for a moment, then he patted his forehead, smiled and said, "The gates of hell! Oh! Yes! The gates of hell!"

The girl said nervously: "Principal Dumbledore, there is nothing behind the door. I don't know if the demon is invisible, but we stood at the door and were not attacked."

Dumbledore shook his head and said, "Of course not!"

"Phew...that's 600 good!"

The three little fellows breathed a sigh of relief. They have been married for a long time. They have heard about the monsters in hell since they were young. They are too terrifying. They don't want to be sinners.

Dumbledore said with a smile: "Tonight is Hogwarts' final scoring and statistics. The best branch will be determined, and there will be a sumptuous feast."

The three of them were all looking forward to it. After all, it is normal for children to like to eat, drink and have fun, and adults are not exempt. Dumbledore said with a smile: "But because of your performance, it is best for the three of you not to eat dinner."

The three of them thought it was a punishment, and when they were about to speak, they heard Dumbledore say softly: "Don't think too much, I won't make you hungry, but you have another big meal, after you go to bed, you come to my place to find I."

The girl quickly said: "Principal Dumbledore! But you can't get out when it's time for bed!"

Dumbledore said with a smile: "Does shutting down have any effect on the three of you, Miss Granger?"

Hermione Granger stuck out her tongue, and Harry Potter both smiled. For the three of them, escaping from bed can be said to be more proficient in some small magic.

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