People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 756 Kicked To The Iron Plate, The Girl Who Wants To Eat The Halberd (Please Subscribe~)

The girl in military uniform has exquisite makeup, and has a proud figure and body proportions. If it is not for the inferior temperament, she really has a lot of similarities with Esthers.

The girl didn't say a word, and after looking around, she smiled and nodded and said, "I didn't expect there to be a good-looking restaurant in this shabby place.

After saying this, Bai Yu just smiled and said: "It's because I'm the only restaurant on this street, so there's that contrasting feeling."

The girl pondered for a while and nodded, "It makes sense, are you the store manager?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

The girl smiled slightly and said: "You have a restaurant of this size and decoration at your age. It's interesting. Are you a student of the tea house? What phase is it?"

Hearing this, Yuko Ichihara and Lucifer both laughed. They really know how to ask, not ordinary people who dare to ask. This can be regarded as the most difficult one among the group of people.

Bai Yu thought for a moment and said: "I am... the ninety-two issue, the ninety-one issue, and the ninety issue..."

Both Lucifer and Ichihara Yuko almost laughed out loud. Bai Yu only said what class he was in, but didn't say if he was a student. He was the teacher of the students in the 90th to 92nd class.

The girl was taken aback, and said in a deep voice: "Now is the time for the rookies of Tōtsuki's ninety-two period to study on the spot. You told me that you are in the ninety-two period?"

Bai Yu tilted his head and said, "Me? I'm studying in the field."

Lucifer couldn't help but clenched his fists, is it really okay to fool a girl who looks smart but actually feels stupid?

The girl in military uniform frowned and said, "You came to study in the field, and you ended up opening a store by yourself?"

"Isn't it possible? It just so happened that my store was selected, and then it was selected here, so I'm here. It's quite leisurely, and I won't be eliminated."

Hearing this, some contempt flashed in the girl's eyes. In her opinion, Bai Yu was an existence with no cooking ability and no self-motivation. As for the four people on one side, three children and one old man, how much could they know how to eat?

Thinking of this, the girl said in a deep voice: "So...why do you exist in three periods?"

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Why do you think I exist in three periods?"

"Demotion? Retention? Impossible, Tōtsuki didn't say that, only expulsion directly, what's going on with you?"

"Get to know people a little bit."

The girl's eyes are full of disdain. She can barely stay by relying on connections. She was relegated twice in a row or repeated for two years. She is definitely a mediocrity among mediocrities.

Thinking of the girl's dissatisfaction here, she still prefers this store. After all, she is not from Dongying and came here for some purpose, but this store gives her a very warm and reassuring feeling. Even Nobody like her wants to spoil it.

The girl was a little angry for a while, not because the person in front of her was a mediocre person, but because she was angry that such a good shop was wasted! No one is not interested in exquisite appearance, and the girl is the same, she admits Bai Yu's rare delicacy, but She is not a nympho.

Bai Yu said softly: "So, do you want to take a break for a while, or do you want to order?"

After pondering for a while, the girl said in a deep voice: "Since you don't have enough talent, then this store should change to a different owner."

Bai Yu tilted his head and said, "Food halberd?"

The girl nodded, and Bai Yu said casually, "Why should I eat the halberd with you?"

" are still not a man!"

"If you don't eat halberds with you, you are not a man, there are so many people who can't make tomato scrambled eggs."

The girl almost choked to death, Lucifer and Ichihara Yuko couldn't hold it anymore, they could see it, Bai Yu could definitely see that this girl was not an ordinary person.

Bai Yu smiled and said: "It seems that you are in the same company."

"You don't even dare to take the halberd. I can't afford such a cautious colleague."

Bai Yu sighed and said: "Shi Ji, but what do you have to eat Ji with me? You have nothing.

The girl said in a deep voice: "If you win, I will give you a lot of money."

Bai Yu didn't say anything, just took a gold coin from his pocket and said, "I'm not short of money."

The girl's expression darkened when she saw the gold coin, and then she said in a deep voice: "As long as you win, I will let you dispose of it!"

Hermione and the others all laughed. They didn't think this girl had won Bai Yu, and Bai Yu sighed and said: "Strange person, but it's okay... Lucifer

Call Erina and the others down.

"it is good!"

After Lucifer went upstairs, the girl's face changed slightly, and she said in a deep voice, "Erina? Nakiri Erina?!"

"Huh? You know me?"

As soon as Erina and the others went downstairs, they saw a girl in military uniform calling their name, the girl in military uniform was also stunned, with a bad feeling, Bai Yu said lazily: "This guest wants to have a halberd with me. ...So I asked you to come and observe."

The five Erina's expressions changed, they all looked at the girl with idiot eyes, and the girl also felt something was wrong, Hisako said in a low voice: "Master Bai Yu, I'm still inappropriate for the selection, I'm still far from selling my calendar."

Alice883 also nodded to express the same, little Lin Long boldly raised his hand and said: "I'd better watch from the sidelines, is Xiao Taozi interested?"

"It's okay... But Xiao Taozi just finished drinking the milk tea, so I don't have much appetite to taste it. Are you really not a judge for Gentian?"

"If it's not right, if you're not interested, then Erina is left?"

Erina was taken aback and said quickly: "What do you see me doing? Didn't I come to learn cooking?! There are professional ones upstairs!"

Xiao Lin Long and the others clapped their hands and thought about it, and Xiao Lin Long ran up cheerfully, the girl already felt that something was wrong, as if she had cheated herself, "but if you say it, you can't take it back .

The girl said in a deep voice: "Nakiri Erina, the God Tongue of the Nakiri family, you should be similar, why are you here?"

"Study in the field, in the shop of Manager Bai Yu, but you are very brave, dare to eat halberds with Manager Bai Yu."

The girl said in a deep voice, "Is he very strong?"

Erina was about to speak when she saw little Lin Long galloping down, followed by three beauties, it was Klaqi, Dekla, and An, the three first-class executives were all there.

When the girl saw these three people, her face immediately changed, as if she really cheated herself...

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