People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 751 Yuko Ichihara's New Goal, The Idea Of ​​Couple Shirts (Please Subscribe~)

At this moment, Yuko Ichihara, upstairs, who doesn't know anything, is leisurely looking at her mobile phone and smoking a cigarette. It would be even better if she can ignore the little blue butterfly slippers on her feet.

"Huh...why do I feel weird every time I smoke? Is it my illusion? Why do I feel like I was deliberately put on to smoke?"

Ichihara Yuko thought about it for a while, probably for a second, and then stopped thinking, because she knew it from the appearance of Soryuin Ziyin, and she was completely subdued.

Thinking of this, Yuko Ichihara felt quite relieved, after all, if she found out, she would definitely die, and now she can still relax and smoke in groups, it is really too safe, it should be that she has not been found.

Thinking of this, Ichihara Yuko was relieved a lot, but she was still very worried. After all, for her, if she was found out, she would definitely kneel down on the keyboard. This is a trivial matter

The key is that if Bai Yu has any ideas, she has no place to cry 02 cry.

Ichihara Yuko gritted her teeth and said, "How about...quit smoking?"

"I also think Miss Yuko, you should quit smoking..."

"Right...huh?! Erina?! It's you again?!"

Erina sighed and said: "Miss have been thinking about it all the time, I must have heard it, and my balcony is not closed..."

Ichihara Yuko said helplessly: "Erina, do you know what the situation is like now?"

Erina tilted her head and said: "What's the situation, it's not that you smoke, Sister Yuzi, store manager Bai Yu doesn't want his woman to smoke, you are afraid of being found out..."

"Uh... basically right, but that's not the point. The point is, in the current situation, there's no turning back, you know? Erina! There's no turning back!"

Erina was taken aback for a moment, then rolled her dead eyes and said, "Although I know Miss Yuko, you are panicking now, but just say that you don't want to quit smoking yet..

The corners of Yuko Ichihara’s mouth twitched, it turned out to be Alice’s cousin, she was really a demon carved out of a mold, Yuko Ichihara sighed and said: “Well, it’s almost like this, Erina! I know you are a reliable child! Right?"

Erina's dead fish eyes met Yuko Uehara's slightly squinted eyes, and after a long time Erina sighed and said: "Miss Yuko, you said you should quit smoking.

"I used to.…"

"speak English.

Ichihara Yuko's eyes twitched, her identity as a master of philosophy is becoming more and more difficult to use, Ichihara Yuko coughed lightly and said: "Erina, this is a very complicated matter

"Then just keep it simple."

"Okay, well, to put it simply, I can't quit..."

Erina sighed and said: "Sister Yuzi, I read an article before that if you want to get rid of your love for one thing, you have to change to a new favorite thing. What else do you like, Miss Yuzi?"

Yuko Ichihara thought for a while and said, "Drink, taste delicious food, Bai Yu... is gone."

" include store manager Bai Yu and suddenly feel that store manager Bai Yu is so cheap..."

Ichihara Yuko also smiled awkwardly, as if it was true, Erina thought for a while and said: "These are when you are with the store manager Bai Yu, Yuko, you don't smoke, you can eat the rest Time to smoke after drinking..."

"So you think I've been clinging to Bai Yu all the time? It sounds pretty good, have to learn to put it back and let it go, you can't be too clingy, and you can't be clingy, Erina. Still do not know."

"Um....I can do some things together when you are with the store manager Bai Yu, such as puzzles, pottery, etc. With the store manager Bai Yu, you should It can cultivate a new interest, and with the relationship between you and the store manager Bai Yu, it should be better than smoking.

Ichihara Yuko thought for a while and said: "Well, it makes sense, Erina's suggestion is very good, but what should I do with Bai Yu? Although pottery is very good, but there is no equipment 1, hands will stick to clay.. ...chess? You can't always have time,'s a bit difficult."

Erina sighed and said: "Miss Yuko, sometimes I admire you quite a bit. You are obviously a goddess, but you are surprisingly childish."

Ichihara Yuko waved her hand and said, "How easy it is to come here, and it's not outside, why should I keep a cold face?"

"That's true, but Miss Yuko, why did you change your clothes again?"

Ichihara Yuko smiled and said, "How is it? Looks good!"

"Well, Miss Yuko, your taste has always been good."

"That's right! I did it all myself! Eh? I made it myself... I made it myself..."

"What's wrong?"

Erina looked at Ichihara Yuko, who suddenly seemed to have an epiphany, with doubts on her face, and Ichihara Yuko said with a smile: "I seem to know what I should do, Erina, what do you think about making clothes for Bai Yu in the future?"

"Huh?! This idea is very good! Besides, Yuko, your style of clothes is not suitable for ordinary people, but I feel that Bai Yu, the store manager, will be a plus point!"


"Yeah! And sister Yuzi 480, your dressing style is also very unique. I have never seen such a design before. You won't be able to match the same style of shirt..."

Ichihara Yuko smiled and said, "You mean couple shirts, right?"

Ichihara Yuko nodded with a smile and said: "It makes sense, it seems that I need to ask Bai Yu about the size and waistline, and it is quite exciting to think about it.

Yuko Ichihara thought about it for a while. When Bai Yu put on the clothes that she made by herself with the same style as her, when the two of them went out to press the road, the effect, Yuko Ichihara couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth.

"Eh? By the way, Erina, why are you alone in the room? Shouldn't you go watch a movie with Alice and the others?"

Erina scratched her head and said, "How should I put it... probably because they are watching a documentary, so I came back with a pen and a notebook to record the ingredients and cooking. M


"That's right, food documentaries are very appetizing. It's the first time I know that there are such processing methods for some ingredients..."

"Erina! You are so slow!"

"Oh! Here we come! Miss Yuko, I'm leaving first!"


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