People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 822: My Wife Yuno Who Is Going To School, Albedo Is Here (Please Subscribe~)

My wife Yuno was dragged upstairs by Lucifer in this way, the purpose was naturally to find her a room and get to know other people, but before that Lucifer had to talk to my wife Yuno.

My wife Yuno looked at Lucifer who was sitting on the chair, and stood aside somewhat cautiously, Lucifer said with a smile: "Okay, you are the God of time and space, you should be more confident, come and sit."

My wife Yuno nodded and walked over, Lucifer said with a smile: "You should be the only one who can have a special relationship with Tsunade and Yuko compared to Bai Yu."

"Eh? Tsunade? And Miss Yuko..."

" should be called Yuko-sister or Yuko-sister.

My wife Yuno nodded with joy, and said in a low voice: "Sister Yuko and sister Tsunade, do you have any special experiences with Bai Yudian Yuyu?"

After Lucifer talked about it, my wife Yuno also said in a daze: "Yuko-san, Tsunade-san and Bai Yu have a deep relationship, and it's an inseparable emotion."

"Don't talk about that first, Yuno, let me ask you, you should be in high school."

"Ah...aside from the duration of the survival game, I should be in high school by now.

"How's the result?"

My wife Yuno said with some pride: "My grades have always been one of the best. Now that I have become the God of Time and Space, I also have the wisdom of God, so my grades must be very good."

Lucifer nodded and said, "That's great, Yuno, you've already confirmed that you're staying here, right?"

"Well! Bai Yu accepted me, and my sisters can accept me too. I will definitely seize the opportunity and take good care of my second water glass! No one can destroy it! Otherwise, I will definitely not let him go !" (Doctor Ying, Chu Jianquan and others: Hiss...not so not so!)

Lucifer smiled and said: "You are very similar to Medis, she is also like this, anyone who wants to spoil Bai Yu will be beaten to death with a hammer`

"Sister Medis did the right thing!"

"Okay, okay, they are just going out to have fun. After a while, I will take you to find a room, and then pull you into the group. They haven't rested at this time, so we can meet for a while.


After thinking for a while, Lucifer said softly: "Yuno, we basically have our own things to do every day, you could have followed us, but you are still a student after all, so I plan to let you go to school."

"Eh? Okay, I really want to try high school too! But which high school should I go to... I haven't been to junior high school here either."

Lucifer coughed lightly and said, "Let's talk about it first, Yuno, do you want to focus on sports or comprehensive?"

"Of course it's integrated!"

Lucifer thought for a while and said: "The first high school is Huangying Women's Academy, which is also run by our sisters. Xiaoqiong goes to school in Huangying, and there are a few people who have a good relationship with our family. It's just a girls' school. "

"Oh...and then?"

"Then there is the private Hundred Flowers Academy, which is also managed by our sisters, but that can be automatically excluded, because that school is a school for madmen, and the school spirit is very strange.

"Then there is Otonokizaka High School, where our sisters go to school. The school is not as rich as Huangying Women's College, but it pays more attention to cultivating etiquette and etiquette, temperament, life and other things are very good."

"Then there is Didan High School. Needless to say, there must be our family. It's not bad, and the quality of teaching is also very good, but it's not a girls' school anymore."

"Then came Katagiri High School. Katagiri High School has the best school ethos. Everyone is eager to learn, and there are no bad guys. Xiaoqiong used to be in that school, but she preferred girls' schools and moved away. Katagiri also has regular customers in the store. He is a student, and he studies well."

"The last is Xiuzhiyuan. It is rumored that Xiuzhiyuan is the best school. It is not because it is expensive, but because it is full of children of high-ranking officials and business giants. There is nothing to say about etiquette and grades. Basically, it is the best school when it comes out. There are good prospects, and there are also children from ordinary families, each of whom has a strong intelligence and academic ability.

After Lucifer finished speaking, he looked at my wife Yuno and told her to choose one, and my wife Yuno also said with some headaches: " should I choose... I want to go to Xiuzhiin or Katagiri and Kosakura ..."

Lucifer sighed and said: "The headache is on this matter, by the way, what grade do you want to go to?"

"I....I should be in the first year of high school...but...I feel that the first year of high school is too boring?"

"Then you'll be in the second year of high school. In this case, these three schools are all good... Forget it, you can ask them for advice later, you can chat with Ziyin and the others, and then go shopping for daily necessities tomorrow." , I see you didn't bring anything with you."

My wife Yuno whispered, "I thought I couldn't make I just changed my clothes to make a good impression..."

"That's right, let's go, I'll take you to choose a room. Speaking of which, Yuno, remember, never use your abilities casually. We all try to treat ourselves as ordinary people as much as possible."

"it is good!"

The above is probably what happened before Albedo and the others came. Lucifer brought my wife Yuno around, and everyone accepted it smoothly, especially Kasuga Nokome. (Separate narratives, the order is my wife Yuno, the old bone "Xiao Weizi.)

I have been clamoring for my wife Yuno to go to Huangying to go to school. At that time (well, okay) someone will accompany her to school in the morning! My wife Yuno looked at Kasugano Qiong and was also confused

She was still a bit competitive, and wanted to challenge Xiuzhiyuan.


"Here! Momonga-sama! Are we leaving?!"

"Well! It's time to go, Albedo! Remember what I told you, otherwise you will definitely make Bai Yu feel bad.

"Yes! Albedo will keep it in mind! Thank you, Momonga-sama, for your reminder!"

Suzuki Satoru walked to the door of the main hall, put one hand on the door without saying a word, when Albedo was wondering, the door suddenly emitted a burst of white light.

"This... this... Momonga-sama!"

"Hmm! This is the door to Bai Yu's shop! Let's go!"


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