People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 818 My Wife Yuno Becomes A God, Yuno Of Muyou Mulu Mulu (Please Subscribe~)

My wife Yuno looked at Zeus who was slowly disappearing, and there was still no expression on her face. After looking at my wife Yuno for a long time, Zeus said in a deep voice: "Successor, you will be the real god from the moment I completely disappear!"

"Zeus, I have two last questions for you."


My wife Yuno thought for a moment and said, "I want to know, can I leave this palace and go somewhere else?"

"Of course, you don't need to worry about this, I'm just used to staying here, but you'd better come back and take a look when you find time."

My wife Yuno nodded and then smiled and said, "The second question is, if I become a god, what should I do? Just stay here?"

"That's right, you just need to stay. When there is collapse, you can choose whether to take action or not, but it's all about cause and effect. It's better to do something good.

My wife Yuno thought for a while and said, "That is to say, I can just do nothing and go back to school or live in the crowd?"

"Yes...but it's better for Mulu Mulu not to leave, although it doesn't matter if you leave...but it's better to have someone stay here than 533."

My wife Yuno thought for a while and said, "Then... Murumu, please give me your advice!"

"OK! I'm a professional servant!"

After all, Zeus is not a human being. Zeus nodded and slowly disappeared in place, leaving only an empty throne. My wife Yuno stretched out her hand and shook it, and then saw the space in her hand tremble slightly twice.

"Huh? Space is fun..."

Mulu Mulu said with a smile: "It's fun! It would be very interesting if you can figure out time and space!"

"Huh? How do you say it?"

Mulu Mulu said with a smile: "For example, if you can travel to another time and space, you are still a god, but you can play this survival game again!"

"Or you can travel to a second-week world, solve yourself in that world, or change your destiny, and then jump to the third-week world to experience life

In general, if time and space are understood, the fate of everyone is in the palm of your hand!"

My wife Yuno thought for a while and said: "Eh? Isn't that (acbi) very interesting? Then if I put the dead people in different worlds with different fates, only my wife Yuno who only killed other time and space What would happen if?"

"Um... this ah... probably just change to a 2nd one, this one will be arranged by the gods, and it's pretty interesting in general, do you want to play it? It's another survival game ?”

Seeing the look of anticipation in Mulu Mulu's eyes, my wife Yuno smiled and said: "There will be no such thing as a survival game, no matter in any time and space, there will be no more my wife Yuno as 2nd, and I am very tired now, I want to experience a normal life for a while.”

"That's not bad..."

My wife Yuno suddenly thought of something and said with a smile: "Hey, Mulu Mulu, let's make an agreement, then we will have a lot of fun.

"Eh?! Really?! What is it!"

My wife Yuno thought for a while and said: "It means that my current time is equivalent to an infinite existence, because I won't meddle in business like Zeus...I want to say how about a shift system?"

"Shift change? But I can't be alone in the world for too long!"

My wife Yuno shook her head and said: "No, no, I mean, we both go out, but every year, you have to come back here to watch for ten years, and every five hundred years, I will go out with you You can come and see for a few years together and then go out."

"Eh?! Really?! You can go out for so long! But Yuno, why do you want to live for five hundred years? Although five hundred years is very fast, but what is the meaning of five hundred years?"

"I just want to witness the rise and fall of history, and then when it reappears, I will feel the changes of the times. The same is true for you, Mulu Mulu."

Mulu Mulu nodded after thinking for a while, and then said in doubt: "But Yuno, what should I use when I go out?"


"You can experience the feeling of working part-time. Hey, your time is also unlimited. Maybe when the time comes, the money you earn from working part-time is enough to start a company, and then slowly annex it and become the number one in the world! "

"Eh?! Is this still possible?!"

My wife Yuno nodded and said: "Of course, when the time comes, you can still look at the development plan and business policies when you are in the hall, and tell you, the human heart is very powerful, especially for entrepreneurs, that is not very good What you do, all kinds of mental methods, are more exciting than survival games!"

"Eh?! This is good! This is good! At that time, you can build an eternal business empire! You can also let the company deliberately have an economic crisis and then save it back...It's so exciting!" (My wife Yuno: I feel I can become a rich woman not because I am a god, but because my servant is too good at making money.)

After discussing with my wife Yuno for a while, my wife Yuno took Mulu Mulu back, threw the house key and Yuki Amano's key to Mulu Muru and said: "Then it's like this Hey, you can live in these two houses by yourself, and you can solve the status and so on by yourself."

"of course can!"

"Well! Then this is... the money we got during the survival game, I will leave 70% for you, and I will use the rest as travel expenses. Mulu Mulu, remember not to hurt people, and treat yourself as a human being Do you understand?"

"OK! Yuno! You are so kind! You left me so much money! Before you return to the main hall next time, I must have a company of our own!"

"Okay! I'm optimistic about you! Then I'm going to start my round-the-world trek! Mulu Mulu! Remember to go back and inspect regularly. If you have any questions, you can contact me, and then... If you start a company, During those ten years of guarding, you can develop a few cronies, or show up regularly, organize documents and the like.

Mulu Mulu nodded and said, "Don't worry! It's absolutely fine! I'm a servant of God!"

"Hmm! It's really reliable~"

"Hee hee~"

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