People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 803 Chifuyu Orimura, Who Went To Buy Books, Della Is In Action (Please Subscribe~)

Izaya Sakuya was dealing with work in an orderly manner, and her eldest lady had already gone to rest. After all, it was quite difficult for a vampire to show his energy during the day.

When Sakuya Izayo was dealing with work, something happened that Sakuya Izayo didn't even notice, that is, someone slipped in again to "borrow" books.

But these are also normal, and there are still some trivial things to do now, and there are important things to discuss at night, so she doesn't have time to take care of so much.

On the other side, Nami and the others also bid farewell to Bai Yu and set off. Nami tied up her hair and used the leather case that Bai Yu bought before. She is still very precious.

Bai Yu looked at the time and was a little lazy, because after all, he didn't have any guests last night, so he was very relaxed, and he had a rest.

Bai Yu planned to go to the basketball court today, and Lucifer and the others had to follow, saying that he was worried about going out with that unscrupulous uncle Chu Jianquan.

But when I found out that I was going to play with Kise Ryota and the others, I didn't say anything. Those boys, Lucifer and the others, were still very fond of them, they lived a healthy life, and they were all students.

It is precisely because of this that no one followed Lucifer, because if Bai Yu played with them, wouldn’t it affect his interest if he went by himself? Besides, what are they going to do? Give dog food to basketball players who are still high school students ?

Bai Yu was about to get up when the phone rang, glanced at the caller and smiled and said: "Ryota, you won't tell me that you will already be in Tokyo by this time.

"Well, it's better not to..."

"Because I haven't washed and changed my clothes yet, but it's very convenient here. Who are you referring to?"

"Eh? Why is he in Tokyo? He's not in..."

"Come here to buy seasonal snacks? Arrived yesterday? Huh? Have you come several times?"

"He is really outrageous. I guess he wants to win the championship and come to the store again. It's his style. Seiichiro probably doesn't have time to come and Daiki... Where's Tetsuya?"

"Uh...don't worry, Wuyue will think of him, so let's talk about it after meeting Dun."

"As long as you're tall enough, you can try to steal his delicious stick."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, I'll change clothes and see you later, Dahui dribbled the ball, right?"

After Bai Yu hung up, he twisted his neck and said lazily: "These brats are really more interesting than the other, eh? I seem to have forgotten to ask Shintaro if he will go, I haven't seen that guy for a long time. "

After Bai Yu changed his clothes, washed and set off, the moment the store door closed, a girl in hell with a cigarette in each hand swaggered out of Lucifer's office.

"Ha! Pandermonica is not here, Cerberus is not here, Metis is not here, Lord Justice is not here, and even the boss is not here, this is so interesting!"

"Let me's impossible to go to the sky. If you calculate it like this...the world? They actually went to the world?! Destruction?! Hey! These guys naturally

"Wait... how should I get out with the Lord Judge here? And Marina, the unlucky child..."

Zdellada thought for a while before grinning, and said with a smile: "I seem to know... In this case... just let the judge go out! Hahahaha! Oh! (Hell swear words)( hell swear) this smoke actually burned my hand!"

"You really understand me..."

While hell is planning something terrible, the IS academy on the other side is also extremely deserted at this time, because today is the weekend, and the students are either catching up on sleep or running out to play.

And Orimura Chifuyu (acdf), who is a teacher, is not in school. At this time, Orimura Chifuyu is wearing a pair of jeans. The perfect slender legs make women envious. She wears a black slim vest and a white overalls The jacket has a button at the end with a corner.

Orimura Chifuyu's figure can already be said to be one of the pinnacles of women, coupled with that exquisite appearance, a head of jet black and smooth long hair, instantly crushing all supermodels, and directly turning heads.

"Huh? I remember there was a bookstore near here...."

Orimura Chifuyu came to buy books, of course not for her to read, but for Bai Yu, every time she went to Bai Yu's place, she would bring some books for Bai Yu, she didn't know what to give Bai Yu

Orimura Chifuyu knew that most of the books in their world were different from those in Bai Yu's world, and she would bring a few books to Bai Yu every time she came.

"found it...."

"Yo! Orimura-san is here to buy books again!"

Orimura Chifuyu nodded, and the store manager said with a smile: "This is time to see my boyfriend again, it's really affectionate, I must have a good temperament if I like reading books!"

Orimura Chifuyu often comes to buy books, and the store manager is quite familiar with her. Orimura Chifuyu is in a good mood and she is also a regular customer. She smiled and said: "Well, indeed, she has a good temperament, but she is no longer her boyfriend. gone."

"Huh? This is..."


The store manager suddenly said: "Oh! Is this an engagement?"


"Congratulations! Miss Orimura, what books do you want to buy today?"

"It's more you have a picture album or something?"

"That's right! I just entered a batch of albums of world famous paintings yesterday morning! It's a collector's edition, and many art students like it very much.

Orimura Chifuyu nodded and said, "How many more?"

"Ten books..."

"Give me two first, and I'll read other books..."

"Okay! You pick it up first, and I'll get you books from the back."

It took Orimura Chifuyu all morning to pick out these two albums, a total of ten books. When paying, the store manager said that it would be congratulations, and gave a 20% discount.

"Hmm...there's still one more afternoon to go...find a place to eat..."

What Orimura Chifuyu didn't realize was that not long after she left, a girl with light blue short hair in a cafe opposite was slightly stunned and said in doubt: "Eh? Orimura-sensei? What are you doing buying so many books?" ?"

Saying that, the girl got up and followed. She felt as if she had discovered something extraordinary, but what she didn't expect was that she not only discovered something extraordinary, but also subverted the entire worldview...

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