People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 760 Shaqi’S Respect, She Suddenly Raises Her Head And Is Still A Stranger (Please Subscribe~

Shaqi is a talented cook, but her cooking is military cooking, in other words, she uses various weapons as kitchen utensils. Her purpose of becoming a late-night cook is no longer important

However, Shaqi is a proud girl. Whether it is her appearance, figure, or her cooking skills, she feels that she is a unique genius.

However, although she is a late-night cook, she has never done anything harmful. She just wants to prove herself constantly and satisfy her arrogance.

Until one day, Shaqi was defeated by a person named Caibo Chaoyang, and her arrogance was like a ridiculous joke.

But Shaqi also has a new goal, which is to follow in the footsteps of that person named Caibo Chaoyang. This is the only person who completely defeated her. Shaqi is very fond of Caibo Chaoyang, the "630" worship and respect.

But that's all, just like a benchmark or an idol, it has not risen to the level of love, but this is also the first man Shaqi respects.

But on a certain day, Saiba Chaoyang gathered a group of late-night chefs together, saying that Nakiri Mana's God's Tongue was easily cured by a chef, who was also called the strongest chef by Nakiri Mana.

Shaqi said with disdain on the spot that it was because Cai Bo Chaoyang didn't make a move. To her, she felt that she was the second strongest in the world. If Cai Bo Chaoyang defeated herself, then Cai Bo Chaoyang would be the strongest in the world. strong cook.

But right after Shaqi got off the plane, she didn't look for work, nor did she look for a hotel, she just wandered around, carrying her own chainsaw, their identities, they could hire a private jet.

Shaqi looked at the bustling and bustling streets, and suddenly felt a little dazed. Maybe all human beings are like this. At a certain moment, they were submerged in the crowd, walking against the crowd or drifting with the crowd, alone.

Walking in an unfamiliar city, looking at the lively scene, I don't know when the noise around me seems to have nothing to do with me, it becomes more and more blurred and quieter.

When Meng raised his head, he found that the crowd was still the crowd, but they had changed from batch to batch. The only thing that remained the same was that he was still an outsider in this city. With a sigh of relief, everything around him still has nothing to do with him.

Continue to step on the strange land, listen to the frolicking that has nothing to do with me, feel the bright lights of the shop, or because of the tavern's changing glasses, laughing and complaining, or want to relax freely when shopping, in general, I am just Just one of them.

Just walking silently like this, when I suddenly raised my head, I found that the crowds around me were slowly thinning out. In a strange city, the night had already fallen, bleak, deserted, and helplessness came to my heart

Accompanying me is only the ever-changing soft street lamp.

Shaqi came to the end of this busiest street in such a trance, no matter how prosperous this place is, it has nothing to do with her, whether it is the identity of a foreigner or the identity of a late-night cook.

Shaqi suddenly saw a dark street on one side, and for some reason Shaqi just felt that she should walk in, or felt that there would be something extraordinary in this street.

The street is very dark, there are no street lights, and there is no one, but there is no sense of terror, but only a feeling of peace and peace of mind, as if this street is the darkness itself.

Quiet, dark, and lifeless, but this bit of life is just supplemented by the lights, noise and a little smoke of the busiest street next door.

"Huh? What kind of place is this? Is it the most deserted street next to the busiest street? But it feels better here...the ground is also clean.

While walking forward while talking to herself, Shaqi suddenly saw a store with lights on in the distance. She didn't know what store would open in such a deserted street.

She didn't know what kind of store it was, because there was no sign on the door, but what she didn't expect was that her mission would end so quickly. As Caibo Chaoyang said, they were all interesting people, so it was natural to find that one. funny chef.

Shaqi's mood is very complicated now, because she knows what the difference in strength is. Bai Yu's powerful strength is not to mention her own. She knows very well that ten talents tied together are not Bai Yu's opponent.

When she knew that Bai Yu could cook any dish, Shaqi's arrogance completely shattered, and her awe of Caibo Chaoyang also shattered. Bai Yu's strength made her not even have the courage to chase after her..

In addition, Bai Yu's conditions are much better than Caibo Chaoyang's. The most important thing is that Bai Yu doesn't care about his identity as a late-night cook, but treats her as a guest, which makes Shaqi treat Bai Yu very well. Extra curious.

Just as I was thinking about it, I saw Yuko Ichihara stretching her waist and said, "The painting is finished! Lucifer! Look, how about it?"

"Oh! These two sets belong to you and Bai Yu, right? What about mine?"

"I haven't started drawing yet, isn't it to see that you also have drawing cells and then let you follow the design together."

"Hmm! That sounds reliable!"

The two of them got together and discussed without writing, which made Hermione, who had already finished eating, look forward to it. She was still a little girl, but what she really yearned for was the figure and temperament of these two people.

At such a young age, the little girl imagined how beautiful and charming she would become in the future, not to mention these two powerful beauties.

Hermione was naturally looking forward to it, and when she was looking hard, she saw the door light up, and the next moment she saw Yakumo Zi and Yakumo Blue walking in.

Yakumo Zi stretched her waist and said, "Well, I'm really exhausted, Lan! I'm exhausted!"

Yakumo Lan sighed, Yakumo Zi was indeed at work, but still did not forget to give it to her, Yakumo Zi saw Hermione at a glance, and the next moment she smiled and said: "Ah, so cute Little girl."

"Hi 4.2, ma'am, I'm Hermione Granger."

"Hmm, it's really cute, eh? Lucifer, where's Mr. Store Manager? We're starving to death.

Lucifer pointed to the kitchen and didn't speak, Yakumo Zijue looked puzzled, what are these two talking about so vigorously, and the relationship between these two people is still very good, so Yakumo Zijue moved over.

"Oh! This dress looks good! It's a couple outfit."

"Looks good, I designed it!"

"As expected of Yuko."

"Of course, come and give me some advice. I think there should be some decorations, but Lucifer insists on pure black."

"We also think it needs to be well-decorated."


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