People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 810 The Successor, My Wife Yuno, The Approval Of Zeus (Please Subscribe~)

The moonlight at this time is still beautiful, a thin cloud drifts by, and a few stars are dotted and concentrated, which is indescribably beautiful.

At this moment, on one of the roofs, there is such a picture, that is, a young man is lying quietly on the roof, his face is a little dark, and on the other side is also an exquisite cherry-colored beautiful girl lying on his side.

After a long time, the girl sat up slowly, looked at the motionless young man, smiled and said softly: "Amano-san... I really haven't lied to you, not even a single word. "

"This is really orange juice! I didn't fool you."

"I really didn't take the initiative!"

This sentence looks very strange, but in fact there is nothing wrong with every sentence. She really said that the orange juice in her hand was poisoned by Wuye Xuehui herself.

And I didn't do it myself, the "Four Five Seven" matter can be seen at the end, she was chatting with Amano Xuehui, but Amano Xuehui actually made up so many things by himself, and finally committed suicide.

Glancing at the time, he smiled and said, "Well, it should be said that Future Diary is really amazing, it happens to be 23:20."

"Amano-san, I'm sorry... I can't hold another person in my heart anymore..."

My wife Yuno showed a strange smile as she spoke, humming a song silently with her mobile phone, and I don't know how long it has passed, and a vortex appeared in the air.

"Ah la looks very atmospheric..."

The vortex was getting bigger and bigger, and at the end half of the sky turned into pitch black. My wife Yuno was still very calm, she was surprised to find that she didn't seem to know the feeling of anticipation.

Because it is inevitable for her to become a god, this started from the moment Amano Xuehui took the bait, but my wife Yuno has been suppressing her excitement and excitement.

Suppressing, suppressing, suppressing things that were taken for granted, until the end, she didn't feel that she needed to be excited anymore, but this made her feel extra relaxed.

"Hmmm... this is... eh? What is this thing? What is this silk-like thing?"

"It's time..."

Hearing this sentence, my wife Yuno was taken aback for a moment, looked up and saw that she had come to a purple room, she was too familiar with this hall, this is where the god is, that is, Zeus.

My wife Yuno looked around and saw a little girl floating down and said with a smile: "Hahaha! But you are really there, I never thought that it would be you who became a god in the end.

"Eh? So this one is pre-selected?"

"Hahaha! Of course not! You can just wait in peace! Zeus!"

After the girl finished speaking, she saw a throne made of huge stones and machines. Suddenly, a man with a strange shape appeared sitting on the throne, and a bunch of cracks appeared on his machine-like face.

"2nd! My wife Yuno!"

"It's me! We meet again! Zeus!"

Seeing my wife Yuno full of vitality, the girl on the side was also a little surprised, Zeus said softly: "My wife Yuno, I didn't expect you to turn the whole game into your own puppet..."

"Made you angry?"

After staring at my wife Yuno for a while, Zeus said in a deep voice: " make me very pleased! After all kinds of human natures have been wiped out, you can actually use the most fragile things of human beings as weapons! Wonderful! Bravo!"

"The most precious weapon? Feelings? That's not a weapon..."


My wife Yuno said suspiciously: "Eh? Aren't you going to die soon? Is it really okay to waste time like this?"

"No need to worry! There is an hour left before I am completely dead...."

My wife Yuno said with a sigh of relief: "Emotions are not the most precious weapon of human beings, but the most precious treasure. If you want to say what is the most precious weapon... the human heart?

"People's hearts? People's hearts..."

The girl looked indifferently and looked at the two of them. After Zeus muttered for a while, he suddenly froze for a moment, and then...

"Hahaha! My wife Yuno! 2nd! You are worthy of being the final winner! Between life and death and human nature, you actually think about people's hearts in reverse?! Excellent! Very excellent!

"Thank you, many people have said so before."

Zeus smiled and said, "You seem to have a lover?"

Speaking of this, my wife Yuno rubbed her cheek with one hand, blushed and said softly: "Ah! Yes! I have someone I love! I have to become a god to be qualified to stand by his side

"Hahaha! The 2nd who manipulates people's hearts is also a guy who understands his own heart in the end!"

"I don't deny it! Because...Zeus, have you ever heard a word?"


Zeus is very satisfied with this successor. Humanity, rationality, sensibility, wisdom, and xinxing all stand out among all the players [Mino Xuehui made him a little lost in the end. ..

"A woman's heart, a sea needle..."

"Hahahaha! Wonderful! Wonderful! That's right! That's right! It's basically the women who surprised me throughout the game! Very good! Very good!"

My wife Yuno smiled and said, "Zeus, I have a question I really want to know."

"Isn't God's time infinite? And you are the God of all time and space, so why did you die?"

Zeus said in a deep voice: "Valuable question, 2nd, no... successor! You really are an excellent existence! There are few truly infinite things in the world, manipulating time, even if I can control all time! Past! Present! Future! Every life! Non-life!

"I can even manipulate planets and the universe! Because the basic composition of the universe is simple time, simple space, and simple matter! I have mastered two

"Everything is borne by me! I don't know how long I have been 5.7, for any life! I am an infinite being! But as I said, time passes and space dies! And I ! Shared the time I have mastered everywhere!"

"But... the price is my downfall! Even so, I am older than any known civilization! In a human lifetime! I am infinite!"

My wife Yuno suddenly said: "Oh! In this way, time and space are the hourglass in your hand. You can manipulate it to flow upside down, or you can break the hourglass and recast it, but if you let it go, it will decay naturally."

"Wonderful! Excellent! Excellent! I am very relieved to have you as my successor!"

"I'm honored...and looking forward~"

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