People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 798 Lucifer Who Protects The Shortcoming, Old Bone! Danger! (Please Subscribe~)

At this time, Kushina was sitting quietly beside Uzumaki Mito and listening to Uzumaki Mito talk about Bai Yu, Kushina was also surprised from time to time.

"Eh? As expected of Tsunade-san's lover, she's really amazing!"

Uzumaki Mito said with a smile: "It can be seen that he prefers a more stable life than fighting and killing. Of course, normal people should think so.

"Grandma Mito, sister Tsunade's lover...Ah! That Bai Yu big brother, is he Konoha's ninja?"

"No, he's not, and he doesn't belong to any village."


Kushina was taken aback. If he didn't belong to any village, he would be an idle ninja? Or was he forced to leave because of something else? Thinking of this, Kushina became even more curious.

But Uzumaki Mito didn't show the slightest sign of wanting to say something, so he said softly: "I'll wait for your sister Tsunade to tell you this question when she comes back."

"Huh? Oh..."

Uzumaki Mito suddenly thought of something and said with a smile: "That's it, it's getting late, you can go to your sister Tsunade's room. 627"

"Okay! Eh? But... Where does Tsunade-san live? She doesn't mind..."

Uzumaki Mito shook his head and said: "She has moved to Bai Yu's room a long time ago, and her room with Bai Yu's is diagonally opposite to her original room, so you can take care of her, there is a red carpet in front of her door .”

"Hmm...Eh?! Is Tsunade sister living with Bai Yu big brother already?!"

Uzumaki Mito nodded without denying it, and Kushina looked at Uzumaki Mito in surprise, Uzumaki Mito said with a smile: "Because both Tsunade and Nawaki have learned cooking from Bai Yu, there are still a lot of ingredients at home. "

"Huh?! That's great! I'll leave the dinner to Grandma Mito!"

"Huh? Kushina, can you still cook?"


Uzumaki Mito sighed after Kushina ran away, she naturally knew why Kushina was selected, her physical condition is much better now, Kushina can only be happy for a few more years.

"The fate of the Uzumaki clan... oh..."

On the other side, Kushina found (acef) the room according to Uzumaki Mito's prompt, and was stunned when he opened the door. It can be said that it is fully equipped, but some daily necessities have been taken away.

"Is this the Tsunade sister's former room? It's very clean..."

Putting her package on the table, Kushina first went to the bathroom to wash her face, looked at herself in the mirror, and said with her fists clenched: "Be sure to become stronger! The strongest!"

"Let's cook first..."

Saying that, Jiu Xinna turned around and walked out, but she remembered something as soon as she went out, and glanced diagonally across from herself, and then she was surprised to find that there were two rooms diagonally across.

"Which room is Tsunade-san's room?"

Kushina scratched her head and took a look. When she opened the door, she saw two pillows on a bed. Kushina immediately knew which room belonged to Tsunade.

Delivered to the door and slipped away.

Tsunade on the other side is also rushing back as Uzumaki Mito said, and she now knows some bad news.

"Chhh... a long time must be divided... It seems that something is going to happen in the past few years."

Tsunade stepped on the branch and jumped forward, but after jumping for a long time, Tsunade stopped, and said with some doubts: "It's not right... it really is not right, if it's at home... 呵..."

Speaking of this, Tsunade frowned and rushed towards Konoha at full speed. If there is no accident, she should be able to go to Konoha tomorrow morning. She plans to go to Sandai to ask first.

Of course, it would be another matter if Hiruzaru Sarutobi called her over directly, and she was more willing to believe that it was not what she thought.

The night fell quietly, and I don't know if it was because Tsunade's bed was much bigger than his own small bed at that time, or because it had a faint fragrance, Kushina quickly fell asleep.

"Nine-tailed go to the entrance of the village, if you see Tsunade coming back at night...let her come to me tomorrow morning, and if she comes back tomorrow, let her come and see me immediately."


This kind of thing Sarutobi Hiruza would not be handed over to Anbu or something, just call a bodyguard. The Tsunade here is still rushing back, she knows that she will not be able to go to Bai Yu today. over there.

Lucifer here also told Bai Yu that something major happened to Tsunade and it had nothing to do with her, except that he might not be able to come today.

Bai Yu didn't say anything, after all, this is a normal thing, Lucifer said with a smile: "Tsunade also shared some user feedback, she said that the formula of Bingliang Wan you provided is much more delicious than the original one, it is energy A little less."

"This is inevitable. After all, we focus on nutritional balance, so there is not so much natural energy, but it would be nice to bring more, wouldn't it?"

Lucifer also said with some concern: "That's what you said, but it seems that Tsunade still has some problems..."


Lucifer narrowed his eyes and said, "Let's see if Tsunade can help, if you really need help... I haven't used magic for a long time!"

"You really are short-sighted."

Lucifer said angrily, "But you didn't mean to stop me."

"Because it just so happens that I am also a person who protects my weaknesses."

Lucifer smiled and said, "It can be seen, eh? When did Momonga bring Albedo here?"

"'s probably tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but if it's's really too lively."

"Tomorrow... I wouldn't have noticed unless you told me! Too many people will come tomorrow!"

Bai Yu said helplessly: "It doesn't matter, I'm a little worried that if the flying squirrel comes over, if Miss Lingmeng and the others come too... Miss Lingmeng won't just get rid of the flying squirrel..."

Lucifer was also taken aback, and said a little nervously: "No way...Zi will tell Reimu...she really doesn't know, Lan still dare not speak...Youxiang doesn't seem to go out... ...The flying squirrel is dangerous!"

"You just watch the show by default?"

"Huh? Am I in charge?"


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