People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 8 Shanks, Riven (Please Collect!!!)

Bai Yu sat until the sun rose and didn't see any new customers. He stretched his waist and said, "It really depends on repeat customers~"

Walking to the door and looking at the gradually brighter colors in the sky, Bai Yu closed his eyes and took a deep breath, closed the door and was about to turn around when he heard the sound of the door opening, followed by a man's voice.

"Is this a restaurant?!"

Bai Yu turned his head and saw a man with a strong body holding a long sword in his hand. Out of his own strength, Bai Yu can be sure that this is a guy who is very good at fighting.

Bai Yu nodded and said, "That's right, do you want something to eat?"

The man laughed twice and said, "I really didn't expect to come to this place after waking up and wanting a drink. Boss, what do you eat here?"

Bai Yu smiled and said, "As long as there are ingredients, you can make anything."

The man was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "It seems that you are right, give me meat and wine!"

Bai Yu nodded and walked into the kitchen, then said to him, "What kind of wine do you want? Strong or fragrant, or one that strengthens the stomach and nourishes the body?"

The man scratched his head and said, "Then give me the most fragrant wine! Try to make it as strong as possible, otherwise it will be soft!"

Bai Yu walked into the kitchen again. The man looked at the environment of the store, nodded and said, "It's clean and warm, it smells like a Makino's shop~ not bad~"

The man waited silently. For the diners, waiting is often the most tormenting and the happiest. Gradually, a strong fragrance came over, and the man stood there for a while, then pulled his neck and smelled it. The fragrance was of meat. Fragrant, and very tasty meat!

While the man was thinking about what kind of animal meat it was, a large plate and a wine jug were placed in front of him, on which were neatly spread large slices of meat. Garlic paste and chili oil were responsible for coloring the meat , and the onion and ginger on top make the dish more gorgeous.

Bai Yu said with a smile: "I don't know why you always order meat or soup when ordering, but considering your body shape, you should be considered the kind of person who can eat it, so I made this white meat with garlic paste for you."

The man was taken aback, and just about to say something, Bai Yu returned to the kitchen when he came out this time with an extra casserole in his hand, put it on the table and said, "If you drink in the morning, it's better to have some porridge, so why don't you hurry up?" use~"

The man looked at the casserole with the lid in front of him, reached out to touch it, and then retracted it because it was hot, and then he picked up the lid directly. There was a poached egg on top of the crystal clear rice porridge, and a few sesame seeds on it. The position of the egg yolk is very simple.

The man glanced at Bai Yu who was sitting at the counter reading a magazine and said with a smile: "Boss! No one has given me a bowl of porridge while I'm drinking for many years!"

Bai Yu just smiled and didn't speak. The man picked up the chopsticks and grew a piece of meat. The smell of garlic and meat, plus a little spicy taste, directly opened up the man's taste buds.


Letting out a sigh of relief, the man started his own meal journey. He didn't know if it was because the meat was too fragrant. The man didn't remember that there was wine until he ate halfway. Put the cup directly to the spout and drink it.

"Good wine!"

Hearing the admiration from the man, Bai Yu nodded, and the restaurant could only hear the man's voice of admiration and emotion. When the last sip of wine was finished, the man looked at the few slices of meat left and picked it up. The casserole in front of me is porridge and meat.

"Phew... happy... Boss! You are really amazing! This wine will definitely make a lot of money if you sell it!"

Bai Yu said softly: "My shop, those who are destined, come to my shop, and those who are destined, please taste my wine."

The man nodded and suddenly thought of something and said: "Boss, this is not the sea, I don't smell the sea~"

Bai Yu said softly while taking down the tableware: "That's right, and this world is different from your original world~"

"Is this where the predestined ones come?"

"I guess~"

The man rubbed his head and said, "It's such an amazing place, boss, can we use the money there?"

"Nature, minerals, jewels, rare ingredients, rare specialties, anything that can be traded~"

The man nodded, then took out a large bag of money from behind and put it on the table, then walked to the door and said, "Boss, can you still come here? If possible, I want to bring some friends."

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Welcome to visit next time. It would be nice to have a few more customers. By the way, it seems that your money has increased a lot. Here is it for you!"

Said Bai Yu returned to the kitchen, and when he came out, he threw two wine jugs at him. It was the same wine that the man drank before, and the man did not refuse. He opened the door and looked in front of him. A soft white, he smelled the sea breeze.

When the man stepped into the door with one foot, he shouted to Bai Yu: "The store manager! If you have a chance to come to our place in the future, come to the great route to find the red-haired Shanks!"

"Next time I will bring our ingredients. To be honest, the store manager, you don't have enough meat~ you can't eat enough~ hahaha!"

After speaking, the man disappeared into the door, Bai Yu opened the store door, not a white light, but the same street as before, still empty and deserted.

Bai Yu weighed the purse, finally smiled and said, "It seems that I earned a bit too much~"

"That man is strong."

Bai Yu turned around in a daze and saw the girl leaning on the stairs, Bai Yu said with a smile: "It seems that I have sobered up~ It's really amazing, such strong wine can sober up so quickly, what do you want to eat? "

The girl sat on the seat and thought for a while and said, "Meat and porridge."

Bai Yu just glanced at her with a smile, obviously she saw the whole process just now, that's why there was this result, half an hour later, the girl whispered while eating the meat: "My sword is in your hands There?"

Bai Yu took out the sword from the counter, took it to the girl's side with one hand and said, "It's quite heavy~ I didn't expect you to be so strong~"

The girl was obviously a little shocked. Did she know what happened to her sword? This man actually picked it up with one hand? Something.

The girl thought of something and said in a deep voice, "This is another world?"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "That's right~ a world that is much more peaceful than yours."

The girl was silent, and after a long time, Cai said softly while eating: "I didn't expect such a place to exist... What's your name?"

"Bai Yu."

The girl nodded and fell silent again. After a long time, she put down the clean plates and casserole, took out a gem and put it on the table, picked up the sword, and was about to leave.

Bai Yu sighed and said, "Wait~"

"I don't know why, but you always like to pay a lot more than the original price for meals. Is your world so outrageous? Nong! This is for you!"

The girl froze and turned around and reached out to catch the thing Bai Yu threw. After a careful look, she showed a slight smile. It was a backpack. The girl didn't know what was in it, but she could hear the sound of water sloshing.

The girl opened the door, hesitated for a while and then said softly: "Riven...thank you..."

After saying that, they disappeared, Bai Yu sighed and said, "It's true that everyone is rich~"

Said that Bai Yu put the gemstone in his hand on the counter, and then a mechanical voice in Bai Yu's mind said: "The specialty gemstones of Runeterra have no special energy and high purity, which can be converted into 130 million .”

Bai Yu shook his head with a smile and said, "Let's convert it~"

"Please wait..."

all please! ! ! ! ! ! !

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